Nematode on strawberries: pest control methods

Strawberries are a favorite treat not only for humans, but also for various parasites that live in the soil. If in spring or summer you went out into the garden and saw strawberry leaves twisted into tubes, multi-colored spots or some other unexpected troubles, then you should know that you have to fight the nematode. If you ignore the fact that this pest is present in the garden, then next year the yield will decrease, and the number of affected bushes will increase.


A nematode is a round worm. The length of his body is no more than one millimeter, but, nevertheless, this little parasite can surprise you with its extraordinary voracity. In the oral cavity of the nematode there is an organ that resembles the shape of small forceps. Their purpose is to attach to the stems and roots of strawberries, as well as to inject a special substance into them that causes a chemical reaction. And as a result, strawberries turn into an ideal pest food product. Therefore, plants are absorbed by the nematode without problems.Nematode on strawberries: pest control methods

Females and males differ in appearance. The shape of the females is more rounded. They do not lay eggs, but carry them inside their bodies. The females attach them to the plant and then turn into a cyst. The number of eggs that are in one cyst is a telling fact that explains the rapid spread of the pest, since the number can reach a thousand. The danger would not be so great if it were not for the high survival rate of the eggs. But, unfortunately, the influence of weather changes or various chemicals is not dangerous for them. Moreover, the eggs can easily be in the ground for ten years, until they hatch and continue their genus. The color of the nematode is white, sometimes with a yellow tint. You can also find light brown individuals.Nematode on strawberries: pest control methods

What is the danger?

The main danger of the nematode is that during the breeding season of the pest you will not be able to notice it. The nematode will infect the soil and strawberries, and as a result, the crop will deteriorate. And this is at best, because some gardeners are faced with a complete lack of berry crops due to the fruitful work of this pest.

Of course, it is better to find and remove the nematode at the stage of its reproduction. But, unfortunately, this is practically impossible. Although it will not be superfluous for a prudent gardener to adhere to some rules. Dig up a strawberry bush and carefully inspect its roots. If they are infested with a nematode, then you may notice many cysts that are similar in size and shape to poppy seeds, but they are white in color. Also, an experienced gardener can see problems with the formation of roots: the inhibited development of the root system signals the presence of a parasite. If the lesion is already very strong, then you can observe some metamorphoses of the leaves: they turn yellow, wrinkle, curl, the veins thicken, grow very slowly. Pay attention to the berries – they can take an unusual shape.Nematode on strawberries: pest control methodsThere are cases when a nematode infects one or a couple of bushes. As a result, after a while they dry out, and then die, which causes the formation of “bald spots” on the beds.

How to fight

There are various methods of dealing with the nematode. But still, everyone has one thing in common – you can’t get rid of parasites in a week.

The nematode is dangerous only if the number of larvae per 100 cubic centimeters exceeds a thousand pieces.

Therefore, one of the methods of dealing with the nematode is a frequent transplant. Plants need to be repotted at least once every 4 years, because after this period the yield decreases. But smart gardeners know that a transplant is also needed in order to protect the strawberries from the nematode. If you do not have the opportunity to plant plants in a new place each time, then simply make an annual interval between plantings.Nematode on strawberries: pest control methods

Eats and other methods of dealing with the nematode. And you should start with the selection of seedling bushes. Therefore, we always adhered to some simple but useful rules:

  • for transplanting, choose only those seedlings that were grown on healthy soil;
  • if you find signs of damage to the roots or leaves by a nematode, then such seedlings must be burned immediately;
  • just before transplanting, do not forget to treat healthy seedlings with a solution of parathion or fosdrin.

It is very easy to do this. First, completely clean the roots of the soil and lower them into the solution for 15 minutes. Then rinse them thoroughly under running water, after which the roots must be lowered for 30 minutes in hot water (but not boiling water). After all this, lower the roots also in cool water. Now you can safely plant strawberries.Nematode on strawberries: pest control methods

There are also plants that can scare away the nematode. To avoid the appearance of a parasite in the garden, it is enough to plant marigolds, nasturtium or calendula nearby. These plants carry out a magical deterrent effect not only on the nematode, but also on other pests. Some gardeners advise feeding the soil with compost. It creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi. They will not harm human health, however, they destroy parasites.  

In order for strawberries to be healthy, give them the highest level of care. Do not forget to constantly remove weeds, as well as feed the soil. If a nematode appears on strawberries, then it is very difficult to get rid of it completely. Your main task is to reduce its amount in the soil. Then the next harvest will be healthy.

Video “Nematodes”

The recording tells what nematodes are, what their types are and how dangerous they are.


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