Neo-Reichian massage

Neo-Reichian massage

What is it ?


Le neo-reichian massage is a holistic approach that makes it possible to become aware of the link between physical sensations and emotional experience. It aims to release the muscular tensions inscribed in the memory of the body and to refine the conscience of the “self”.

Interaction with the massage therapist and body / emotion integration are essential in this approach. It is through this experience that the subject can reactivate or verbalize his repressed emotions or unconscious. The therapist and the person massaged therefore work together with the aim of relieving tensions and releasing the emotional charge, among other things, by working on breathing. The technique comes from the work of Dr Wilhelm Rich1 (1897-1957), Austrian physician and psychoanalyst, considered one of the pioneers of psycho-body therapy.

Muscle armor

It is in psychoanalysis that the Dr  Rich discovers from his patients a relationship between their emotions and their characteristics physical (posture, gestures, facial expression, etc.). His research leads him to conclude that mental problems are embodied in a ” muscle armor »In the form of contractions, sometimes chronic, interfering with the circulation of energy, and which in turn can cause other mental or physical disorders. The Dr Reich will discover 7 rings of interrelated muscles where the tensions : eyes, jaw, throat, chest, waist, stomach and pelvis.


According to Reich, over time, we unconsciously create this muscular armor (stiff neck, tense stomach, tense shoulders, headaches, excess fat, etc.) to protect ourselves from unresolved mental pain. The resulting energy blockages would prevent the abandonment of any deep experience, including orgasm, since the subject would no longer be completely in contact with himself. the neo-reichian massage allows you to open up to this perspective ofintegration of the link between the bodies andmind. (See also the Bioenergetic Analysis sheet.)



Therapeutic applications of neo-reichian massage

According to the Quebec Federation of Massage Therapists2, neo-reichian massage is indicated for people who suffer from back pain or headache, insomnia, anxiety, digestive problems, symptoms of sciatica, burnout or who simply need to be touched. In addition, as part of a psycho-corporal exploration, this type of massage can make the person aware of the links that may exist between muscle tension and emotional or psychological problems.

In terms of evidence, it appears that no clinical trials have been performed to assess the specific effects of neo-reichian massage. On the other hand, many studies confirm theefficiency massage in general to relieve several ailments. For more details, see the Massotherapy sheet.

Neo-Reichian massage in practice

Le neo-reichian massage is practiced in private practice as well as in growth centers and psychotherapy. There are few massage therapists who devote themselves mainly to the practice of Neo-Reichian massage, but especially psychotherapists who use it as a complementary approach.

The duration of a session is from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. neo-reichian massage is practiced with oil on a naked person lying on the floor or on a massage table.

At the first meeting, the therapist becomes aware of the subject’s state of health, both psychological and physical. To determine the intervention plan, he notes any information relating to themuscle armor, from the muscle rings analysis grid developed by Rich.

Sometimes part of the massage session is devoted to preparatory exercises (stretching, movements, breathing, visualization, etc.) in order to promote relaxation. The therapist and the subject are then seated one in front of the other while the facilitator invites the subject to find his areas of tension and to verbally describe what he is feeling while remaining aware of his feeling. breathing. During the second part dedicated to massage, the therapist insists on the presence of breathing in order to bring the subject to connect with what is happening in him, to express it, to then free himself from the emotional charge. The facilitator can then suggest physical exercises and relaxation to continue the process.

To release tension, the massage therapist uses slow and deep movements on muscles and connective tissue. It proceeds first from the head to the feet, then from the center to the periphery, to then concentrate on the contracted parts, varying the maneuvers in intensity depending on the subject’s sensitivity.

Neo-Reichian massage training

There is no official body supervising training in neo-reichian massage. It is the professional associations that ensure that standards are met for both training and practice.

Au Québec, training in Neo-Reichian massage is part of a program of study generally spread over 2 years. The program involves 1 hours of training and leads to a massage therapist diploma.

L’American College of Orgonomy3 provides postgraduate training for physicians in Reich’s theory of vital energy (orgone). The school was founded in 1968 by psychiatrist Elsworth F. Baker who studied and worked with Dr Rich. En Europe, Neo-Reichian massage is still relatively unknown.

Neo-Reichian Massage – Books, etc.

Peterson Michel. Neo-Reichian massage: towards self-regulation of the person, The Libertarian Idea, Canada, 2002.

One item available free of charge on the Internet to better understand the thinking of Wilhelm Reich and understand the implications for the practice of Neo-Reichian massage and psychotherapy. [Accessed September 30, 2009].

Meyer Richard. Body therapies, Men and Groups Editions, France, 1992.

A presentation of different techniques, including Neo-Reichian massage.

Neo-Reichian massage – Places of interest

American College of Orgonomy.

The site presents the work of Rich, especially about his orgone theory.

The Wilhelm Reich Museum

To know everything about the man, his work and his heritage.

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