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Neck pain is a problem that occurs in more and more people – mainly due to the fact that we work more and more hours in an incorrect sitting position. Neck pains may appear along with headaches, for example, when you wake up or after sitting at a desk for many hours. There are no effective treatments for degeneration.
What is neck pain?
Neck pains occur in almost everyone. We often complain of numbness in the shoulders and neck, and any movement is painful. The occurrence of such ailments every day is a dangerous situation that requires urgent consultation with a doctor to determine its cause. Neck pain can occur as a result of prolonged stress, working in a sitting position or sleeping in an inappropriate position.
Neck pain – causes
Neck pain usually occurs as a consequence of muscle tension and overload of the vertebrae of the spine. The deformation of the cervical spine is favored not only by many hours of computer sessions and the associated muscle tension, but also by a passive way of resting and spending free time – often, instead of supporting the head and cervical vertebrae, we support the head only. Exposure to a draft may also be to blame, in which case the cold air irritates the nerve endings on the skin, the so-called roots. Wrap may occur while driving or due to the open window on the train during the journey. One should not forget degenerative changes that may appear with age.
In addition, lack of physical activity weakens the neck muscles. The lack of any exercises in these areas causes the lack of stabilization of the cervical spine, which is manifested by pain. Also, engaging in exercise without warming up first can cause inadvertent muscle strain and neck pain.
Incorrect head position has a great influence on the development of neck pain. It happens that our head is too high, twisted or lowered during work. It largely depends on the height at which the computer monitor is located. Then the muscles become tense, especially after several hours of work. It is worth mentioning that taking the wrong position in front of the computer may result in muscle contracture as well degenerative changes vertebrae and discs, causing chronic pain.
It is worth starting the diagnostics of degenerative changes with a rheumatological test package offered by the uPatient company, which specializes in collecting material for tests at the patient’s home.
Symptoms of neck pain
Neuralgia begins with a gradual increase in neck and headaches in the occipital area. The patient struggles with pain most often right after waking up. In addition to neck pain, the sensation of numbness, tingling and restriction of movement may appear.
Check if you should consult a doctor? Go through the initial medical interview yourself.
How we recognize neck pain
If you experience neck pain from time to time, don’t worry too much. It is enough to use home methods. The situation is different when neck pain is chronic – then a doctor’s consultation is necessary. The specialist should first find the cause of this pain and, if necessary, carry out the necessary tests. The following tests are helpful in diagnosis:
- blood test,
- tomographic examination,
- radiological examination of the cervical spine,
- ultrasound examination of the flows in the vertebral and carotid arteries.
The basic laboratory test that will help in the diagnosis of pain in the neck area is offered by the medical center.
Neck pain – pre-medical procedure
If the neck pains do not result from an injury to this area, then in order to reduce or eliminate the discomfort it is necessary to:
- put work into improving the movement of this area of the spine by means of movement exercises or gentle massages that relax the musculoskeletal system and maintain mobility in the intervertebral joints, you can buy a therapeutic massage at,
- remember about the correct position of the head in relation to the cervical vertebrae and proper mobility in this area,
- rub the sore spots with salicylic alcohol or a warming ointment / gel to strengthen the neck muscles and cause their periodic relaxation, you can buy the warming gel at Medonet Market,
- remove possible coexisting foci of infection that lead to the maintenance of the inflammatory process in the intervertebral joints and the tissues surrounding these joints,
- remember to take the correct position when lying down and – if possible – lying on a hard surface,
- take a warm bath to relax and thus loosen tense muscles,
- try Mentholk’s cooling patches or make compresses using Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB6 compresses,
- do neck massages with the use of the neck electrostimulator, back, shoulder, neck or shiatsu massager for the neck and back,
- be exposed to the sun’s rays.
If you do not find relief from your treatment, consult your doctor. Do not wait for an appointment and arrange an appointment with a family doctor as part of the National Health Fund via the portal.
IMPORTANT: it should be remembered that there are no effective treatments for degenerative ailments; we can only reduce the accompanying symptoms – for this purpose, painkillers in the form of oral or ointments, as well as anti-inflammatory agents and vitamins are used. Warming patches also have a good effect. They have a relaxing effect.
An example of a warming preparation for external use in the case of neck pain is the painkiller CBD cream with glucosamine. This type of remedy relieves muscle and joint pain.
Neck pain and exercises to strengthen the neck muscles
As you know, the lack of exercise has a negative impact on our spine, so when working for a long time in front of a computer, you should take breaks from time to time. Make several head turns (left and right). In addition, it is recommended to do stretching and strengthening the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle several times a week.
Sample exercises:
– put your right hand on your right temple and then tilt your head to the right while resisting it with your hand; then try to press your head to the left, back and forward, blocking the movement of your head with your hand each time;
– put your left hand around your head from behind, then place your right hand on it and press it for a moment to make your head tilt to the left; then change side and repeat;
– tilt your head back once, forward once, then to the right and left arms; then you can turn left and right as far as it will go.
People with tension pain can get relief with warm compresses. To do this, put a towel or a hot water bottle on the nape of your neck. On the other hand, in the case of injuries accompanied by neck pain and limited head movement – cold compresses are used, e.g. frozen food wrapped in a cloth, cold compresses available at a pharmacy.
In addition, it is recommended to sleep on one, preferably flat, pillow that reduces the tension in the neck and shoulders. Doctors recommend investing in an orthopedic pillow, which has a special recess for the head and a bulge for the neck. Its advantage is the physiological positioning of the cervical spine and the relaxation of tense muscles. You can also try the electric heating pillow, which relaxes the muscles and reduces neck pain due to the heat it emits.
WARNING! If you suffer from neck pain, avoid sleeping on your stomach with your head tilted to the side.
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