Basic models of negotiation.
- Logics.
What is meant? You, perhaps, proved to him by facts that you need to come on time. What facts, arguments did you use? It works well for men — facts: 1) It is very unpleasant to run afterwards; 2) the people we go to may be offended; 3) I’m nervous. “Do you want me to be so nervous? Do you want everything to be fine?”
- Bargaining and mutual concessions
“If you leave early, then I will do this …” When logic does not help, you cannot convince a person, we are left with bargaining. Bargaining is mutual concessions: give in to me in this, I will give in to you in that.
- Creativity, search for an inventive solution
Something new that you did not use in a relationship with this person — new options for the development of events.
All groups will have a «vacation» theme. There are two options: either to Europe or by sea. Context: there is a husband, there is a wife. Some of you have a tough stance on the sea, some on Europe. What is your task: you must now be creative and offer at least five options that would suit both of you. The rest scroll through their options, and in parallel track phrases: phrases-hedgehogs or phrases-shock absorbers. What does it mean — how to solve the situation: five options, but they must be mutually acceptable, and you are satisfied with her.
We have made five options with you, the next move is to evaluate how costly and effective it is. But this is for decision making.
How to use the questions: 1) what needs to be done in order to; 2) the second question: why? This is to identify human interests. «Why do you need to go to Europe?» Then it turns out that he can get the same thing in Australia.
Training by Boris Polgeim in Sinton
- Negotiations without defeat