Nettle: health benefits and harms
The burning leaves of this plant contain twice as much ascorbic acid as blackcurrant berries! ” Healthy Food Near Me” found out what else nettle is useful for

Nettle is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains B vitamins and vitamin A, which is important for vision and skin quality. The plant itself is completely unpretentious. In the people, nettles are called “zhguchka”: when you touch the leaves, you can feel a burning sensation. This effect occurs due to formic acid and histamine in the composition. We tell you what are the benefits and harms of nettle for human health.

The history of the appearance of nettle in nutrition

Nettle grows in almost any conditions, so it is difficult to find a person who has not seen this plant. It can also be found near water bodies, in forests, in the shade and in the sun. The only places in our country where it is difficult to find nettles are the Far North and Eastern Siberia.

Among the people, nettle has traditionally been considered a remedy against evil spirits. Back in the XNUMXth century, it was hung throughout the dwelling, thus protecting itself from dark spirits. As a remedy, nettle began to be used a little later: decoctions of the leaves were made to maintain the work of the cardiovascular system in order to avoid interruptions in the heart. Nettle was also a helper in disorders of the nervous system – due to the high content of B vitamins. In nutrition, this plant was used to make soups and juices: the most popular were cabbage soup from nettle and nettle juice, mixed in equal proportions with birch sap.

The composition and calorie content of nettle

Nettle contains chlorophyll. It is useful for maintaining the health of the intestines and stomach, has a stimulating and tonic effect. It is also rich in protein of plant origin: 100 grams of the plant contains about 5 grams of protein. Nettle contains vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, K, as well as trace elements: calcium, sulfur, iron, copper, and even barium. The composition contains tannins, flavonoids that help protect the body from the effects of cancerous tumors, and essential amino acids.

That is why nettle is called a multivitamin plant. Due to its rich composition, it can be used to prevent and protect against many diseases. But above all – to support the body and protect the immune system. (one)

Nettle calories per 100 g33 kcal
Proteins4,6 g
Fats0,3 g
Carbohydrates5,2 g

The benefits of nettle

Only 20 nettle leaves provide the human body with a daily intake of vitamin A. This vitamin is good for skin, hair and nails, and helps to normalize metabolism.

Thanks to silicon and organic acids, nettle increases the body’s resistance to many diseases. These substances allow you to protect yourself from bacteria, viruses, toxins and even resist oxygen deficiency.

 – Nettle is rich in a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin C in it is several times more than in lemons, and in terms of carotene content, nettle overtakes even carrots. This natural antioxidant helps maintain eye health, improves brain function, and boosts the immune system. The plant also contains vitamins of groups B and K, and many minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and others. gastroenterologist and therapist Alexandra Yakovleva.

The chlorophyll mentioned above helps to increase the tone of the intestines and uterus, stimulate the respiratory center and granulate the affected tissues. It is thanks to chlorophyll that the plant has a wound healing ability.

In addition, nettle has a diuretic, choleretic, bactericidal and hemostatic effect. When used correctly, it can positively affect the condition of organs such as the kidneys, liver and heart.

The benefits of nettle for women

A decoction of nettle helps to restore hemoglobin levels: and women suffer from iron deficiency anemia more often. Nettle helps to reduce the symptoms of menopause: regular intake of the decoction reduces sweating and reduces the number of hot flashes.

Due to the content of phytoncides, nettle tea can reduce the rate of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. This fact has a positive effect on the work of almost all organs.

If you follow a diet and eat nettle infusion, you can lose extra pounds. Important calorie deficit, physical activity – but nettle tea helps this process to happen much faster.

The benefits of nettle for men

Nettle increases testosterone levels, increases potency and normalizes the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Nettle leaves contain substances that help prevent hair loss. If the hair is thin, they will strengthen them, relieve brittleness and section.

The benefits of nettle for children

The plant can be included in the baby’s diet after 3 years. It boosts the immune system, helps heal wounds faster, and calms the nervous system.

It is important that nettles are harvested and dried properly. It is best to buy it in pharmacies: the factories comply with all storage and packaging standards.

For children in the first stages of life, nettle tea or special baths with a decoction of the plant are suitable. Be sure to monitor the body’s reaction to nettles and consult a pediatrician in advance. It is better to include full-fledged dishes with nettle in the diet after 3 years. And give them no more than once a week: nettle has a strong effect on the blood coagulation system.

Nettle harm

Due to the high content of vitamin K, nettles can thicken the blood. If a person has increased blood clotting, he should not eat nettle decoctions or dishes from this plant.

To refrain from including nettle in the diet, from using it as a remedy is also necessary for those who suffer from nephrolithiasis, have gallstones, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

– Eating nettles for food cannot harm a healthy person. Although moderation is still worth adhering to. Abuse of the “vitamin cocktail” can lead to allergies or even an overabundance of vitamins in the body – hypervitaminosis, – adds gastroenterologist Alexandra Yakovleva.

Nettle can cause a severe allergic reaction due to formic acid on fine leaf hairs. If there is intolerance to this substance, a person may have a fever, headache and chills.

The use of nettle in medicine

As part of combination therapy, nettle infusion or tea from it is used to treat diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism and dropsy. (2) 

Despite the fact that nettle thickens the blood, it also restores it well: this, in turn, helps various organs cope with the effects of toxins. For example, nettle will be an excellent addition to the treatment of liver diseases that are not in the acute stage. The plant will also help those who often get ARVI or flu. Nettle, thanks to its expectorant action, helps to cope with phlegm and cough.

