Natural methods to induce childbirth

Sex, to speed up childbirth

Having sex can speed up the onset of labor. This method, commonly known as “Italian triggering”, has been used for centuries by impatient parents. Semen actually contains prostaglandins, here allow the cervix to mature. And if we feel an orgasm, we multiply our chances, because we also secrete oxytocin, the pleasure hormone, which promotes the onset of contractions. However, no scientific study has yet demonstrated a causal link between sexual intercourse and childbirth. Finally, here is a belief that is not unpleasant in any case!

Nipple massage, to stimulate birth hormones

The breasts prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy by secreting prolactin. Just before birth, the production of this hormone reaches its maximum level. We can promote this action by massaging the nipples the days preceding childbirth. The effect is obviously amplified if the nipple stimulation is practiced during intercourse, because all birth hormones (prolactin, oxytocin, prostaglandins) come into play. 

Homeopathy, to harmonize birth hormones

Homeopathy helps harmonize the effects of hormones, by creating a more favorable ground for the initiation of childbirth. In case of stress or anxiety related to childbirth, it is recommended to take Gelsenium. These granules in particular regulate the production of adrenaline, a hormone which, produced in excess, can hinder the smooth running of work. Caulophyllum and Actaea-racemosa (to be taken alternately) will facilitate the dilation of the cervix. Finally, to stimulate contractions, you can take Folliculium. In theory, it is better to start a homeopathic treatment at least 15 days before the expected date of delivery.

Tempted by homeopathy?  We turn to a specialist (doctor, homeopathic midwife) and above all we forget about self-medication!

Acupuncture, to prepare the body for childbirth

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine which consists of inserting very fine needles into specific points of the body in order to treat physical and / or mental disorders. At the end of pregnancy or if the term is exceeded, acupuncture sessions can be very helpful in preparing the body for childbirth, especially since more and more midwives are being trained in this discipline.

How does an acupuncture session take place? After a first exchange, the midwife carries out a gynecological examination to determine if there are any physical blockages and where they are. It then stings in various strategic places in order to restore movement to the body. Certain acupuncture points also make it possible to treat psychological difficulties.

Osteopathy, to prepare the pelvis for birth

In the case of osteopathy, the idea is to prepare the pelvis for birth after identifying areas with restrictions. Beyond physical manipulation, we can also act on the skull, site of multiple nerve endings, to promote childbirth. For example, we know that by creating compression on part of the brain (at the level of the fourth ventricle), the release of childbirth hormones is promoted. If we do not have the possibility of going to the osteopath, we can also stimulate this area on our own. While lying down, we place a sock with 2 tennis balls well glued under our neck and we massage ourselves several times a day.

Other methods to induce childbirth

After serious methods, it’s time for grandmothers’ recipes. While browsing the forums, we discover dozens of discussions where the virtues of Castor oil to induce childbirth. Be careful with this remedy which has first and foremost a laxative action. Misused, it can lead to searing diarrhea which will cause severe bowel pain, but not labor contractions.

La raspberry tea is for its part deemed to be effective in making the uterus contract, so you might as well not do without. As for walking, cleaning, stairs … the effectiveness of these methods has never been demonstrated. If the body is already ready, then the act of moving may encourage the baby to descent and the onset of labor, otherwise it will unfortunately not be enough.

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