Natural sources of vitamin D – which products do you find the most in? [WE EXPLAIN]

Where does vitamin D come from? Most of us will probably point to the sun and supplements. This is true. However, it is worth remembering that vitamin D can also be found in food. Which products contain the most of it? To what extent will the diet meet the need for vitamin D?

  1. Thanks to an appropriate diet, we can satisfy approx. 20 percent. the need for vitamin D.
  2. One of the richest foods in vitamin D is oily sea fish, including salmon
  3. People who do not eat fish will find vitamin D in eggs, and more precisely in their yolks
  4. You can read more similar articles on the Onet homepage.

Where does the body get its vitamin D from? The three most important sources

Vitamin D affects the entire body, it ensures the proper functioning of all our organs. There is a reason why it is sometimes called the “vitamin of life”. It has a positive effect on bone mineralization, strengthens muscles, supports memory and concentration, stimulates antibacterial protection – these are just some of its functions.

  1. More in the text: Vitamin D3 – properties, effects of excess and deficiency

Where can we get vitamin D from? Our body gets it from three sources. The first is synthesis in the skin under the influence of solar radiation, which covers approx. 80 percent. demand for this relationship. «It is estimated that in Polish conditions, the discovery on a sunny day of at least 18 percent. body surface (forearms and lower legs) without the use of sunscreen, for 15-20 minutes in the hours of 10-15 causes a sufficient synthesis of vitamin D “, we read in the publications issued this year by the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene:” Nutrition standards for the Polish population and their application “.

Another source of vitamin D indicated by experts is supplementation, and its importance in meeting the demand depends on the season. Remember that we cannot supplement ourselves with high doses of vitamin D due to the risk of overdosing. To check the level of vitamin D we have and choose the optimal dose, it is worth testing its level in the blood – 25 / OH / D3.

If you need to supplement with vitamin D3, Medonet Market offers a wide range of products of this type. Choose the supplement that will suit you best. eg DLux – Vegan Vitamin D Spray 1000 IU BetterYou.

Not sure if you are also struggling with vitamin D deficiency? We recommend Home testing of vitamin D levels – cassette test or Shipment testing of vitamin D metabolites profile. You can also buy vitamin D level testing in Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center available at

However, if someone wanted to supplement this compound without testing the level of vitamin D in the blood, he must know that the maximum safe dose is 2. IU per day (more about vitamin D supplementation in the text: Most of us are deficient in vitamin D. How to supplement it? Doctor: it’s not a simple matter).

There is one more source of vitamin D that we cannot forget. It’s a diet. Thanks to it, we will satisfy approx. 20 percent. the need for the “vitamin of life”. “The consumption of vitamin D in the Polish population has been low for years and far from meeting the nutritional recommendations” – emphasize the authors of the publication “Nutrition standards for the Polish population and their application”. Let us recall which products contain the most vitamin D. It is important, especially since there are not many of them.

Check the level of vitamin D in your body by purchasing a blood test package. Check the condition of your bones. The package is offered by the uP Patient company, which gives the possibility to collect blood in one of over 500 facilities in Poland or at the patient’s home.

The rest of the article under the video.

Natural sources of vitamin D – oily fish: salmon, herring and sardines

One of the richest foods in vitamin D is oily sea fish, including salmon. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100 g of farmed Atlantic salmon contain approx. 526 IU of vitamin D. More can be found in wild salmon – according to, in 100 g it is 988 IU.

Herring is a fish known and eaten all over the world. It is suitable for smoking, marinating and frying. It is worth remembering that it is also a good source of vitamin D. 100 g of fresh Atlantic herring provides 216 IU of vitamin D, the same amount of pickled contains 112 IU.

Vitamin D is also provided by the popular canned sardines – approx. 100 g contain 177 IU and canned tuna – 268 IU respectively.

Halibut and mackerel are also good sources of vitamin D, providing 384 IU and 360 IU respectively. Vitamin D can also be found in fish oil. A teaspoon of cod liver oil is about 448 IU of this compound. You can already buy fish oil from the Medonet Market offer, for example:

  1. Moller’s Tran Norwegian GOLD;
  2. Moller’s Tran Norwegian apple.

Natural sources of vitamin D – egg yolks

People who do not eat fish will find vitamin D in eggs, and more precisely in their yolks. One typical egg yolk contains about 37 IU of vitamin D. It is worth knowing, however, that in this respect an egg is not equal.

  1. Some good reasons why you should eat eggs

The level of vitamin D in this product depends on the exposure of the chicken to the sun (in chickens, as in humans, vitamin D is mainly synthesized by exposure to sunlight). Research conducted several years ago showed that eggs from pastured hens contained more vitamin D than hens from caged or barn breeding (approx. 37 IU of vitamin D). The vitamin D content of the yolk is also related to the vitamin D content of the feed the chickens are fed.

Natural sources of vitamin D – mushrooms

Mushrooms also contain vitamin D, and more specifically vitamin D2. How is it different from the vitamin D3 we’ve talked about so far? They are generally similar compounds, but there are also differences.

Vitamin D is of animal origin, it is also naturally synthesized in our skin under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D2 is produced mainly by plants. Both forms are well absorbed, although they are metabolized slightly differently in the liver.

Vitamin D2 can be found in shitake mushrooms. It is also included in the edible pepper, the popular chanterelle, as well as mushrooms and brewer’s yeast.

Vitamin D Sources – Enriched Foods

If someone does not eat fish or eggs or prefers a vegetarian or vegan diet, vitamin D can be obtained from products to which this compound is added. As the authors of the publication “Nutrition standards for the Polish population and their application” remind us, in our country for years there has been an obligation to enrich spreadable fats with vitamin D (except for butter).

Vitamin D is also added to e.g. plant milk, e.g. soy or rice. Some countries enrich orange juice with this compound – a glass (237 ml) of “fortified” orange juice can provide about 100 IU of vitamin D. Some cereals and oats are also enriched with vitamin D – half a glass of these foods can provide 54 – 136 IU of vitamin D. Not much, but still a good way to increase your intake of this compound.

The dose of 2000 IU is provided by XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico – the supplement is available in packages with a capacity of up to 120 capsules. Older people usually need a much higher dose of vitamin D3, which is why Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO – a dietary supplement for seniors, has been prepared especially for them.

The level of vitamin D in the body is very important. It is worth checking it while examining other parameters important for human health. Take advantage of the test packages available on Medonet Market, eg. Pre-consultation tests with a dietitian – home blood analysis.

You can also do Homocysteine ​​and Vitamin D Shipment Test, which you can order conveniently in our supermarket. You can take a blood sample yourself at home.

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