Mustard powder – excellent dish detergent.
- If you add a little mustard powder when washing wool and silk, they wash off much better.
Toothpaste (powder) – cleans metal.
- With the help of an old toothbrush and powder, you can successfully clean darkened jewelry made of silver and cupronickel, metal buttons and buckles on belts.
- White deposits on chrome taps in bathrooms and kitchens can be removed by sprinkling toothpaste on a sponge.
- Piano keys that have tarnished over time can be cleaned with a damp cloth and toothpaste and then polished.
Iodine – using a cotton swab dipped in iodine solution, scratches on oak, walnut and mahogany furniture can be removed. The scratches will be barely noticeable.
Lavender – lavender sachet – an old remedy for food moths.
Lemon juice – an excellent fat dissolver (squeeze lemon juice on dirty surfaces and leave for half an hour, then clean the surface with baking soda), fragrance.
- If you mix olive oil and lemon juice in a 2: 1 ratio, you get a wood furniture polish.
- To freshen up the white color of the fabric, soak it in boiling water and lemon wedges.
- Rust stains are removed from the metal with a paste of salt diluted with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Chalk – an excellent cleaning agent added to water – removes dirt from glass and mirrors.
Soap – soap solution is used for cleaning gilded items and bronze items.
Ammonia – cleaning agent.
- For window cleaning, it is added to water.
- Removes matte plaque from tiles, giving them the lost shine.
Hydrogen peroxide – whitening and antibacterial agent.
Baking soda – non-abrasive cleaning agent, removes grease, dirt, plaque from porcelain, glass, silver and cupronickel cutlery, and also kills odors.
- Oily splashes on washable wallpaper in the kitchen can be removed with a baking soda paste. Mix a quarter glass of baking soda with a little water (to the consistency of a toothpaste). Use a soft cloth to wipe off dirt in a circular motion and wipe the wallpaper with a clean cloth.
- Table silver can be restored to its original shine by putting it in a large saucepan (you can put it in the sink, after plugging it with a cork and covering the bottom with foil), pour boiling water over it and add 1 incomplete glass of baking soda. The dullness will disappear, and the remaining stains on the silver can be rubbed with soda paste and it will shine like new.
- Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the litter box before placing the litter in the litter box to neutralize the unpleasant odor.
- To get rid of unpleasant odors on old furniture, sprinkle it with dry soda, leave it for 1-2 hours, and then vacuum it thoroughly.
- White bloom in flower vases can be removed by wiping the inside with a baking soda sponge.
- The black crust of burnt fat outside the cast iron skillet can be removed by placing the skillet in a large container of soda ash solution (2 g per liter) for 100 hours.
Beeswax – natural polish for soft wood furniture.
Vegetable oil – wood polish. It can be used to lubricate creaking door hinges. Sunflower aromatic oil also repels ants.
Rubber eraser – erases traces of rubber strips from a wooden floor.
Salt – cleaning and bleaching agent.
- Eliminates yellow sweat stains on light-colored T-shirts when soaked in brine before washing.
- To soften new jeans, add 1/3 cup salt to the powder during washing.
- You can also get rid of the dark bloom on the inner walls of the Turks with the help of salt. To do this, place 4 teaspoons of salt, 1 glass of ice crumbs (grind ice cubes in a blender) and 1 glass of water in a Turk. Shake the mixture in a circular motion, then wash the coffee pot with a regular sponge.
- Fresh wine stains can be easily removed by sprinkling with salt and then soaking for 30 minutes before washing.
Dried Orange Peels – anti-moth remedy.
Talc – If over time the drawers of wooden furniture start to stick, sprinkle some talcum powder on the runners.
Vinegar, vinegar essence – dissolves scale, corrodes grease, plaque, cleans wood and glass, adds shine.
- The seams between the tiles are well cleaned with an old toothbrush dipped in vinegar essence.
- Patent leather can be polished to a shine with a soft cloth dipped in vinegar.
- The vinegar solution is used to clean mirrors, window panes and car windows: fill a 1,5 liter plastic bottle with water, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to it and put on the spray cap.
- You can get rid of stains and the unpleasant smell of cat urine by rubbing the dirty area on the floor with a solution of vinegar and water (ratio 1: 1).
- To clean the carpet, rub the solution into the stain, then wipe off the remaining liquid with a dry cloth.
- Yellow plaque from the toilet can be easily removed by sprinkling with vinegar and leaving overnight without rinsing. In the morning, all that remains is to walk along the walls with a brush, and the toilet will shine white again.
- To remove limescale from the bottom of a kettle or saucepan, pour a glass of vinegar into it, then add water to the maximum level and boil. The scale will come off easily.
- Use vinegar to soften used brushes. Preheat an incomplete glass of vinegar in the microwave, soak the brushes in it overnight. You can use them again in the morning.
- Place the shower divider clogged with lime for a few hours in hot water with vinegar, then brush it – the water will flow with the same pressure.
Essential oils – placed in an aroma lamp serve as air fresheners. Some of them, like eucalyptus oil, can be used as insect repellent. Others have disinfecting properties (tea tree oil, lavender oil).