National Health Test of Poles. Health and Lifestyle Index
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We often complain about various ailments, but do we treat our bodies well enough to stay in good shape and avoid getting sick? The editors of MedTvoiLokona decided to answer this question in the National Health Test of Poles 2020. Some conclusions from the questionnaires completed by readers turned out to be surprising. As the study shows, we have a weakness not only for unhealthy diets and stimulants. Here are some of the most important conclusions regarding the lifestyle of Poles.

  1. 400 thousand respondents took part in the National Health Test of Poles – the largest online health survey in Poland
  2. On the basis of the completed questionnaire, each respondent received an individual Health Index, in which his lifestyle and eating habits were compared with the recommendations of specialists. The closer to 100 percent. the better the respondent complies with the recommendations of specialists
  3. The average Health Index for the entire group of respondents was 61,9%. This means that each of us can do a lot to live healthier and take better care of ourselves
  4. Only 30 percent. Poles eat at least one vegetable every day. But as much as 9 percent. he consumes alcohol every day

Are we taking care of ourselves enough? The Health Index of Poles

The editors of MedTvoiLokony conducted the first edition of the National Health Test of Poles (NTZP). Based on over 400 surveys completed by users of the site, a detailed report was created describing the various factors that make up our overall health.

Health Index

An individual Health Index was calculated for everyone who completed the questionnaire. This indicator shows how the actions declared by the respondents related to disease prevention and healthy lifestyle fit the recommendations of specialists. The Health Index, given as a percentage, informs about the extent to which the respondents comply with the preventive recommendations.

The average Health Index of Poles was 61,9 percent. This means that we generally take care of ourselves, but we are still far from fully complying with the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The High Health Index (between 76 and 100 percent) has only 13 percent. Poles. In the 18-24 age group, this ratio amounts to 57,2% and increases with age. According to the NTZP study, the greatest jump in taking care of your health is noticeable in people over 55 years of age. There is also a differentiation of the Health Index due to such factors as gender, place of residence and education.

Almost one-fifth of the respondents did not even reach half the value of the Health Index (in the case of 18% of respondents, the Health Index was within the range of 26–50%).

Diet, drinks, supplements. How often do Poles eat fruit and vegetables?

According to the NTZP, we most often eat meat meals (31% of respondents), and less often we arrange the daily menu according to the nutrition pyramid (22% of respondents). The food pyramid is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. It is an illustration of how the proportions of individual products should be distributed on our plates. The higher the pyramid level, the lower the recommended content of a given type of product in our menu.

At the core of the current nutrition pyramid is physical activity, which, according to the Food and Nutrition Institute, should be spent at least 30-45 minutes a day. Only over the activity are the components of the diet, among which fruits and vegetables have quantitative advantage. Above are grain products, dairy products, meat, and at the very top – fats. The food pyramid does not include unhealthy products such as sweets or fast food.

Also read: Fast food increases the risk of asthma and allergies in children

Do you want to eat healthy? Learn about the 10 healthiest Polish vegetables and find out which fruits and vegetables will help in specific health ailments.

  1. Vegetables and fruits 

Meanwhile, NTZP data indicate that every fourth Pole eats fast food several times a month (and some a few times a week), while vegetables are consumed only 30% every day and fruit 34%. of us. According to WHO, we should eat WHO at least 400 grams, which is about 5 servings, vegetables and fruits a day.

  1. Meat 

Men are fond of meat meals. As much as 42 percent. gentlemen admit that their menu is dominated by meat. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization recommends limiting its consumption, especially in red and processed varieties, which increases the risk of death from heart disease, diabetes or certain cancers (e.g. colorectal cancer).

  1. Sweetened and energy drinks 

When it comes to sweetened drinks, surveys show that 13 percent drink them every day. Poles, and 15 percent. he does this several times a week. Supporting energy from energy is declared by as much as 26 percent. women and 46 percent. men. There is a group of people (1%) who drink such drinks every day.

See also: Do ​​you want to be healthy? Put aside sweet drinks

  1. Dietary supplements 

According to NTZP dietary supplements in Poland are consumed by 21 percent every day. women and 12 percent. men. Most often they are multivitamin preparations, used in the period of fatigue, infections and for prophylactic purposes. Products that improve the condition of hair and skin are in second place.

Prof. dr hab. n. with. Maria Olszowska from the Scientific Council of NTZP comments:

[…] We should pay attention to use natural products instead of dietary supplements. Despite the recommendations to consume fruit rich in vitamins and minerals daily, only 34%, the report found, complied with these recommendations. Vegetables are eaten by only one in three Poles. The sentence that has appeared timidly recently in advertisements that “a dietary supplement is not a medicine” should be more clearly marked.

Also read: Drug, medical device, dietary supplement. How are they different?

Alcohol, cigarettes and designer drugs, or what causes the weakness to stimulants

Only 11 percent. Poles in NTZP declare complete abstinence, while 9 percent of respondents admit to drinking alcohol on a daily basis. Almost a quarter of the respondents (23%) drink several times a week, and over a third (37%) – once a month or less. The choice is usually beer, wine and vodka are less popular. Meanwhile, experts argue that any dose of alcohol, especially if consumed regularly, can lead to many serious health problems, such as cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic, heart and vascular diseases.

