Nerve entrapment in the cervical spine

A pinched nerve in the cervical spine is called cervical radiculopathy. Such problems are quite common, and the intensity of pain in this phenomenon is expressed more intensely than in the case of pinched nerves in other parts of the body.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the neck

Nerve entrapment in the cervical spine

Depending on their location, painful sensations are divided into: cervicobrachialgia (while the arm and neck hurt at the same time) and cervicalgia (only the neck). Also, in the neck area, squeezing is possible: arteries, which is called vertebrobasilar syndrome, a nerve in the back of the head, as well as the spinal cord and nerve endings.

In more rare situations, synchronous infringement of nerves (nerve roots) and blood vessels is noted.


  • There is a deterioration in the blood supply to the cervical region;

  • There are additional signs of circulatory disorders in the neck.

If any of the eight cervical nerves, or rather their roots, are pinched, general and specific symptoms are formed. They arise because in this case there are changes in the algorithm of innervation and spasm of the vascular part of the artery in the spine.

The general manifestations are:

  • Periodic or persistent dizziness, which can also occur in case of a sudden change in body position. This is the effect of orthostatic dizziness;

  • Ordinary headaches, as well as migraine-like and painful sensations in the back of the head;

  • Paresthesia and tingling in one or both upper limbs. It may spread to the wrists or knuckles;

  • Pain along the entire length of the arm, including up to the index finger;

  • Pain in the neck, shoulders and even shoulder blades, which can acquire a shooting, tearing, stabbing and burning character;

  • Increased degree of fatigue;

  • decline in performance;

  • memory impairment;

  • Decrease in muscle tone (mainly for the upper limbs);

  • Paralysis and paresis of mild form;

  • In more severe or chronic cases, there may be a lack of sufficient oral nutrition and speech problems. Pinching in the area of ​​the nerve of the cervical spine can be accompanied by edema in the mucosal area and difficulty in swallowing.

[Video] How to check for pinched roots in the neck?

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