Nausea in pregnancy – causes, complications. Remedies for nausea in pregnancy

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Most women feel sick in pregnancy. Pregnant women often even reject the thought of specific dishes, and the so-called morning sickness accompanies them throughout the day. The intensity of this problem is, of course, a very individual matter. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with nausea in pregnancy.

When a pregnant woman experiences nausea, each person around her wants to relieve her and offers various solutions. The problem may concern only mild morning sickness, but also very tiring and burdensome vomiting for the pregnant woman, which lasts a very long time. How can you help yourself and when should the problem go away?

Nausea in pregnancy – causes

Nausea in pregnancy should not be of concern to us, as it is a natural consequence of the rising levels of progesterone in a woman’s body. This hormone is necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy. In addition, morning sickness is also influenced by increased levels of pregnancy hormones – hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen. Interestingly, with multiple pregnancies, the hCG levels are even higher, making you more likely to experience morning sickness, which can also be more troublesome.

According to specialists, morning sickness can also be psychosomatic. Put simply, morning sickness can be influenced by fatigue or emotions from pregnancy or everyday problems. Very often, women are not able to cope with pregnancy ailments and for this reason they get very stressed, which in turn causes morning sickness. Stress may also result from fear of upcoming delivery or motherhood. This morning sickness doesn’t have to last only in the morning, but it can last all day.

Usually, nausea in pregnancy disappears after 12-14 weeks, i.e. when the woman finishes the first trimester. However, they can last up to 22 weeks of pregnancy and longer (about 5 percent of pregnant women experience symptoms related to morning sickness throughout their pregnancy). If, despite everything, nausea continues to bother us during pregnancy, it is worth consulting it with your gynecologist.

It also happens that some pregnant women do not have morning sickness at all and this is not a cause for concern. It all depends on the body of the woman. However, you should worry if all your pregnancy ailments stop.

See also: Pregnancy calendar – the course of pregnancy month by month

Remedies for nausea in pregnancy

There are many ways to treat nausea in pregnancy, and their effectiveness varies greatly from woman to woman. Unfortunately, most of them will bring relief after 2-3 days. If you’re feeling sick in pregnancy, try the following:

  1. quiet mornings – do not get out of bed quickly. Instead of starting abruptly, it is better to lie down for a quarter of an hour and slowly get up. In the reclining position, you can drink, for example, warm tea and bite, for example, on a roll or dried fruit. Also, take your time later in the day as exercise increases nausea in pregnancy;
  2. supplements for pregnant women – it is worth using preparations containing vitamins and minerals in the right form. A frequently swallowed tablet causes immediate vomiting. Therefore, it is worth choosing tablets of the appropriate shape and swallowing them after a meal;
  3. not overeating – when a woman feels sick during pregnancy, she should not overeat. Better to eat less, but more often. Also, do not wait until you feel hungry, as this also makes the nausea worse;
  4. proper diet – to minimize nausea in pregnancy, give up fatty, fried foods, but don’t give up on your cravings. Most often, even fatty and unhealthy foods will not cause nausea;
  5. vitamin B6 – a woman should provide an adequate amount of vitamin B6, which will help relieve nausea in pregnancy. Good sources of it are grain products, bananas, potatoes, tuna, wheat germ, and lean meat;
  6. snacks – a small snack will help to avoid nausea, sometimes it is enough to slowly drink mineral water. It is good to eat something, for example, immediately before bedtime, thanks to which we will avoid the feeling of suction in the stomach in the morning;
  7. ginger – an infusion of fresh ginger will help relieve nausea in pregnancy. Just pour boiling water over a slice of ginger and let it brew for 10 minutes, covered. It can also be added to meals, such as salads;
  8. delicate fragrances – nausea in pregnancy often causes strong smells, so in pregnancy it is worth choosing cosmetics and washing agents with a delicate fragrance. Also avoid dishes with an intense smell;
  9. avoid cigarette smoke;
  10. take care of the thorough airing of the apartment;
  11. choose loose clothes that will not constrict the stomach and allow you to breathe freely;
  12. brush your teeth often to get rid of a specific taste in your mouth that appears at the beginning of pregnancy;
  13. deep breathing – for morning sickness, calm and deep breathing, e.g. with the window open, is great. It’s a good idea to combine this with daily one-hour walks;
  14. warm compresses – it is good to lie down in a reclining position during an attack of nausea and put a hot water bottle on your stomach;
  15. remember about physical activity – very often, nausea in pregnancy is helped by a simple walk or swimming (it is also not a physical effort that would burden the pregnant woman too much). Experts say that daily walks can also help pregnant women to calm down (reduce stress) and, in combination with breathing techniques, shorten the time of delivery (even by 2-4 hours), reduce the risk of premature birth, episiotomy and cervical damage, and allows get back into shape faster after childbirth;
  16. focus on something pleasant – when you feel the onset of nausea, it is good to take your mind off and, for example, listen to your favorite music or watch a movie. A similar effect can be obtained by chewing gum or dried ginger. These types of activities absorb attention, which makes the body stop focusing on troublesome ailments;
  17. acupuncture – according to specialists, acupuncture can be successful in the fight against various pregnancy ailments such as nausea, fatigue or bleeding. However, it should be borne in mind that acupuncture requires a lot of knowledge and experience, so you should think carefully when choosing a specialist. It is assumed that the effects are achieved by 20-minute sessions carried out once a week;
  18. acupressure – some people say that pressing your thumb on a point on the inside of your hand (in the space between two tendons, about 3 cm below the wrist) helps with pregnancy nausea. This point should be pressed firmly with your thumb for 5 seconds, then let go. The step should be repeated at least three times on both hands. Sometimes it is also recommended to keep pressing this point for five minutes at four-hour intervals, but remember that this technique does not work for every woman.
Worth knowing

Pregnant women must not use anti-emetic drugs unless prescribed by their doctor.

