
The addiction of many people to treatment with prescriptions from alternative medicine has led to the fact that many patients have come to clinics with diseases at an advanced stage. To prevent such a development of events, it was decided to create a whole separate medical course. It suggests using natural remedies for healing on an official basis.

To do this, the experts used knowledge from traditional medicine, confirmed results of scientific research and other information that is recognized by world scientists. This is how naturotherapy was born, where the doctor suggests using one’s own strength and energy reserves to obtain the desired result.

Despite the fact that there is now a professional organization of such doctors in the world, not everyone still believes in the effectiveness of this path of treatment. Even the reviews of people whom the technique has helped do not help them move away from their stereotypes. But at the heart of naturopathy are principles understandable to everyone since childhood, such as advice to brew calendula flowers to gargle a sore throat.

Different faces

Unlike most branches of so-called traditional medicine, the components of natural therapy have many facets. The most popular of them is aromatherapy, the basics of which were laid down in ancient times.

Today, its principles are found in the proposals of the sanatorium-resort recovery of the body, which once again confirms the acceptance of a branch of naturotherapy as an effective tool. This technique has proven itself not only as an aid in the treatment of a certain disease, which is especially characteristic of problems in the respiratory system, but also as a preventive measure.

An equally popular solution is apitherapy, which the townsfolk often use, without even suspecting that they have joined the club of adherents of unusual treatment. Apitherapy is called healing with the help of bee products.

People usually limit themselves to honey, but professionals do not bypass royal jelly, propolis, wax, and even bee venom. With the help of the latter, specialists get rid of the pain syndrome using makeshift beds installed on the hives.

Another familiar method is hirudotherapy. We are talking about the use of medical leeches. A few hundred years ago, in such a simple way, doctors treated everyone in a row for almost all ailments. There really is a sense in this, but only with a reasonable use of the resources of leeches.

Climatotherapy is a rather difficult to implement way to alleviate the patient’s condition. It is based on turning certain features of the climate to their advantage. This technique provides for a long period, but with a slow recovery of the body’s strength, the chances of falling again with a relapse remain at a minimum.

A striking example of climatotherapy is the movement of people with tuberculosis or other lung problems to regions with clean air. For this, mountainous areas are suitable, where there are many coniferous trees. Previously, it was a change of scenery to a milder climate that was used to treat chronic bronchitis with lungs weakened after tuberculosis.

Among other practicing branches of naturopathy, there are several more unusual and at the same time effective versions:

  1. Homeopathy. Against the background of knowledge about medicinal plants, the modern pharmaceutical industry was born. Initially, pharmacists made their own medicines using microscopic doses of plant extracts or animal components. This branch of science is still used today, but homeopathic remedies should be started after checking the doctor’s qualifications. After all, extracts bring benefits only in small doses, and if the permissible norms are exceeded, the medicine can turn into a deadly poison.
  2. Stone therapy. The name of the category comes from the English language, as in the literal translation “stone” is translated as “stone”. For the technique, heated stones are used. Today, stone therapy is especially popular in spas.
  3. Music therapy. Its effectiveness is proved by the results of numerous studies not only with plants, but also with laboratory animals and even pregnant women.
  4. Phytotherapy. It functions according to the principle of homeopathy, which is why the two structures are often confused with each other or even combined. But for herbal medicine, only representatives of the flora are used. You can meet herbal preparations for high blood pressure, to strengthen the heart muscle or with a diuretic effect in any pharmacy.

There are also more specific currents like thalassotherapy, when the treatment revolves around seafood. This campaign is especially advertised in Israel, where they use:

  • seaweed;
  • salt;
  • mud.

If there is no opportunity to visit distant countries to stabilize your well-being, then you can use what is closer. Suitable for this treatment with the help of well-calculated physical activity, diet therapy or just therapeutic nutrition. Not only a naturotherapist will help to cope with the latter, but also an experienced nutritionist or even a specialized doctor such as a cardiologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Acupuncture is now experiencing a second youth. In Asian countries, it has not lost its relevance for thousands of years, and it is not for nothing that a full-fledged association of such experts with the appropriate license operates there.

But in the Slavic countries, not everyone is literally ready to go under the needles. Someone is afraid, and someone still does not believe that sharp instruments can activate biologically active points. There are also those who simply cannot wait to get the result right away, and with acupuncture, a magical transformation in one session is unlikely to be achieved.

A final popular solution is hydrotherapy. Moreover, if earlier only mineral or thermal liquids were used for this, now separate teachings have appeared, where ordinary tap water appears. It is recommended to drink it according to a certain principle and pass it through a standard filter for reliability.

What organs does a naturopath treat?

