Neurasthenia – how to recognize the symptoms? Causes and treatment of neurasthenia

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Neurasthenia is a very insidious disease that is difficult to diagnose. The term neurasthenia was introduced into psychiatry only in 1869. It is a type of neurosis in which the main symptom is a feeling of constant psychophysical fatigue.

Difficult diagnosis – how to recognize the symptoms of neurasthenia and distinguish it from ordinary fatigue?

Tiredness, irritability, headaches, anxiety, depressed mood – these symptoms they are not strangers to anyone. We are often overwhelmed by excess responsibilities, we do not have time to rest and sleep, we have to face many stressful situations and we are overworked – who has not experienced it in today’s crazy pace of life? In this situation fatigueor even exhaustion, problems with concentration and a lack of good mood do not make anyone suspect a serious illness.

How to distinguish symptoms of neurasthenia from ordinary fatigue and react in time? In the case of ordinary fatigue or stress, after the factor that causes them has subsided, we are able to quickly regenerate. Whereas neurastenia characterized by keeping disturbing symptoms for a long time for no apparent reason. Everyday functioning and performing even simple activities becomes very difficult. The state of psychophysical exhaustion occurs after even the slightest work is done. There are also symptoms from various systems, e.g., cardiac disorders, digestive system disorders, decreased libido. There are several different approaches to classification neurasteniiwhile in terms of symptoms we can distinguish two types of disease:

  1. with dominant increased mental fatigue – when any mental effort becomes a very big problem. It is characterized primarily by large disturbances in concentration, distraction, difficult thought process and drawing conclusions. Memory function is disturbed, thoughts often “switch off”, eg while reading;
  2. with predominantly increased physical fatigue – exhaustion occurs even after the slightest physical exertion, it is often accompanied by pain symptoms (e.g. muscle aches), no possibility of regeneration after the activity performed.

The inability to truly rest, unwind, relax and regenerate is symptom characteristic of this disease. All these troublesome ailments cause sadness, depression, helplessness and a depressed mood.

Causes and treatment of neurasthenia

One of the main ones causes neurastenii Currently considered to be severe stress, the action of which we are exposed to over a long period of time. On the physical level it is considered that neurastenia It is caused by disturbances in the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the nervous system and disturbances in the hormonal balance. The key to cure disease is to make an accurate diagnosis. It often takes quite a long time because others should be ruled out first causes chronic fatigue. Diagnosed neurasthenialike other neuroses, heals first of all, appropriate psychotherapy, during which doctors often prescribe medications to remove the nuisance symptoms (e.g., restlessness) and providing relief.

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