Neck skin: how to maintain youth and beauty? Video

Neck skin: how to maintain youth and beauty? Video

The neck betrays the woman’s age. And you can’t say that the damsels do not know about it. They knew, but, moisturizing and nourishing the face with masks and creams, they somehow forgot about the neck. And she is about the age of her mistresses – no. And here’s the result – a sleek, smooth face and a wrinkled, flabby neck. We exclude such a deplorable result – we keep the delicate skin of the neck young and beautiful!

A woman’s neck is the most delicate skin, a low level of muscle tone, a minimal presence of subcutaneous fat. With these characteristics, neck care becomes a strategically important task. There is a set of rules that must be applied regardless of the type of skin, age and social status of a woman.

The rules are as follows:

  • It is necessary to start caring for the skin of the neck not when it has already lost its elasticity, covered with wrinkles or has overgrown with a second chin, but much earlier. Not later than 25 years old. After all, it is much easier to prevent the appearance and development of cosmetic defects than to get rid of them later.
  • You can’t sleep on a high pillow, this position forces the neck to deform, gradually deep enough horizontal folds are formed – “annual rings”, which are very difficult to smooth out later.
  • While taking a shower, massage the neck and décolleté with a strong jet. To enhance the effect, you can make a contrast shower, i.e. alternate warm water with cool.

The procedure will significantly increase the tone and activate blood flow, as a result, the skin will noticeably tighten, smoothen and acquire an even color.

  • Do not use the same cream for the neck as for the face. Especially if the cream is intended for oily skin, it will make the skin of the neck even drier. The beauty industry offers today a truly huge number of creams, the composition of which is selected specifically for the neck and décolleté, they should not be neglected.

Masks are a great opportunity to moisturize the dry, thin skin of the neck, give it nutrition, vitamins and all the substances necessary to maintain tone, beauty and youthfulness.

For a nutritious curd mask, you will need:

  • cottage cheese (9% fat) – 2 tablespoons
  • sour cream (25% fat) – 1 tsp
  • unrefined vegetable oil – 1 tsp
  • chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.

Rub all the ingredients until smooth, apply to cleansed neck and décolleté and lie down with a roller under your neck for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off the composition with warm water and lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Do this mask once a week.

It is useful to combine a mask for the neck and décolleté with a face mask. For the face, the composition may be different, but if the skin of all these parts is of the same type (for example, dry), then one mask composition can be used.

For a hot potato honey mask, use the following ingredients:

  • boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • natural mustard oil – 1 tsp
  • glycerin – 1 tsp.
  • natural honey – 1 tsp
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp

Mash the hot boiled potatoes with the yolk, add all the other ingredients and stir. Put the slightly cooled mass on a napkin or a wide bandage in 4 layers, smooth and quickly, until the composition has cooled down completely, tie the neck, cover with cellophane, on top with a warm soft scarf and lie down, putting a roller under the neck. Lie in a relaxed position for 20-30 minutes. Then remove everything, rinse your neck with warm water and lubricate with cosmetic milk. Do a hot mask (you can call it a compress, it doesn’t change the essence) once a week and very soon you will see that the wrinkles and folds on the neck become less noticeable, and the skin has acquired elasticity and silkiness.

A very effective mask is made by housewives, who often concoct pies from yeast dough. From the ready-made dough that has come up, they cut off a piece, make a tourniquet out of it, roll it out with a rolling pin. The resulting ribbon is put on the neck, fixed with a handkerchief or a soft scarf and calmly cook themselves pies with such a useful mask around their neck. The dough gives the skin all the vitamins, trace elements and biologically active substances contained in yeast, flour, milk, eggs, salt. That is, exclusively all the ingredients present in the test “work” for the rejuvenation and beauty of the neck skin.

Nutritious masks for the neck can be made almost always: while cooking jam, apply mashed potatoes from berries or fruits to it, during pickles – gruel from cucumbers, tomatoes or herbs. It’s important not to be lazy

Recipe 1. Take 5-6 rose buds (garden or indoor) and grind in a blender. Add 50 g softened butter and 10 g beeswax. Simmer in a water bath for 15–20 minutes and drain into a jar. Lubricate the skin of the neck and décolleté with the cream daily before bed. The cream is ideal for aging skin, making it more elastic.

Recipe 2. For this cream you will need 3 tbsp. lanolin and 1 tablespoon each. natural essential oils – jojoba, tea tree and olive. Dissolve lanolin in a water bath, gradually add all the oils with constant stirring. As soon as the composition is uniform, pour into a jar and refrigerate. Lubricate the skin of the neck and décolleté once a day as with a regular cream. Store tightly closed in a cool place.

Regular massage (self-massage), which takes very little time, will not allow the neck to grow old – lose tone, wrinkle and sag. Just choose 10 minutes a day and train yourself to do the following body movements at least every other day.

Warm up your palms by rubbing or patting, then gently, without pressure, begin to stroke your neck over its entire surface in the way that seems most comfortable and pleasant to you.

How to keep your neck skin young

Use your fingers to drum on the skin of the neck, starting from the back (below the cerebellum) and working towards the chin. As you approach the chin, lift your head up and use your fingertips to walk the entire front of your neck. Then lower your head, go back to where you started, and repeat the exercise.

Tilt your head (let your chin fall on your chest), find the 7th vertebra with your fingers and massage it in a circular motion. Then, run your fingers to your shoulders, making a rubbing motion.

If it is inconvenient to do this exercise with both hands, do it alternately – now with the left, then with the right (work out the right part with the left, and the left with the right)

Take ice from the freezer (prepare it in advance) and massage the front part of the neck with it, first in a circular motion, and then upward. After this procedure, be sure to rub your neck with a terry towel until you feel warm.

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