Negative Rh factor in pregnancy, in the second pregnancy
Pregnancy with a negative Rh factor requires special monitoring, since the onset of a Rh conflict is likely. To keep the situation under control, it is necessary to establish the Rh factor of the child’s father and regularly test the blood for antibodies.
Features of the course of pregnancy with a negative Rh factor
On the surface of red blood cells in the blood of most people, a special protein can be seen when examined. Its presence indicates that the blood is considered Rh-positive, but if this protein is absent, the blood is Rh-negative.
Pregnancy with a negative Rh factor requires regular testing
Rh negative is not considered a pathology or disease, it is just a feature of the body. The ability to conceive a child does not depend on it, but it can affect the well-being of carrying a pregnancy. This is possible if the man in the pair is Rh-positive.
A child is equally likely to inherit both Rh-positive and Rh-negative. If the fetal blood is negative, there will be no problem. But otherwise, the mother’s body may begin to produce special antibodies that can harm the health of the child. There may be violations in the liver of the fetus, problems with the development of hearing, anemia, dropsy. The risk of miscarriage is also significantly increased.
If both the mother and father are Rh negative, there will be no problem
Fortunately, complications rarely occur when a woman becomes pregnant for the first time. But a negative Rh factor in a second pregnancy requires special attention, since the likelihood of developing a conflict increases. Indeed, during the first birth, the female body encounters a protein that is foreign to it, and the level of antibodies increases sharply.
When registering, a woman must take blood to determine the Rh factor. Further, it is necessary to periodically take tests to detect antibodies. The longer the period, the more often you need to repeat this procedure.
Upon detection of antibodies and a steady increase in their number, doctors decide whether to administer immunoglobulin. It is also necessary to administer the drug as soon as possible after childbirth.
If a woman wants to get pregnant again, the risk of complications will be slightly lower.
The most difficult consequence of the Rh-conflict for the baby is hemolytic disease of the newborn. The central nervous system is under threat.
A negative Rh is not a reason to be upset, but a signal of the need to take a responsible attitude to the management of your pregnancy.