The installation of an intrauterine device is a gynecological manipulation, which involves the introduction of a special device into the uterine cavity.
The introduction is carried out on an outpatient basis. Before carrying out the procedure for the introduction of the IUD, a woman undergoes a comprehensive examination to determine the presence / absence of contraindications. The IUD is used to provide contraception for both nulliparous and postpartum women.
Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device
It is forbidden to install the IUD in case of congenital or acquired anomalies in the shape of the uterus, which do not allow to determine the future placement of the coil as accurately as possible, allergies to copper or other components of the device.
It is strictly forbidden to put a spiral during pregnancy, the presence of benign or malignant formations in the uterine cavity, the presence of malignant tumors in the pelvic organs, uterine bleeding of no specific origin, genital infections, exacerbated chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in women, and also when there are diseases of the small organs pelvis of acute inflammatory genesis.
Manipulation algorithm
The procedure itself is quite simple. It is recommended to introduce the spiral on the third or fourth day of the onset of the menstrual cycle. General anesthesia is not used for the procedure; for sensitive women, only an anesthetic gel is used, which is directly applied to the cervix.
The woman is comfortably placed on the gynecological chair in a standard position. The gynecologist treats the cervical area and the vaginal cavity with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to remove the remnants of menstrual flow. After treatment with hydrogen peroxide, a double treatment with an antiseptic is carried out.
Preparation includes: opening the package and carrying out verification manipulations regarding the horizontal location of the spiral, installing the spiral in a special guide tube (the slider must be moved forward as far as possible), measuring the distance from the bottom of the uterus to the external pharynx with a special probe.
Through the cervical canal, the IUD is inserted into the uterus (the index ring should be two centimeters from the cervix), then a manipulation is performed to open the horizontal shoulders of the IUD.
The fixing process includes:
- move the slider to the maximum down and completely release the contraceptive, carefully remove the guide tube from the uterus;
- cut off the threads, leaving only a length of 2-3 centimeters from the uterine pharynx;
- a correctly installed spiral does not cause any discomfort, bleeding and pain symptoms.
The entire procedure will take approximately seven minutes in total. After carrying out the manipulations to install the intrauterine device, it is recommended to undergo a control ultrasound diagnostics in order to make sure that the device is in the correct position. Women are advised to spend the day after the procedure in gentle bed rest. For pain relief, you can use antispasmodics and analgesics. The pain syndrome is observed only in the first 14 days, all further pain is a sign of an urgent appeal to a gynecologist.
After one month, it is recommended to visit your gynecologist for a follow-up examination. During this period, the doctor conducts a standard examination and ultrasound diagnostics. Sexual life can begin four days after the installation of the IUD, provided that there is no bleeding and pain.
Types of spirals
To date, there are about fifty varieties of intrauterine devices, and which one is suitable for installation is determined by the gynecologist after a thorough examination of the patient.
Among the most popular, it is worth noting S-shaped, T-shaped and in the form of a ring. For the production of spirals, silver, gold and copper are usually used.
Before the procedure, the doctor prescribes the following examinations: tests for the presence of genital infections, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, diagnostics through a colposcope, OAM, blood for hepatitis, HIV, RV, a smear from the cervical cavity, a swab from the vaginal cavity.
Benefits of installing an IUD
Installing a spiral inside the uterus allows you to avoid conception for five to ten years, while it is worth noting that there is no need to visit a gynecologist more often than normal. The device is an ideal and reliable contraceptive that changes the endometrium of the uterus, preventing the attachment of a fertilized egg, in other words, the fetal egg is simply rejected by the uterus. This type of contraceptive is of a non-hormonal type, therefore, it does not cause weight gain and does not impair the sexual function and sensitivity of women. But hormonal-type spirals will eliminate the growth of the endometrium and suppress pain during the menstrual cycle.
After the expiration date of the spiral, it is removed, and if desired, the patient can be installed a new one.
Side effects
Among the known side effects, it is worth noting the presence of pain for one week and an increase in the duration of menstruation. It is worth noting that during the period of menstruation, an increase in the volume of secretions will be noted (usually within the first five days after the installation of the spiral).
Bleeding is considered normal within two weeks after the installation of the contraceptive device. If bleeding, along with pain, is observed for more than 14 days, the spiral is removed – the body does not accept such a contraceptive and can provoke a number of unpleasant consequences, for example, anemia.
Installation of a spiral after pregnancy
The intrauterine device can be installed one and a half months after childbirth, provided that no postpartum complications have been detected. If a caesarean section was performed, the installation of the spiral is allowed no earlier than six months later. This device has no effect on the production of breast milk and on the development of a child with HB.
After an abortion, it is allowed to install an IUD after the end of the first menstrual cycle after the abortion procedure. It is important to understand that pregnancy can occur only a year after the removal of the spiral, this factor must be taken into account before installation.