Nephrolithiasis – causes, symptoms, treatment, diet

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Nephrolithiasis, also known as urolithiasis, most often occurs between 30 and 50 years of age. Its development is associated with the tendency to precipitate dissolved minerals or organic substances in urine.

Urolithiasis – meaning

Mineral crystals in the urine clump together and form smaller or larger conglomerates in the urinary tract. Small stones are excreted in the urine or remain in the urinary tract, most often in the renal pelvis, and they gradually increase in size as a result of the deposition of new mineral deposits on their surface. The most common are oxalate, gout and phosphate stones. Small stones can be excreted from the kidneys in urine. The larger ones remain in the pelvis and lead inevitably to progressive damage to the renal parenchyma due to urinary stagnation and infection.

To support the proper functioning of the kidneys, it is worth drinking an infusion prepared on the basis of the Kidney supplement – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which consists of: warty birch leaf, bearberry leaf, common nettle leaf and dandelion leaf.

Symptoms of kidney stones

The most common symptom of kidney stones is severe, sharp pain in the lumbar region, radiating downward toward the bladder, urethra, and outer thigh, called renal colic. Usually it shows up suddenly. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and flatulence. In the renal colic, the patient experiences severe pain when lightly hit with the edge of the hand or fist in the area of ​​the kidney. Usually, red blood cells are found in the urine. These symptoms make it possible to identify the pain associated with urolithiasis, but neither the patient nor his surroundings should determine whether it is actually an attack of kidney stones. In any case, please consult your doctor.

Preventively and supportively during the treatment, drink an infusion of the Kidney preparation – a mixture of herbs with a positive effect on the work of the kidneys. In the case of a specific type of urolithiasis, special mixtures are recommended, for example, phosphate and carbonate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs, urolithiasis – a mixture of herbs or oxalate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs. All these preparations can be found on the Medonet Market.

Emergency help in kidney stones

Until the doctor arrives, the patient with kidney stones may be given a relaxant (eg No-spa) and an analgesic (eg Pyralginum, paracetamol) and an electric pillow or a hot water bottle should be applied to the lumbar region. If you do not have a heating device, you can order an electric pillow through Medonet Market. We also recommend drinking the knotweed herb infusion, which has a diuretic effect.

Ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and urinary tract can also be found in NefroTabs BIO sachets and the supplement in NefroTabs capsules.

Diagnosis of kidney stones

After an attack of renal colic, it is absolutely necessary to undergo further tests. It is necessary not only to test the urine, but also to perform an ultrasound and possibly an X-ray of the urinary system.

Diet for kidney stones

In kidney stones, a proper diet, drinking plenty of fluids, especially diuretic mineral waters, and urinary tract dilators that facilitate flushing out of the stones are essential. The nephrolithiasis diet depends on the type of disease.

In the treatment of kidney stones, it is worth drinking nettle tea, which has a diuretic effect and supports the work of the kidneys. Try the freeze-dried organic nettle tea available at Medonet Market. We also recommend a Tincture Supporting the Proper Work of Nerek Klimuszko, which is currently available at a promotional price.

Treatment of kidney stones

You should also start the systematic treatment of nephrolithiasis, aimed at preventing the formation of new stones, the enlargement of existing ones and the occurrence of pain attacks. Large kidney stones, the spontaneous departure of which is not possible, are now removed with the help of lithotripsy (crushing stones with shock waves produced extracorporeally). Occasionally there is an infection or congestive changes in the kidney, sometimes requiring surgery.

Do you have a problem with kidney stones? Use prophylactically and as an adjunct during treatment. Ecological birch sap with quince.

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