Nervous stress during pregnancy: how it affects
Nervous stress during pregnancy can in the future cause the development of serious pathologies in the fetus, so a woman should try to avoid stressful situations.
Nervous stress during pregnancy can be caused by various external and internal factors – physical activity, climate change, unhealthy diet, fatigue, emotional stress.
Nervous stress during pregnancy is dangerous
Often in women during pregnancy, excitement is caused by:
- fear of childbirth;
- rejection of changes in appearance;
- fear for the health of the unborn child.
A woman’s health worsens due to stress. Toxicosis often intensifies, chronic diseases are aggravated, and liver function worsens.
How does nervous stress affect pregnancy?
Under the influence of negative emotions, glucocorticoids are actively produced in the body. These are hormones that, in large quantities, harm the development of the fetus, causing:
- violations in the formation of the cardiovascular system;
- the risk of developing diabetes;
- prematurity of the fetus;
- autism;
- hypoxia;
- “Hare lip”;
- allergies
- asthma;
- hyperactivity.
Severe nervous stress during pregnancy damages the placenta and can provoke miscarriage or premature birth, the absence of the “first cry”. The damage caused by stress during pregnancy can manifest itself in a child already in adolescence by isolation or, conversely, increased activity, impaired perception, memory, and inattention.
How can you reduce the impact of stress?
Knowing how nervous stress affects pregnancy, a woman should try to reduce the impact of such situations on her body. If it is difficult to cope with negative emotions on your own and there is no loved one nearby who could support, it is better to seek help from a psychologist.
If there is such a person – a partner, a relative, one of your friends – you need to share your experiences with him. Frequently voiced fears simply disappear.
Moderate physical activity, exercise on simulators helps the pregnant woman to relax. The same effect is produced by massage and self-massage, special prenatal massage
To abstract from unpleasant thoughts, you can independently resort to psychological techniques that distract from gloomy thoughts: draw, meditate, do needlework, read, find yourself some kind of hobby.