It’s not a secret for anyone that any changes that occur in our body, at least cause anxiety, and for someone, and a panic state: what is wrong with me and why did it happen to me? We will talk about such changes related to our skin today. The topic of our conversation is neoplasms of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
We all regularly look at ourselves in the mirror, we are examined by our loved ones and our family members. And sometimes we ourselves or those around us notice various additional formations on the visible, open for sight areas of our body. So what should you do if these changes are found?
These additional formations are divided into two broad groups – inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
– Inflammatory formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as the name suggests, are associated with an inflammatory, often purulent, process. They appear in the form of a sudden, acutely arisen compaction, elevations on the skin with redness above and around it, pain in this place at rest and when touching it. Localization of this process can have specific, specific locations.
The most common inflammatory changes are purulent changes in the soft tissues around the hair follicles – boils, carbuncles, can appear almost anywhere where there is hair on the skin. Festering epidermal and hair cysts are no less rare; they are located, as a rule, on the back and in the area of the scalp. This group also includes hydradenitis – inflammation of the sweat glands, a favorite place of which are the armpits. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of external localization is also accompanied by the formation of a painful seal, more often in the inguinal, axillary regions.
What to do if such formations are found in yourself? The answer is unambiguously obvious – an urgent appointment with a surgeon. Self-medication, delaying the time to see a doctor is unacceptable.
The doctor will perform an examination, prescribe, according to indications, an ultrasound scan of the soft tissues of this area in addition to clarify the nature of the disease, conduct laboratory diagnostics and, if there is a confirmed purulent process, perform an operation to eliminate the purulent focus with the appointment of the necessary medicines.
The second large group of neoplasms is non-inflammatory changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. As a rule, we notice them by chance, during examination, or others tell us about it.
What are they like? These are any additional formations on and under the skin, as a rule, differing in color from the surrounding tissues. In appearance, they can either rise above the skin, or be flat, or even be accompanied by the formation of an ulcer. On the skin, these are any newly identified areas with a discoloration, age spots or raised on the skin in the form of a tubercle. Volumetric formations of subcutaneous tissue (lipomas, fibromas) are additional seals of varying consistency of any size, ranging from small, less than 1 cm, up to huge, occupying a significant part of the body or limb.
What are non-inflammatory lesions?
They are divided into benign and malignant. The first include skin papillomas, skin cysts (epidermal cyst, atheroma), pigmented nevi, vascular changes in the skin (hemangiomas, angiomas). The second, malignant, include melanoma, skin cancer, sarcoma.
What are your actions in the situation when you discover changes in yourself, as well as in your relatives or close ones?
And here there is only one answer – it is mandatory to visit a surgeon. The surgeon, after conducting an examination and additional examination, will, according to indications, appoint a consultation with an oncologist.
If you find additional formations of subcutaneous tissue or changes in the skin, you cannot self-medicate, you cannot expect that these changes will go away on their own.
Such cases include excessive, rapid growth of identified formations, a change in their color, shape, the appearance of ulceration, and bleeding. In such cases, the oncologist conducts a study – painless taking of a site of this formation for morphological research – biopsy, that is, to study the tissue and cellular composition.
As a result, after the examination results, additional examination methods – ultrasound, laboratory tests, biopsy – the doctor decides on the method and conditions of treatment.
In the case of benign formations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the doctor performs an operation to remove these formations. The methods of choice for removal are surgical with suture, laser excision, and radio wave removal. The specific method of treatment is determined by the location and type of education, as well as its localization.
Thus, if you notice additional formations of subcutaneous tissue or changes on the skin in yourself or your relatives, friends, you cannot self-medicate, you cannot expect that these changes will go away on their own.
You can visit the nearest medical center “DIALINE” to receive qualified medical advice and appropriate treatment.
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