Nephrolithiasis – types, symptoms, treatment

Nephrolithiasis is one of the most common diseases of the urinary system. It consists in the formation of stones in the kidneys or urinary tract. Their expulsion can be very painful and sometimes impossible. Then they are crushed or surgically removed.

This disease is more common in men, about 10-12 percent suffer. gentlemen. Two times less often it attacks women, it attacks about 5 percent. Mr. It most often appears at the age of 30-40, in women between 50 and 65 years of age.

Carnivores more likely to develop kidney stones

It was noted that an increased risk of nephrolithiasis occurs in people whose relatives suffered from this disease. The inhabitants of highly developed countries are ill more often. It is associated with a higher consumption of meat and table salt and a higher incidence of obesity. In Asian countries, nephrolithiasis occurs in 1-5 percent. population. In Europe, this indicator is as high as 5-10 percent, and in the United States as much as 13 percent. In Saudi Arabia, the disease affects more than 20 percent. society, which is associated with a very high consumption of meat, by 50 percent. higher than in Europe.

Renal colic

Urolithiasis is manifested by sudden, severe pain. Sometimes it appears in the area of ​​the back, which often wrongly suggests back problems. If the stone leaves the kidney and gets stuck in the ureter, the symptoms are extremely severe, described by women as stronger than the pains of labor. The displacement of the stone towards the bladder causes a stinging in the lower abdomen, groin, in men – pain in the testicles, in women – in the labia. Nausea or vomiting may also appear. If the stone damages the urinary tract mucosa, hematuria will occur. Sometimes, however, nephrolithiasis may be asymptomatic.

Herbs can be used regularly to support kidney function, preventive and supportive during the treatment of various types of urolithiasis. We recommend: Phosphate and carbonate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs, Uric acid stones – a mixture of herbs or oxalate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs. Each of them is available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Giving stones

In the event of renal colic, the patient is administered painkillers adjusted to the severity of the symptoms and relaxing agents. You need to drink plenty of water. Before starting the treatment, the doctor usually orders laboratory and diagnostic tests to determine the size of the stones and the causes of their formation. In addition to the analysis of urine and blood, the patient undergoes an ultrasound, urographic examination or computed tomography. If there are signs of a urinary tract infection you may need to be given an antibiotic.

The patient should drink at least 2-2,5 liters of water daily. In the case of the rare form of cystine urolithiasis, the water consumption must be at least 4 liters per day. Kidney stones require a proper diet. Herbal preparations are also helpful in its treatment and prevention. The pharmacy offers agents containing a composition of herbs with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which facilitate the excretion of small stones and deposits called kidney sand.

Organic tea with juniper and birch, available at Medonet Market, also has a diuretic effect and supports the excretory function of the kidneys. The diet can also be supplemented with supplements such as NefroTabs capsules with verbena, horsetail and nettle or NefroTabs BIO sachets to prepare the infusion.

Crushing stones

If the stones are too large for the patient to pass them alone, they may need to be broken up or surgically treated. It is believed that those up to 4 mm in diameter will be excreted spontaneously. If they are over 5 mm, medical intervention may be needed. They are crushed with the help of a special device with short pulses of sound waves. The broken fragments are excreted by the patient on their own. In the case of hard stones, the treatment must be repeated. The larger ones are removed using various types of sight glasses equipped with manipulators. Classic surgical methods are intended for the most difficult cases and the largest kidney stones.

What was can come back

Without proper prophylaxis, the disease returns. The probability of recurrence in the first year after tartar removal is 15%, in three years 40%, and in 10 years 50%. Therefore, after examining the composition of the stones, the patient is recommended a proper diet.

If they were made of calcium oxalate, the patient should avoid beetroot, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, lemons, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong tea, hot spices, legumes, and also limit the consumption of potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, plums and milk. With calcium phosphate stones, legumes are eliminated from the diet and the amount of vegetables, fruit, milk and eggs in the diet is limited. Gout stones exclude offal, caviar, herring, sardines, coffee, strong tea, legumes from the menu and limit the amount of meat and meat products. If the cause of suffering was caused by cystine stones, a diet with little meat, fish or milk is recommended.

Besides, each type of stones is an indication to drink at least 2-2,5 liters of water a day, including a glass of water before going to bed.

The kidneys are positively influenced by the Klimuszko Tincture supporting the proper functioning of the kidneys. You will find it on Medonet Market at a promotional price. Also try the infusion prepared on the basis of Kidney – a mixture of herbs, which includes, among others, chicory, burdock and nettle.

Worth reading:

  1. How to avoid kidney stones?
  2. The causes of the formation of kidney stones
  3. Diet for kidney stones

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