– Nettle is part of many folk recipes. And although scientific medicine is far from always on the side of traditional medicine, doctors do not dispute the benefits of nettle for the body, explains the therapist and gastroenterologist Alexandra Yakovleva. – As a decoction, it can be used for diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, anemia and metabolic disorders. Nettle has a hemostatic property, for example, in wounds or cuts. Finally, nettle often acts as an active ingredient in cosmetic products: facial masks and creams, shampoos. Nettle is used externally for wounds, bleeding, and some skin diseases. The plant has a positive effect on the structure of the hair: masks, emulsions and elixirs are made from nettle.

A decoction of the leaves is used in diabetes. It helps lower blood sugar levels thanks to secretin. The mechanism of work is quite simple: insulin is released from the pancreas into the blood, it acts on cell membranes and transfers sugar from the blood to the cells themselves. (3)

The use of nettle in cooking

Despite the fact that the nettle is quite stinging, it is widely used for cooking various dishes. Of course, they should not be included in the diet on an ongoing basis, but it is quite possible to diversify the diet. When cooked, nettle loses its sharp taste, in combination with some products it even becomes tender. And, for example, in England, beer is made from nettles. 

As for other drinks, the most popular tea or decoction from this plant. It can be prepared from both dried and fresh nettles. It is enough just to rinse the leaves well under running water and pour boiling water over them. Tea needs to be infused for 10-15 minutes: a tasty and, most importantly, healthy drink is ready!

Nettle fritters

Nettle gives fritters sourness and sets off sweetness

Nettle150 g
Egg2 piece.
Milk2-3 UF. 
Flour4 tbsp.
Vegetable oil2 tbsp.

Rinse the nettle under water and chop with a knife. Beat eggs with milk, add flour to the mixture and mix well. Pour the nettle into the dough.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan, let it warm up. Fry the pancakes over medium heat for 2-4 minutes on each side.

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Nettle cabbage soup

A quick-to-make yet nutritious nettle dish perfect for lunch or dinner

Potatoes2 piece.
Nettle250 g
Pork500 g
Greens90 g
Vegetable oil3 tbsp.
Sour cream, salt, pepper to taste

Boil the pork in 3 liters of water, remove from the pan and cut into small pieces. Return the meat back to the broth.

Cut the potatoes into medium cubes and add them to the soup. When the potatoes are soft, add greens and nettles. Boil soup with herbs for no more than 10 minutes. At the end, add vegetable oil, spices and sour cream to it.

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How to select and store nettles

Nettle leaves should not be yellow, withered, with scuffs. If they change color towards yellow, this may indicate the content of heavy metals that will be harmful to health.

Pay attention to the stalk and the length of the leaves. They should not be too long, disproportionate. Although nettles are not grown on a large scale for mass consumption, chemicals are often used for this. They accelerate growth and allow the plant to stay fresh longer.

The best places for collecting nettles are a vegetable garden and a forest strip. You should not collect nettles near the road, in the city. You need to touch the plant with gloves, carefully cutting off the shoots. (four) 

The nettle season starts in May and ends in mid-July.

You can store the plant fresh for no more than 3 days. If you need longer, it is better to rinse the nettles well, let all the water drain and send it to the refrigerator, after putting it in a container. The plant is also dried: for this, it is placed in the sun in a warm place. Dried nettles are used to make tea, infusions and various types of dishes.

Popular questions and answers 

Gastroenterologist and therapist Alexandra Yakovleva answers questions about nettles.

Who should not eat nettle?

Due to the high content of vitamin K, nettle helps to stop the bleeding. But this healing property has a downside: for people with increased blood clotting, the use of nettles can result in the formation of blood clots. In addition, people with urolithiasis should not lean on nettles: it has a diuretic effect.

Drinks or dishes from this plant are contraindicated for pregnant women. They can provoke sharp contractions of the uterus, up to a miscarriage. In addition, nettle can cause a powerful allergic reaction. And to arise both on the composition of the plant itself, and on toxic substances located in the microhairs on its stems and leaves.

Finally, the use of nettle cannot be combined with the intake of a number of medications. The extract of this plant does not combine well with some antidepressants. Nettle can negate the effect of drug therapy and negatively affect the state of the human central nervous system.

Can you get a nettle burn?

You can get a nettle burn, sometimes even with itching and blisters. However, in most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear the next day, and do not have any serious consequences.

The exception is people with individual intolerance to the substances contained in the “burning” hairs on the surface of the plant. In them, a nettle burn may be accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, arrhythmia, and severe itching. And in some cases – even Quincke’s edema. In this case, you must urgently seek medical help.

How much nettle per day can be consumed?

In the absence of contraindications, nettle dishes can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. For decoctions and teas, three cups a day are considered the norm, and for freshly squeezed juice, one tablespoon.

Sources of

  1. Tyler A. Johnson, Johann Sohn. Lipophilic stinging nettle extracts possess potent anti-inflammatory activity, are not cytotoxic and may be superior to traditional tinctures for treating inflammatory disorders/ 2012. URL :
  2. Maznev N.I. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 3rd ed., rev. and additional — M.: Martin, 2004. — p. 231.
  3. Rahele Ziaei,Sahar Foshati,Amir Had. The effect of nettle (Urtica dioica) supplementation on the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis/ 2019. URL:
  4. Ewelina Pawlikowska , Ordinary Plants with Extraordinary Properties/ 2018. URL:

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