Sprinkled naucoria (Naucoria subconspersa)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Hymenogastraceae (Hymenogaster)
  • Genus: Naucoria (Naucoria)
  • Type: Naucoria subconspersa (Sprinkled Naucoria)


head 2-4 (up to 6) cm in diameter, convex in youth, then, with age, procumbent with a lowered edge, then flat procumbent, possibly even slightly curved. The edges of the cap are even. The hat is slightly translucent, hygrophanous, stripes from the plates can be seen. The color is light brown, yellow-brown, ocher, some sources associate the color with the color of ground cinnamon. The surface of the cap is fine-grained, finely scaly, because of this it seems as if powdered.

The veil is present at a very early age, until the size of the cap exceeds 2-3 mm; the remains of the veil along the edge of the cap can be found on mushrooms up to 5-6 mm in size, after which it disappears without a trace.

The photo shows young and very young mushrooms. The diameter of the cap of the smallest is 3 mm. You can see the cover.

Leg 2-4 (up to 6) cm high, 2-3 mm in diameter, cylindrical, yellow-brown, brown, watery, usually covered with fine scaly bloom. From below, a litter (or soil) grows to the leg, sprouted with mycelium, resembling white cotton wool.

Records not frequent, grown. The color of the plates is similar to the color of the pulp and cap, but with age, the plates turn brown more strongly. There are shortened plates that do not reach the stem, usually more than half of all plates.

Pulp yellow-brown, brown, thin, watery.

Smell and taste not expressed.

spore powder brown. Spores are elongated (elliptical), 9-13 x 4-6 µm.

Inhabits from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn in deciduous (mainly) and mixed forests. Prefers alder, aspen. Also noted in the presence of willow, birch. Grows on litter or on the ground.

Tubaria bran (Tubaria furfuracea) is a rather similar mushroom. But it is almost impossible to confuse, since tubaria grows on woody debris, and scientocoria grows on the ground or litter. Also, in tubaria, the veil is usually more pronounced, although it may be absent. In scienceoria, it can only be found in very small mushrooms. Tubaria appears much earlier than naukoria.

Naucoria of other species – all naucoria are very similar to each other, and often they cannot be distinguished without a microscope. However, the sprinkled one is distinguished by the surface of the cap, covered with fine granularity, finely scaly.

Sphagnum galerina (Galerina sphagnorum), as well as other galerinas, for example marsh galerina (G. Paludosa) – in general, it is also quite similar mushroom, like all small brown mushrooms with adherent plates, however, galerinas are distinguished by the shape of the hat – similar gallerinas have a dark a tubercle, which is usually absent in sciatica. Although darkening to the center of the hat in naukoria is also quite common, but the tubercle is not a frequent occurrence, when it is mandatory for gallerinas, then in naukoria it can be rare, rather as an exception to the rule, and if there is, then not everyone even in one family. Yes, and in gallerinas the hat is smooth, and in these sciences it is fine-grained / finely scaly.

Edibility is unknown. And it is unlikely that anyone will check it, given the similarity with a large number of obviously inedible mushrooms, a nondescript appearance and a small number of small fruiting bodies.

Photo: Sergey

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