Natural and home methods of fighting flu and colds

Home remedies for colds and flu are not listed in medical textbooks, although each of us has taken a whole host of various methods from our family home and certainly knows some reliable home-made ways to fight the symptoms of flu and colds.

Home remedies for colds and flu

The truth is that there are so many home remedies that it is difficult to even imagine any objective clinical trial that would test their effectiveness. Medicine is also aware that the fight against viral infections is uneven and knows that despite the use of various methods and methods of fighting the infection, it lasts just as long (about 7-10 days), no matter what drug you use and what action not to recommend. Hence, any method that makes the symptoms of infection less severe and disruptive seems to be justified.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C, for example, is a great medical disappointment. Tested in numerous clinical trials, it turns out not to play a significant role in accelerating the treatment of viral infections. High doses (over 500 mg / day) may play a minor role in preventing infection. However, it is widely recommended by pharmacists and is included in many preparations for colds.

  1. Garlic

Garlic seems to be close to success and recognition in the world of medicine, but there is no well-designed research using it to prove its effectiveness. However, one meta-analysis of a study with garlic highlights an experience involving 146 patients who were given either garlic or a placebo for 12 weeks. In the group receiving garlic, the number of cases of colds was almost three times lower.

  1. Ginseng

Preliminary results of studies using ginseng to treat viral infections and the common cold are also promising. However, further observations are needed to draw unequivocal conclusions.

Home remedies for colds and flu – benefits

What is known for sure is that a very good home remedy for flu and colds is bed rest, which allows the regeneration of the body weakened by the infection. It is very important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. Inhalation of warm saline is helpful in the treatment of cold symptoms.

Other commonly used methods, such as honey, raspberry juice, aloe, will certainly not harm you, they may improve your well-being, but their power to shorten the duration of the disease seems to be highly questionable.

Check it out: Zinc in the treatment of colds better than chicken broth

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