Nero’s neck is a typical symptom. The forgotten disease came back years later

Nero’s neck, or a swollen neck, is a symptom of diphtheria. This contagious disease that we considered forgotten. Unfortunately, cases of contamination are reappearing in the world.

Diphtheria – what kind of disease is it

Diphtheria, or diphtheria, is caused by diphtheria urea bacteria. It can be infected by airborne droplets and through direct contact with a sick person, convalescent or carrier.entering the body through the nose or mouth, it affects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Occasionally, but less frequently, the conjunctiva, middle ear, genital mucosa, or broken skin may be affected.

The bacterium produces a toxin that penetrates through damaged mucous membranes and, getting into the bloodstream, can damage internal organs such as the kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, liver, and the central nervous system. The local action of the toxin causes gray raids adhering to the substrate pseudo-membranes (hence the name diphtheria).

The disease was considered forgotten, but it has returned. Recently, cases have been reported, inter alia, in Asutralia.

Symptoms of diphtheria

One of the hallmarks of diphtheria is an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck. This results in a swelling of this place, which is referred to as Nero’s neck (as well as the emperor’s neck, proconsul’s neck).

Other symptoms of diphtheria include:

  1. sore throat,
  2. high fever,
  3. high heart rate
  4. laryngeal dysfunction;
  5. white coating on almonds;
  6. heart problems;
  7. bad breath;
  8. changes in the nasopharynx;
  9. paleness;
  10. low blood pressure.

Treatment of diphtheria

Diphtheria can be diagnosed by swabbing the throat and checking for the presence of diphtheria corylomas in the affected areas. A patient with diphtheria should be isolated from others so as not to infect them. Isolation may be interrupted when the presence of bacteria is not confirmed in nasopharyngeal samples within six days.

The most common treatment is antibiotic therapy, which consists in taking penicillin. Thanks to its properties, it destroys bacteria that spread in the throat and on the skin. In addition, the patient is given antitoxins to prevent the demyelination process, which in turn causes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Test your immunity

uPatient offers a package of six blood tests to check the condition of your immune system. Prophylactic immunity tests should be performed regularly, at least once a year

Complications and prophylaxis of diphtheria

In adults, complications of diphtheria mainly affect the heart and respiratory system.

A vaccine is used to prevent the disease. Di-Per-Te that is given to children. It is supposed to prevent diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. In developed countries, administration is routine: four doses of DTP vaccine before school starts and one dose of TD vaccine at 14 and 19 years of age. Adults, on the other hand, should get vaccinated every 10 years.

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