Navel pain: where does it come from?

Navel pain: where does it come from?

A memory of our placental life, the navel is rarely the center of our attention. But his presence can sometimes be remembered to us in times of pain. It can be benign or the telltale sign of various diseases.


The navel, also called the umbilicus, is a remnant of the umbilical cord that connects the child to the placenta in the mother’s womb. This is cut at birth and the last segment falls on average one to three weeks after childbirth. All that remains is a scar on the abdomen which measures on average between 1,5 and 2 centimeters. There are almost as many different shapes as there are people, but we can distinguish two main types, the hollow navels and the convex navels (which form a protuberance).

Navel pain, or umbilical pain, is felt in the center of the abdomen, near and around the navel. The pain may be focused only on the umbilical region or it may radiate to other parts of the abdomen.

The causes

In newborns, the umbilical hernia is the most common cause of belly button pain. We speak of an umbilical hernia when part of the organs usually contained in the abdomen protrude outward (we say that they protrude) and cause swelling in the navel. Usually, it resolves naturally within a few days.

In adults, an umbilical hernia is usually painless, but if there is a complication, such as a strangulation of the abdominal organs for example, it can become painful.

The other causes of navel pain are quite varied. Let us quote for example:

  • skin infection (dermatosis);
  • constipation can also cause umbilical pain in some cases. The increased pressure in the belly causes pain which can radiate into the abdomen and especially in the navel;
  • acute appendicitis. In this case the sensation of pain is characteristic because it goes from the navel and extends down the right side of the abdomen;
  • a belly button piercing, even after several months, as it can sometimes take up to a year to heal completely
  • umbilicoplasty, a cosmetic surgery operation that aims to change the shape of the navel.

More rarely, umbilical pain may be the sign of a more serious underlying disease, such as colorectal cancer, Crohn’s disease or even celiac disease.

Evolution et complications possible

To overlook navel pain is to see the risk of ignoring a disease and seeing it get worse.

Treatment and prevention: what solutions?

In the case of an umbilical hernia, an outpatient surgery usually allows the organs to be placed in the abdomen and the hernia to be closed. Subsequently, certain factors, such as obesity, pregnancy, repeated carrying of heavy loads, or even a chronic cough increase the risk of umbilical hernia and should therefore be monitored.

Hollow navels are more likely to trap small debris like dead skin or dust. This facilitates the proliferation of bacteria and therefore promotes infections. But careful hygiene of the area usually helps prevent problems. It is recommended to clean the navel with soap and water or possibly with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol.

In case of bacterial infection, a dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic ointment. If the belly button pain is associated with the discharge of a clear fluid, a doctor should be seen who will look for other conditions, such as a cyst or fistula.

If the belly button pain is due to constipation, it can be treated with laxatives, or a change in diet. Making sure you stay hydrated can also help prevent or relieve constipation.

Detecting signs of pain in newborns is not easy, but the presence of other symptoms should alert you and prompt you to see a pediatrician. These include:

  • purulent discharge;
  • redness around the belly;
  • swelling of the area;
  • fever.


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