Trouble literally haunts Nelly Ermolaeva! Divorce, broken phone, death of a hamster … Now a jaw injury has been added to this list.
Nelly Ermolaeva’s leap year was clearly not working out. She complained about problems back in early February. Then the celebrity lamented that she had a streak of failures: “I am now an ex-wife, my phone crashed, a hamster died, after breaking up with Kirill I lost contact with some friends, one cool project flew off.”
However, after that, Nelly decided to pull herself together and start acting. The star brunette resumed her business projects, signed up for the gym and flew away on a trip. And not one, but, as vigilant followers found out, in the company of an ex-spouse.
Many decided that finally everything was getting better in Yermolaeva’s life, but on March 4 in the evening she stunned the subscribers with the news – it turns out that the celebrity received a jaw injury. “Tin. Without any filters and from the first frame! Today I was walking up the stairs and stumbled. Advise an ointment for bruises and bruises. I have several serious events tomorrow and a red carpet, ”Nelly shared on her Instagram.
Many were surprised how it happened that Ermolaeva just took it and fell. However, there were few caustic comments: mostly netizens supported the beauty, advised her to apply ice to her face and give herself time to recover.
Nelly Ermolaeva was slightly injured
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However, Nellie herself perfectly understands how to act. Hopefully, the bruise will heal soon, and this fall will be the end of a losing streak.
@ ermolaevanelly / Instagram, Andrey Kalmykov / Healthy Food Near Me