Nature gives good: we reveal the benefits of organic products

Not so long ago, organic products were rare in our country. And today the army of their fans is growing every year. They are mainly preferred by those who seriously care about their own health and the health of their relatives. What is the reason for such an unprecedented popularity of organic products? What benefits do they bring to the body? And why is it important to regularly include them in the diet? These and other questions are answered by the experts of the health food store ” Ugleche Pole. Organic Market”.

What are organic products?

First of all, let’s figure out what organic products are. In the broadest sense, these are 100% natural, environmentally friendly food products. Vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, milk and products based on it, eggs, cereals — all that we eat every day. All of them imply a special system of growing natural raw materials, which completely excludes the use of any agricultural chemicals: synthetic fertilizers, growth stimulants, pesticides, GMOs. Simply put, these are products in their original form — such as nature itself created them.

Of course, there are no chemical additives widely used in industrial production in organic products and there can not be. You will never find flavorings, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners, chemical preservatives and other artificial components that can harm your health in their composition. Instead, only natural additives are used. For example, natural juices of berries, vegetables or herbs are used as dyes, and absolutely harmless citric acid performs the function of a preservative.

This approach is the fundamental difference between organic agriculture and industrial agriculture. In the first case, the emphasis is on the highest quality of the product, pure natural taste and valuable nutritional properties for the body. In the second case, the manufacturer seeks to create a more affordable and cheaper product, while significantly sacrificing quality, taste properties and benefits.


Use under the microscope

Modern research proves that organic products are significantly superior to conventional ones in terms of the composition of valuable elements. Thus, organic vegetables and fruits are much richer in vitamins, micro-and macronutrients, antioxidants, and essential acids. Meat of organic origin contains more full-fledged easily digestible proteins. Fermented milk products are full of useful microorganisms necessary for the proper functioning of digestion, metabolism and healthy immunity.

Organic products are optimally suited not only for the daily diet, but also for various therapeutic diets. Doctors recommend including them in the menu for the prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. There is practical evidence that organic food helps to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. In addition, such products will be a valuable addition to the menu of pregnant and lactating women. For children, organic nutrition also plays an important role starting from the first weeks of life. Organic juices, mixes, porridges, soups and purees are specially developed for kids. They contain all the necessary nutrients that are absorbed correctly and in full.

Experts in the field of healthy nutrition emphasize that organic food will bring real benefits only if it is present in the family menu regularly. Otherwise, the entire health effect will be reduced to zero. After all, proper nutrition is not a diet for a short period of time, but a clear and balanced system, which is important to adhere to constantly.


Gifts of nature on your table

Where can I find real organic products and how not to be deceived in expectations? We offer to go for them to the Ugleche Pole chain of stores. Organic Market”. The guarantee of quality is the fact that these food products are produced taking into account the world experience of leading foreign brands specializing in organic products for many years. This means that they meet the highest international standards.

One of the main principles that the company adheres to is the most careful attitude to nature. That is why our own agricultural base was established in the Uglich district. All the necessary conditions have come together here: a favorable climate throughout the year, fertile fertile lands, an environmentally friendly environment and convenient transport accessibility, which allows you to shorten the delivery time and thereby preserve the freshness of raw materials.

Vegetables and fruits are grown on fertile soils in natural conditions — no genetic engineering, pesticides and pesticides. No one pumps animals with hormones, growth stimulants and antibiotics. They receive proper nutrition and caring care from the first days of life. And since they undergo strict selection, the resulting meat and milk are of impeccable quality and unsurpassed taste. The same can be said about cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, butter, which, by the way, are produced in compliance with the traditional recipe.

Another important unshakable principle of the company “Ugleche Polye” is full control of the entire production cycle “from the field to the counter”. The freshness, quality, nutritional properties, safety and, of course, the taste of each individual product are carefully checked. That’s why there are always genuine health products on your table. And that’s why all the products presented in the company line “Ugleche Pole” deservedly bear the trademark “organic” on the label. 

Healthy eating is a whole life philosophy that more and more people adhere to today. Organic products ” Ugleche Polye. Organic Market ” are rightfully an integral part of this philosophy. These are priceless gifts of nature, which have absorbed the life-giving benefits in their pure form. Thanks to them, you will rediscover the unsurpassed natural taste of long-familiar products, and at the same time learn how to enjoy a proper balanced diet with the whole family.

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