Naturopathy, a lifestyle ?

Naturopathy, a lifestyle ?

Naturopathy, a lifestyle ?
Respecting your body, mind and heart, along with the environment, people and the planet, this is perhaps in one sentence what naturopathy can bring to everyone’s lifeâ € ¦

Interview with Daniel Kieffer.

Interview by Raïssa Blankoff, naturopath.

For Daniel Kieffer1, director of the CENATHO naturopathic training college, “being a naturopath is first and foremost educating in health”.

The naturopath will be attentive to all aspects, it being understood that they all interact with each other: nutritional quality, psychic balance, respect the environment, social intelligence, until the meaning of life who can be queried. “It is a discipline of common sense, underlines Daniel Kieffer, lived in the satisfaction of seeing oneself reconciled with the laws of biology and psychology which preside over our lives, a return to the obvious and especially to autonomy and to responsibility, major axes of life more and more forgotten, because we have lost the intrinsic link with plants, animals and other members of the community on which our survival directly depended. The right brain, more intuitive and creative, has given way to the left brain, more mental and calculating, we have less time to turn to our inner life. Naturopathy invites first of all to draw on its own resources, rather than accepting the infantilizing situation of a disempowerment leading to powerlessness and the deprivation of our intimate freedom. Long live the return to experience, to twists and turns, long live the difficulty. Today, society, if we listen to it, keeps us on the outskirts of the center; becoming autonomous is considered subversive, even wanting to consume less is suspect. It is urgent to get out of assistantship and dependence. To begin with, you have to take the time to to ask, take breaks, on a daily basis, and think about what we really want, determine our priorities, those which are good for us, for those around us, to stop anticipating so as not to give an excuse to fear, listen to yourself and act accordingly, convinced that what is positive for us is also positive for our planet ”.


Note Daniel Kieffer: Director of the European College of Traditional Holistic Naturopathy CENATHO President of the French Federation of Naturopathy FENAHMAN Vice-president of the European Union of Naturopathy UEN http: // President and speaker of the association Objective: Notre Santé Professional member of OMNES Member of the steering committee of “Alliance pour la Santé” www Bibliography on

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