Neck pain: what to do if your neck hurts? Video

Neck pain: what to do if your neck hurts? Video

Every year more and more people complain of back and neck pains, they can affect at any time – when turning the head back, when tilting the head, as a result of turning or even during sleep. You can get rid of pain only after their causes become clear.

Neck pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain appears immediately after damage and disappears after it is repaired. Chronic pain is considered an independent disease, it can last for months or even years.

There are also differences between central pain arising from damage to the central nervous system and neuropathic pain, when disorders have appeared in the peripheral parts of the nervous system.

By localization, one can distinguish:

  • visceral pain when internal organs are damaged
  • somatic, in which the work of bone and muscle systems is disrupted

When consulting a doctor, it is important to draw his attention to such concomitant symptoms as oxygen deficiency, nausea and vomiting, numbness of the limbs, redness, fever, clouding of consciousness, pain when sneezing and coughing – all this will help to correctly diagnose.

After a thorough examination and examination, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis.

In the event that neck pain is caused by already formed diseases of the spine, one of the entries will appear in the patient’s card:

Overweight people are at high risk, which creates an increased load on the spine.

  • osteochondrosis
  • Reiter’s syndrome
  • rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis
  • osteomyelitis
  • herniated discs
  • injury to the vertebrae and joints
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • tumor
  • intracranial formations
  • diseases of the heart and esophagus

Certain common situations not associated with serious illnesses can also cause neck pain. For example, pain can appear after a long time working at a computer, an incorrect posture during sleep, as a result of hypothermia of the muscles (“blown out”), with sudden movements, for example, a quick glance at the sky.

Even extreme emotional stress or upset can cause neck pain and headache.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the diagnosis. Any massage or gymnastics will be useless if the pain is caused, for example, by a tumor or intervertebral hernia. However, if the pain appeared as a result of an incorrect posture when working at a computer or other situation, you can get rid of the unpleasant sensations on your own.

It is important to regularly warm up, flexing the muscles of the neck and upper spine. You can make several tilts of the head forward, right, left, backward, turn your head. Twists of the torso and flaps of the arms are also effective.

This warm-up will improve blood circulation and relieve some muscle groups (“short extensors”)

Chronic neck pain can be treated with a professional massage. Pain at the moment of waking up and getting out of bed suggests that you need to change the mattress and pillow, best of all for orthopedic ones.

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