Nausea in pregnancy – dangerous ways

When giving effective advice on nausea in pregnancy, it is important to mention ways that can be completely counterproductive and harm not only the pregnant woman but also her baby.

This type of advice includes:

  1. mixtures and herbal medicines, e.g. for stomach problems – these types of preparations are not intended for pregnant women (unless they are bought at a pharmacy and the leaflet clearly states the safety of use in pregnancy), they may even have a miscarriage effect. On the other hand, pregnant women can reach for chamomile and lemon balm without fear;
  2. ginger in tablets – although a slice of ginger in tea will not hurt a pregnant woman, ginger in the form of tablets does. Before using it, it is better to consult a doctor;
  3. over-the-counter medicines – remember that over-the-counter medicines and preparations (sedatives, antiemetics or vitamins) should be taken only on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  4. discontinuation of prescribed medications – some medications taken by a pregnant woman may contain progesterone (enabling the termination of pregnancy) or iron (preventing complications of anemia) and should not be discontinued without first consulting the attending physician;
  5. alcohol – even in small amounts, alcohol can have a negative impact on the life of the baby in the mother’s womb. This applies to all alcoholic beverages, both stronger (vodka) and weaker ones, such as wine, which are believed to have a positive effect on the blood;
  6. Vinegar and Soda – While drinking vinegar or sodium solution seems like an absurd mistake, it often comes up as advice for women who feel sick during pregnancy. However, it should be added that soda in the right proportions can help relieve heartburn;
  7. fluid restriction – sometimes it is recommended for pregnant women during nausea, but it is not a good idea, especially during severe vomiting, it can lead to serious dehydration and stay in the hospital;
  8. aromatherapy – Some doctors say that aromatherapy can be harmful, especially when combined with a hot tub bath, where warm water along with the intense scents of aromatic oils can lead to premature contractions.

See also: Vomiting during pregnancy

If in doubt, it is better to abandon the advice described or consult a doctor.

Nausea in pregnancy – complications

Incontinence in pregnant women is a very rare but severe form of morning sickness and is believed to affect about 1-2 percent of all pregnant women. In 90 percent of cases of excessive vomiting in pregnancy, symptoms disappear by the fifth month of pregnancy.

Typically severe symptoms include:

  1. inability to retain fluids due to severe vomiting;
  2. serious risk of dehydration and weight loss;
  3. alkalosis (a dangerous increase in normal blood acidity);
  4. hypokalemia (low blood potassium);

Women with severe symptoms should seek medical attention immediately. In some cases, hospitalization and treatment with intravenous fluids may be necessary.

If a woman has uncontrolled vomiting, the chances of the baby being harmed by the pregnant woman are very small. If a woman loses weight during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of having a low birth weight baby.

A woman should consult her doctor immediately if she has one or more of the following symptoms:

  1. signs of dehydration including infrequent urination, dark colored urine, or dizziness when standing up;
  2. vomiting repeated throughout the day, especially if there is blood in the vomit;
  3. pain or cramps in the abdomen or pelvis;
  4. not being able to withhold food or drinks for more than 12 hours;
  5. weight loss of more than 2,3 kg;
  6. fever or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  7. hopelessness, ending pregnancy or suicidal thoughts because of worsening symptoms of nausea / vomiting.

Nausea in pregnancy – research

Based on the symptoms a woman experiences during pregnancy nausea, the doctor may order tests to be performed to make sure that she and her baby are safe. The tests include a urine test (to determine if a woman is dehydrated), a complete blood count, and an abdominal ultrasound (to check that the baby is developing properly).

Nausea in pregnancy and genes

According to researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, the tendency to morning sickness in pregnant women often runs in families rather than just from changes in hormone levels. Researchers successfully identified two genes, GDF15 and IGFBP7, that affect both placenta growth and appetite regulation, and are also associated with cancer cachexia.

Sometimes you can meet with the statement that the sex of the child can be determined after the intensity of vomiting, and for example it is morning sickness that would suggest that the child will be a girl. However, there are no medical studies to support this claim, in other words, nausea during pregnancy is not gender-related.

Some experts suggest that morning sickness may be an evolutionary adaptation that protects pregnant mothers and their babies from food poisoning. If a woman with morning sickness does not feel like eating foods that could potentially be poisoned, such as poultry, eggs, or meat, and prefers foods with a low risk of contamination, such as rice, bread, and crackers, the chances of her and her baby surviving are bigger. Adult humans have defense mechanisms against plant toxins, including a wide variety of detoxification enzymes produced by the liver. In a developing baby, these defenses are not yet fully developed, and even relatively small amounts of toxins can be harmful. A baby’s developing organs are most exposed to the toxin during weeks 6 to 18, around the time when morning sickness is at its peak.

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