Natural and effective. Home remedies for the prostate
Natural and effective. Home remedies for the prostate

Problems with the prostate appear most often after the age of 50 (in 2/3 of men), although the first symptoms may appear after the age of 40. An enlarged prostate compresses the urethra, making it difficult to defecate. The most common symptoms are: burning during urination, problems with emptying the bladder, painful ejaculation, pain behind the scrotum, uncontrollable bedwetting. It is very important to reduce the possibility of prostate cancer, which can be caused by neglecting this condition.

There are two main diseases:

  • Enlargement of the gland prostate – progresses with age. Over time, the production of testosterone and free testosterone decreases, while the production of prolactin and estradiol increases. This causes the prostate cells to multiply and gradually enlarge.
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland – the cause here are bacteria that reach the prostate as a result of hormonal changes that occur with age or moving from other places in the body. It is a disease that affects men of all ages. Treatment should be started as soon as possible, as neglect leads to urinary retention and inflammation.

The main reasons for prostate problems are excessive sexual activity, prolonged sitting and a history of infectious diseases.

How to fight ailments?

  • Eat pumpkin seeds. No matter how: in dried form, to eat without any additives or in the form of infusion. Its preparation consists in crushing a handful of fresh seeds, placing them on the bottom of a half-liter jar and pouring hot water over them. After the infusion has cooled to room temperature, you can drink the mixture. After straining the crushed seeds, drink half a liter of infusion a day. You can also consume them in the form of oil, available at various health food stores. Pumpkin seeds will be effective primarily in the treatment of an overgrown prostate, but without a cancerous background. They are a rich source of zinc that strengthens the body’s immunity and have diuretic properties.
  • Like soy. It contains phytoestrogens that reduce the production of testosterone, which may contribute to the formation of prostate cancer. It also limits the development of blood vessels around the enlarged prostate.
  • Eat watermelon seeds. Preferably in the form of a decoction consisting of fresh seeds. Such an infusion effectively cleanses the body of toxins, which helps with bladder problems.
  • Add tomato to everything. The more the better. According to research, eating just two servings of this wonderful vegetable reduces the risk of prostate diseases by as much as 50%. All because tomatoes are a source of antioxidants that help fight cancer.
  • Start taking dietary supplements with nettle content, which has been used as a golden ingredient for prostate problems for ten years.


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