Natural path to health or medicine
We all noticed that as soon as you ask someone about health, a long story immediately begins about ailments, illnesses, poor health, and so on. This is also evidenced by the statistics of the incidence of residents of large cities, where industry is highly developed.

Unfortunately, the health of each individual is not considered an indicator for the overall health picture. In fact, only the level of a person’s ability to work is taken into account, that is, whether a person has any diseases and how severe they are. Will he be able to work or not?

However, for each person, the most important thing is his personal health, and not the statistics of his incidence and the causes of diseases throughout his life. An indicator of the level of health for a person is how he feels. A person listens to his inner voice and assesses his condition. Hippocrates believes that the treatment of diseases should be dealt with primarily by nature, and not medicine, whose function is auxiliary.

Neither in practice nor in theory has it been proven that health is a certain supply of vitality and energy. The further progress in medicine and pharmaceuticals goes, the more and more this concept is forgotten.

The development of modern medicine follows the path of improving practical skills and obtaining new knowledge based on scientific achievements that are very far from nature, human life and the interests of society as a whole.


There are two kinds of science and practice in health care, each of which has its own theory about health. Both directions were founded and developed in parallel in European countries. However, these directions have completely moved away from each other. Their essence and practical application have nothing in common.

One area consists of practice and knowledge based on a person’s life experience. That is, as the proverb says: “Live and learn …”. This direction contains a combination of factors such as a person’s well-being, his psychophysical state, folk culture and others. It was from the accumulated experience that the modern health care system was subsequently born.

The second direction is the activity of medical professionals, which is carried out with the aim of correcting and improving the health already lost by a person. It is obvious that initially better health in a person and a more correct lifestyle that he leads lead to a decrease in morbidity. Accordingly, the need for medical services is reduced.

The medical society equates the level of health of the population with the statistics of morbidity. Human society, in turn, is accustomed to believe that illness, aging and death are a completely natural course of life and the inevitability of being. However, this is not the fault of official medicine.

We have all learned from experience that we need to start taking care of the health of every person even before his birth. And healthcare should take an active part in all this.

The society should be informed about what ways of curing this or that disease, besides the well-known ones, still exist. You can focus on the most frequently asked questions in search engines. What people ask about most often is what worries society. And we need to look for solutions to these problems in the first place.

To paraphrase a well-known Georgian proverb, it turns out that no matter how many diseases there are in the world, one must remember to be careful and take care of one’s health first of all.

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