Unlike classical approaches to treatment, when a certain disease is detected, the consequences of the disease are immediately neutralized and the condition of the affected organ is stabilized, naturotherapy provides a different approach. Such doctors do not treat the disease itself, instead they restore the entire body, eliminating the causes for the development of pathology. Because of this, experts recommend changing your lifestyle by giving up bad habits. Not all patients like such a radical approach, which usually involves a longer treatment than usual. Part of those who initially want to do without drastic measures or exposure to chemicals halfway give up their undertakings.

A striking example of how the principle of using natural tools works is getting rid of skin pathological manifestations like:

  • allergies;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • pyoderma.

In addition to drawing up an integrated approach to solving an emerging problem, the doctor must take into account possible aspects of a psychosomatic nature. The fact that emotional upheavals, depression or accumulated fatigue become impetuses for the development of most diseases is a long-proven truth.

The nervous system, which has to cope with increased loads, simply begins to protest after a while. It leads to:

  • muscle spasms;
  • vascular clamps;
  • pinching nerve endings.

All this smoothly flows into problems with internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The visitor complains of recurrent unbearable pain in the lumbar region, neck, abdomen, and shoulders. To understand such a confusing bundle of problems, you have to use several versions of treatment. This allows you to achieve maximum efficiency.

And with a revision of outlook on life or even working in tandem with a psychologist, it will be possible to avoid relapses, or at least minimize them. It is not for nothing that the sages say that even the skin of happy people glows and they are healthy from the inside.

Competence of a naturopath

In addition to diagnoses closely related to the skin, there are many more problems that the naturopath struggles with. If we talk about deviations in the functioning of the digestive system, then here the leaders of popularity on demand are:

  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis.

Together with psychological support or a revision of the attitude towards oneself and the world around, it turns out to get rid of asthenia, neuroses, insomnia, depression and vegetovascular dystonia.

Another group of diseases that can be completely cured with the right approach are ailments in terms of destabilization of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Some people even nullified the manifestations of bronchial asthma, to say nothing of:

  • tracheitis;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • emphysema;
  • the adenoids;
  • tonsillitis.

If the applicant finds a truly experienced doctor in naturopathic science, he will be able to overcome even quite serious cardiac disorders such as ischemia, hypertension or arrhythmia.

A separate stream to naturotherapists is a queue of patients from the endocrine department of hospitals. Many of them are desperate to find help on the side of drug treatment, so they are looking for ways to get rid of thyroid dysfunction in alternative ways. Those who wish to reduce the manifestations of diabetes mellitus of all degrees act according to the same scheme.

There are such doctors who work purely with gynecological pathologies, diseases of certain organs or ailments characteristic of weakened immunity.

But any conditions that directly threaten human life and health are not treated by these experts. Here it is worth urgently seeking help from the nearest hospital so that the staff can perform resuscitation or urgent surgical intervention.

Reasons for applying

It would be useful to contact a naturopath if the day before the patient suffered a respiratory disease, or was attacked by an intestinal infection, which launched a destructive process in the genitourinary or digestive systems.

During the recovery period after a recent surgery, it is also worth seeking qualified help from such a pro.

It is also worth considering making an appointment if the victim is often bothered by at least a few of the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • constant weakness for no reason;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • dry mouth;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • coughing and sneezing that lasts more than a week;
  • nausea with irregular pain in the abdomen;
  • problems with going to the toilet of any kind;
  • destabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • skin rashes, itching and dryness;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • brittle hair and dandruff;
  • overweight;
  • joint pain.

But even if the victim is worried about some atypical complaints that are not mentioned in the list, this is not a reason to refuse a consultation.

Diagnostic procedures

In addition to examining and listening to the accumulated complaints, the doctor should prescribe additional tests depending on the suspicions. The list of mandatory ones included a general blood and urine test, and then everything is strictly according to the circumstances.

For some patients, it is enough to pass biochemistry, while others have to undergo glucose testing or immunological studies. Moreover, in the latter case, we are talking not only about the suspicion of HIV, but also helminthic invasions or latent allergic reactions.

Those who have a related predisposition to endocrine abnormalities will have to be tested for hormonal levels. And those who complain of problems with the gastrointestinal tract need to collect material for stool analysis.

Specific tests include swabs from the urethra, vagina, cervix, and flora. With their help, it will be possible to establish possible inflammatory processes in the genitals of men and women.

In addition to laboratory studies, to obtain a more accurate clinical picture, it will be necessary to involve instrumental diagnostics. It includes electrocardiograms, MRI, ultrasound, x-rays, colcoscopy, colonoscopy, encephalogram, and a few more rare variations of problem definition.

Based on the answers received, the doctor determines the best program for future treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his current needs of the body. Guided by natural remedies and the support of natural methods of alleviating the condition, the doctor, together with the victim, will be able to neutralize the consequences of the disease. And over time, completely rid the patient of it.

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