Find out more: Do you like a drink? The effects can be dire

Alcohol and cancer

Research shows that alcohol increases the risk of developing cancer in at least two ways. Firstly, it damages cells, making them more susceptible to external factors, including mutations towards neoplastic changes. Secondly, as a result of the breakdown of alcohol in the liver, acetaldehyde is formed, which damages this organ, and additionally promotes the formation of dangerous changes in the esophagus, pharynx and larynx.

The situation is similar with stimulants. The percentage of active smokers of all tobacco products in Poland is 32%. 3% of active smokers of heated tobacco are Poles, while e-cigarettes reach 5%. subjects. Traditional cigarettes actively smoke 28 percent. Poles: 21 percent every day or almost every day, 7 percent occasionally. But even the occasional use of such products increases the risk of cancer, strokes, heart attacks and lung disease.

When it comes to designer drugs, 4% of them are admitted to their consumption. respondents. As much as 8 percent. of this group are young people aged 18-24, and 9 percent. – people in the 25–34 age group. Often unexplored ingredients, these products can wreak havoc on the body. She spoke with Onet Zdrowie about the effects of taking intoxicating substances prof. dr hab. Anna Krakowiak, national consultant in the field of clinical toxicology:

If used improperly, they can cause symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, and hallucinations. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, coughing, pressure drops, loss of consciousness appear. It all depends on the dose taken. When it comes to severe poisoning, side effects can be multitude of symptoms – from arrhythmias and convulsions to mental disorders.

Read more: How do boosters work? This cannot be predicted

What does the physical and mental health of Poles look like?

NTZP proves that the state of their physical health is the worst assessed by people over 65 years of age and… in the 18-24 age group. However, seniors 65+ do better than others in terms of mental condition, and among adolescents, the percentage of respondents assessing their mental health as bad or very bad is as much as 20%. When it comes to adults in general, 61 percent. women and 72 percent. men consider their own mental condition to be good or very good.

  1. Sports and physical activity 

Poles do not spend too much time taking care of their physical condition. The largest group of respondents (38%) spend only 30 minutes on a daily activity, such as a walk. On the other hand, WHO reminds that in order to maintain health, you should do at least 8. steps a day.

As many as half of Poles do not practice any sportHowever, a positive note is the fact that, according to NTZP, almost every fourth adult spends at least 2 hours a week on physical activity. The EHIS study, which checked the same parameter in 2014, told about every sixth person showing such activity. WHO recommends 150 minutes of sport a week.

  1. Vaccinations, sleep, stress 

The survey data on immunization, stress and sleep are not very optimistic. In terms of influenza vaccination, the results of NTM are in line with the results of the EHIS study, which says about 20 percent are vaccinated every year. Poles (the percentage has been constant for over a decade). When it comes to stressful situations, 24% experience them every day, and 31% a few times a week. Poles. According to the respondents’ answers, women are more stressed than men (by 8 percentage points). Moreover, 40 percent. Poles sleep less than 7 hours. They are mostly people aged 35–54.

What is the risk of sleep deprivation?

People who experience long-term sleep deprivation or insufficiency may suffer from various ailments. Even single cases of sleeplessness cause temporary symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, irritability, and deterioration of concentration. Sleep deficiency also has long-term consequences in the form of chronic diseases, incl. diabetes, overweight and obesity, intestinal disease, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and even cancer. As a result of a lack of sleep, the risk of premature death increases.

  1. Sexual life 

Most respondents have sex several times a month (39% men and 34% women). 2 percent do it every day. men and 1 percent. women. It is alarming that every fifth respondent who has sex does not use any protection during sexual intercourse (this does not include people who have a permanent partner and are trying to have a child).

Also read: Contraception in Polish. How do women protect themselves most often? At all

  1. Long-term health problems 

NTZP shows that the percentage of people burdened with long-term health problems gradually increases with age – from 31 percent. in the 18-24 age group to 73 percent. in the age group 65+. A total of 48 percent struggle with such problems. Poles. The most common diseases diagnosed among respondents are arterial hypertension (26%), allergy or asthma (18%) and joint diseases (16%). The most troublesome ailments, recurring at least a few times a month, are, according to the respondents, back pain, mental, emotional or physical work exhaustion, as well as daytime sleepiness and headaches.

Check: What diseases kill more than half of Poles?

Civilization diseases

The epidemic of the 80st century are civilization diseases that spread globally and in over XNUMX percent. lead to premature deaths. They are based on a number of factors that we can prevent. These are the lack of physical activity, an improperly balanced diet (rich in sugars, animal fats, salt and highly processed products), smoking, alcohol and coffee abuse, as well as lack of rest and permanent stress. The diseases of civilization include, among others obesity, diabetes and cancer.

  1. Preventive examinations 

Regular examinations are the best prevention of diseases. Many of them, such as blood counts, blood pressure, glucose levels, ESR, and urinalysis should be performed at least once a year – regardless of age. How do Poles treat this duty? NTZP results show that in the last year only 39 percent. of us tested cholesterol, 42 percent. did a general urine test, 50 percent checked the blood sugar level, 56 percent. performed a blood count, and 74 percent. measured blood pressure.

Also read: Basic profile – what tests will assess overall health?

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Diseases that Poles fear the most
  2. Preventive examinations for men of all ages. Do regularly
  3. A trivial ailment or a cancer? 10 symptoms you should worry about

You haven’t been able to find the cause of your ailments for a long time? Do you want to tell us your story or draw attention to a common health problem? Write to the address [email protected] #Together we can do more

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