Neck and back pain at work

You devote so much time, knowledge, energy and emotions to your work that you can keep your health without hesitation. Completely and without compromise. The business altar will do without this sacrifice.

For beautiful eyes

There is no computer user who does not experience eye fatigue after several hours of close interaction with the monitor. Redness, dryness, tingling sensation, blurry or forked objects. It’s your own fault. Rarely does anyone observe the rule of outstretched arms exactly at this distance from our eyes that the screen should be. Never rub your eyes or press hard on your eyelids in case of fatigue. To relax your eyelid muscles, periodically look up from the screen and blink vigorously. This will help activate the lacrimal glands to hydrate the cornea. If you are afraid that coworkers will think that you have a nervous tic, try yawning – in this case, tears will come to your eyes, and many will support you. Psychologists consider yawning to be contagious. And finally, to strengthen the eye muscles, regularly practice a simple exercise holding your palm at a distance of 30 cm in front of you, inhaling, concentrate your gaze on the hand, and as you exhale, look into the distance. Repeat 8-10 times and get to work quickly!

On your head

In the service, the head is able to walk around, split, and does not hesitate to get sick from time to time. There are no interruptions with stimuli here: sound, color, digital, literally and figuratively. They are mainly concentrated in the computer. If this is the reason, then the pain girdles the forehead or presses, like a helmet, on the head. Overwork at work, combined with a too brightly lit screen, can even give a business woman a migraine. If pain reliever does not bring relief, it is better to change it rather than increase the dose, as 77% of office workers with headaches do. If the pain shoots from the back of the head towards the top of the head, then you have tired your spine too much with the wrong position at the desk. And there is no need to blame a sick ridge on a healthy, bright head.

keep it up

The rating list of body parts injured in production is headed by the spine. And by a wide margin. Saving floor space by your superiors, thanks to which you learned to fold in four at the desk, your daily jogging in 10-centimeter heels is not in vain. Back pain is most often a consequence of a spasm of the short muscles of the spine. The reasons for it are many heavy briefcases with documents, hairpins and insufficiently hard seats in cars. Since there is only one (!) Happy owner of a flexible and healthy spine for 150 people, it is worth taking care of your back, even if the pain has not bothered you until today. Eliminate any jumping sports. Replace running with walking, do swimming (crawl – if you are worried about pain in the lower back, breaststroke on the back – if the upper spine requires attention), take time for walks on flat skis in winter.

Without nerves

Every fifth woman has experienced or is going through a period depression… A few years ago, no one would have admitted that he was covered with a blues. It is now fashionable to discuss symptoms and exchange phone numbers of psychotherapists. Our foreign colleagues have long understood that it is necessary to fight the disease in the workplace. In Sweden, depression is a pretext for issuing sick leave. IBM maintains a psychotherapist and relaxation gymnastics coach in each branch. In the English publishing house Global Communication, chocolate is regularly distributed to employees. As they say, what are rich. Those whose leaders are not yet ripe to develop a strategy to combat business depression should take care of themselves. Yoga, conservatory (Bach and Chopin are preferred), at least two to three massage sessions per month. Pay special attention to aromatherapy: 1 drop of aromatic oils of rosemary, lemon and basil drip on a napkin and inhale several times. Now fine!

Happinnes exists

In some American companies, corporate charter obliges managers to dine out at nearby restaurants instead of nervously chewing hamburgers in front of the monitor and drinking their coffee. And in our country, almost any working day can be organized in such a way as to find time for a full meal, since the restaurant business is flourishing in the country. After all, nothing drains our stomachs like mushroom-flavored noodles or powdered mashed potatoes. Beware also of alcohol on an empty stomach – a direct path to gastritis, according to the great nutritionist Montignac. Before taking a business cocktail aperitif, refresh yourself with at least olives. Especially if you missed lunch that day.

Sneeze to work

General globalization and internationalization of business have led to the emergence of a new disease – “office disease syndrome”. In multi-storey office buildings with a high concentration of employees per unit area, real epidemics of colds or allergies occur. As it turned out, the cause of widespread sneezing and coughing are microorganisms that circulate freely through ventilation systems. Canadian scientists conducted an experiment in several buildings in Montreal to install ultraviolet lamps in ventilation shafts. As a result, the employees’ well-being level increased by as much as 40%. Until revolutionary innovations have reached us, the best thing to do is to dose the work of air conditioners and regularly change filters in them, and also not to stay too long with ozone-generating copiers.

With your own hands

The total computerization of business has led to an increase in the number of cases of the so-called “carpal tunnel syndrome”. Recurrent sensations of numbness in the area of ​​the thumb, index and middle fingers, and late tingling and mild cramps are a reason to see a doctor. The syndrome occurs due to improper positioning of the hands when working with a computer keyboard and mouse. The wrist is tense and under constant static stress, which pinches the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Ten years ago in Europe, surgeons performed 1 – 2 operations per week to eliminate this scourge, now – about two dozen. Operational intervention is the only way out here. How to avoid it: move the keyboard at least 15 cm away from the edge of the table, do not lean on it with your forearms, so as not to create additional stress on the wrists.

Truth in the legs

The ideal pressure in the veins is 30 mm Hg. This usually occurs when walking. When we are sitting, the pressure reaches 50 mm, and when we are standing – 90. Hence the great effort required by the veins to deliver blood to the heart. In order for the pressure to drop from 90 mm to 30 mm, you need to take seven steps. In the office, sometimes raise your legs and place them on a stool, while your heels should be at the level of the pelvis. If this option is unacceptable for you for some reason, rotate your feet every hour for 2 minutes. No one will notice these simple manipulations under the table, and blood circulation will return to normal.

You need to take care of your veins, of course, outside the office. Do not abuse the sauna, Russian or Turkish bath, and if you cannot do without them, end with a contrast shower to narrow the vessels dilated by the high temperature.

The burden of responsibility

Everything is elementary here: a sedentary lifestyle plus poor nutrition. Excuse me: overweight and cellulite want to get to know each other. Move more and drink more fluids! Banal recommendations that no one fully follows. Exclude elevator in the office (unless, of course, you need to go up from the second to the fifteenth floor ten times a day). Throw in the management the idea that a fitness room or a swimming pool on the territory of an office complex will increase the efficiency of its inhabitants and the income of the owners. No one will be left behind. If you are still not desperate to lose weight with a diet, choose one that has a balanced ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Remember that the energy minimum for a business woman is an average of 2200 calories per day!

Cases of the heart

A cup of coffee: in the morning – to wake up, at eleven – instead of industrial gymnastics, in the afternoon – so as not to fall asleep, at five o’clock – at a business meeting, and in the evening – so that … no one knows why we drink coffee in the evening! Bottom line: five to ten cups of espresso (Americano at best) a day. Scientists say caffeine stimulates memory. Better to use an organizer. Statistics cynically claim that 17% of heart problems (from tachycardia to heart attacks) in working women occur on Monday. That is, work in itself is not sugar, therefore, liters of coffee are not the time and place here.

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