Neuroborreliosis is a disease that is often confused with depression and other conditions. The disease affects the nervous system and causes the nervous tissue to become inflamed. Disease symptoms vary depending on the stage of the disease. Sometimes there are emotional disorders and sometimes even anorexia. Learn more about this disease, learn about its symptoms and see how it is treated.

Neuroborreliosis – symptoms

Neuroborreliosis is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes. They enter the body through the bites of a sick tick. The nervous system may be involved immediately or after several months. Sometimes it takes several years for this to happen.

The body’s reactions may vary. It all depends on the stage of the disease and immunity.

In the first stage, there are mainly symptoms of the locomotor system. The patient complains of muscle tremors and depressive disorders, which at this time are very mild. Additionally, migratory erythema is observed in 50% of patients. In turn, in the second stage, occurring after about 4-6 weeks, there are three types of symptoms. It is at this point that the infected suffers from hypersensitivity, i.e. excessive body sensitivity to stimuli. There are also paresthesias. The skin begins to tingle and feel numb. In some cases, flaccid paresis and even muscle paralysis appear.

The second type of symptoms are those associated with progressive meningitis. As a result, the patient suffers from severe headaches and stiff neck. He also has fever, nausea and vomiting.

The third type of symptoms include encephalitis, seizures, problems with concentration and memory. A characteristic feature of the symptoms of the third type is mental dementia and character disorders. It is also at this stage that personality disorders appear.

Due to the fact that brain structures are damaged in the course of Lyme disease, the patient may be apathetic and have suicidal tendencies. There are also outbursts of anger and attacks of aggression.

Months or even years after a tick bite, Lyme disease becomes chronic. It is at this point that inflammation of the brain occurs as well as the spinal cord. The patient has difficulty walking. There are also disorders of the sphincter functions. The patient’s condition is getting more and more serious. It requires help with daily activities.

  1. Have you been bitten by a tick? Do your tick-borne tests:

Neuroborreliosis – treatment

Due to the fact that Lyme disease is very similar to other diseases, it is necessary to perform specific tests that will ensure that we are dealing with this particular disease. Its symptoms also resemble multiple sclerosis and senile dementia.

The basis for an accurate diagnosis is a carefully conducted preliminary interview. Neuroborreliosis can be confirmed by microscopic examination.

Antibiotic therapy is used to treat this complicated disease. In most cases, home therapy is possible, but at a more advanced stage, hospital treatment is recommended. Only in hospital conditions can you carefully monitor the changes taking place in the patient’s body.

Antibiotic therapy in the case of neuroborreliosis should last up to 3 months. It should be noted that this is a very serious disease which, if left untreated, can lead to death or disability.

Some herbs are said to help with symptoms of the disease. However, it is not recommended to replace classic therapy with them. Doing so can lead to serious complications. Herbs can only be an addition. The sooner we start treatment, the greater the chance of complete recovery.

The diagnosis of Lyme disease is extremely difficult. However, prevention is very important. Only by following certain rules, we will significantly reduce the likelihood of serious diseases. In the case of Lyme disease, the most important thing is to avoid ticks. Stay in wooded areas as little as possible, and use protective measures.

If we really want to visit the forest, we should dress appropriately. All sensitive areas should be covered. In the event of a tick bite, we should not try to pull it out ourselves. The best step is to contact a doctor who will do it professionally as soon as possible. Thanks to this, we will have a chance to avoid the consequences.

Neuroborreliosis must not be underestimated. Sometimes, despite treatment, symptoms remain. The most common are muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Watch out for ticks! These voivodeships have the highest number of cases of Lyme disease
  2. Mosquito, tick, spider – what to do when it bites? Quick reaction is what counts!
  3. A common mistake when pulling out a tick. The risk of infection with Lyme disease increases

Have a question about ticks or tick-borne diseases? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Ticks and Lyme disease – frequently asked questions and answers

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