The increase in the proportion of people under 74 dying from neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s, should not be attributed to the fact that we are living longer. This is because these disorders appear more and more often earlier than before – already before the age of 55 – we read in the Public Health journal.
Of the ten Western countries analyzed, the United States performed the worst, with the percentage of deaths from neurological diseases increasing by 1979% between 2010 and 66. among men and by 92 percent. among women.
Prof. Colin Pritchard of Bournemouth University in the UK emphasizes that the cause is the interaction of many environmental and social factors.
It cannot be the result of genetic changes, because we are talking about too short a period. It is necessary to take into account the entirety of changes that have occurred over the last thirty years: the proliferation of electronic devices, non-ionizing radiation generated, among others, via mobile phones, televisions or microwave ovens; fourfold increase in road and air traffic causing environmental pollution, chemical additives in food, etc. – says prof. Pritchard.
The researcher adds that the same factors are responsible for the fact that, despite the lower mortality from cancer, they are diagnosed more and more often. More people also suffer from asthma and autoimmune diseases (PAP).
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