Natural cosmetics for hair and face

Natural cosmetics for hair and face

Spring brought us not only warmth and sunshine, but also reminded us of the lack of vitamins in the body. That is why, despite the good weather, the skin looks bad, it suffers from drowsiness and fatigue. But, this is fixable, nature has prepared everything you need for beauty and rejuvenation.

Natural cosmetic

The lack of vitamins and other beneficial trace elements made the skin of the face dry, prone to inflammation and flaking. Natural oils will save the situation. For example, bergamot oil is useful for problem skin, in the treatment of acne and inflammation. The oil cleanses well oily and combined skin, tightens pores, tones and refreshes, evens out the tone of pigmented areas.

To get the effect, simply add 1-2 drops of oil per 15 grams of any cosmetic product and apply to the skin. Be careful, it is not recommended to apply the oil to the skin less than 24 hours before sunbathing.

Competent cleansing

If you want to keep your skin clean and fresh, skip washing with tap water. If only because it contains chlorine. Of course, melt water is more useful, but in the absence of such, you can use drinking or boiled water. For a greater effect of ice from herbal decoctions. They give a good effect camomile, yarrow, sage, lime blossom. Brew a tablespoon of the herb in a thermos and let it brew for half an hour. Then refrigerate, strain, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

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Even ordinary water can give shine and strength to your hair, if it is clean. For example, spring, melted or boiled

Hair Care

You should not constantly use one type of shampoo. From time to time, the condition of the hair and scalp changes. So, in the spring, hair weakened, hair loss may increase, dandruff may appear. If you notice a problem, change your shampoo and balm first. And be sure to take a course of treatment with masks.

Hair Mask

Mash the yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil (if your hair is prone to greasy, it is better not to add oil), pour in a tablespoon of brandy. Mix, apply to hair and skin, wrap the head in plastic and on top with a terry towel. Rinse with warm water after 30 minutes. You can make a decoction of flowers Chamomile… It will soothe your scalp and give your hair a golden shine.

Read on: How to solve the most delicate issues

Naturella pads contain cream-balm with chamomile extract

Body skin care

Throughout the winter, the skin of the body was under a heap of warm clothes, it became dry and rough. Light moisturizers and emulsions will help to restore freshness and beauty to it. Apply them after every shower. Take an emollient bath once or twice a week. To prepare them, heat one liter of milk without bringing it to a boil, add a cup of honey and stir until the honey is completely dissolved in the milk. Add the resulting mixture to the bath.

Delicate areas

When caring for delicate areas it is better not to use soap, try special products that do not contain alkali and can gently cleanse delicate skin. Particular attention should be paid on critical days. To avoid a feeling of discomfort, nature will come to the rescue again. Well proven gaskets Natural… They contain a cream-balm with chamomile extract, the flowers of which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile will soothe the skin, keep it soft and soft, while the wonderful absorbent properties of the pads will give you comfort and tranquility.

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