National Health Test of Poles 2020. We know how Poles care about their health!
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The 2020 National Health Test of Poles 401 was completed by 195 people, making it the largest health survey on the Polish Internet (according to available publications). Based on the collected responses, we published a report. What have we learned about the health of Poles? Here are the top 10 conclusions.

  1. Based on the questionnaires completed in the 2020 National Health Test of Poles, a comprehensive report on the health of Poles was prepared
  2. The report shows that there is still a lot that can be improved both in the everyday lifestyle and in the approach to preventive healthcare in Poland
  3. Our lifestyle affects many diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cancer or heart disease, so any change for the better can contribute to better health and longer life

Partnerem NTZP2020 jest Nationale-Nederlanden

Based on the data obtained in the 2020 National Health Test of Poles, Medonet, with the support of the Scientific Council of the National Health Test of Poles, prepared a general report on the health of Poles in 2020. It has been supplemented with available information on the impact of chronic diseases on the course of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection and the risk of complications in COVID-19 disease, because at the present time it is a very important issue for the majority of Poles.

  1. Download the whole report of the National Test of Health of Poles 2020

10 things we can learn from the 2020 National Health Test

1. The Health Index of Poles

The Health Index shows to what extent the answers of the respondent to the questions asked and the actions declared in them regarding disease prevention and healthy lifestyle coincide with the recommendations of experts. Health Index at 0 percent. means complete non-compliance with preventive recommendations, while 100% full compliance with preventive recommendations.

The average Health Index of Poles is 62 percent. which means that we can still improve a lot in our daily care for our health.

The results of the research show that lifestyle (especially those elements relating to the degree of physical activity, diet, body weight, use of stimulants) determine health condition to a much greater extent than the factor of the field, i.e. family burden with diseases. This means that through our health behaviors, we ourselves largely shape the risk of developing or premature onset of chronic non-communicable diseases (heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, cancer), as well as cognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia). The beginning to change is usually reflection and many Poles, taking advantage of the opportunity to assess their health under the project, took advantage of this opportunity – dr hab. Barbara Wizner from the Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology at the Jagiellonian University Medical College

2. Poles have a problem with excessive body weight

61 percent Poles have a problem with excessive body weight (74% of men and 50% of women). Nevertheless, every fourth Pole eats fast-food several times a month, and almost every third drink sweetened drinks at least several times a week (28%, including 13% drink them every day). Half of Poles also do not practice any sport, although physical activity combined with healthy eating is necessary not only to maintain a healthy body weight but also health in general.

3. Too little fruit and vegetables in the daily diet

Despite access to vegetables and fruit all year round, as well as the trend for a healthy lifestyle, only 30% of vegetables are eaten every day, and 34% of fruit is eaten every day. adult Poles. Although they should be a constant and basic element of our diet, only every third Pole has them in his daily diet.

  1. See also: National Health Test of Poles – how to take care of your health and that of your loved ones?

4. Poles vs supplements

The Polish diet does not lack supplements, which are taken by 21% every day. women and 12 percent. men, despite the fact that the main source of vitamins and minerals for our body should be vegetables and fruits.

5. There is no shortage of stimulants in the lives of Poles

89 percent Poles drink alcohol, and 32 percent. smokes tobacco products, despite the fact that these drugs contribute to many serious diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases, i.e. diseases that cause the largest number of deaths in Poland.

6. Mental state of Poles

In comparison with their peers, their mental health condition is assessed as good and very good by 66 percent. respondents, and the average of 25 percent. Despite this, every tenth respondent declares that he has been diagnosed with depression, 27 percent. of respondents complain of excessive work exhaustion (mental, emotional or physical), and 55 percent. experiences stressful situations at least several times a week (including 24% of them every day).

7. Poles and health prophylaxis

Health prophylaxis is still not a strong point of Poles. Basic tests that allow for health monitoring and early detection of many serious diseases are still not performed regularly by many. Over the last year, only 39 percent. respondents examined the concentration of cholesterol, 42 percent. did a general urine test, 50 percent checked blood sugar, 56 percent. performed a blood count, and 74 percent. took a blood pressure measurement.

  1. See also: Diseases that Poles fear the most

8. Cancer – Poles study too little

Cancer is the second cause of death in Poland, yet many people still forget to perform screening tests at all or do not perform them regularly. As many as 61 percent have never done colonoscopy in their lives. 55-64-year-olds and 58 percent people over 65 years of age, PSA testing has never been done by as much as 35 percent. men aged 55-64 and 19 percent. men over 65 years of age, and 19 percent have never done cytology in their lives. adult women.

The occurrence of cancer depends on ourselves. We can reduce the risk – above all – by giving up smoking, maintaining a proper diet and daily physical activity, avoiding alcohol and protecting the skin from solar radiation. Let’s also use screening tests that can detect cervical, breast and colon cancer early and provide a cure – comments the report prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Krzakowski, Chairman of the National Oncology Council

9. Civilization diseases and pro-health behavior of Poles

Obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are chronic non-communicable diseases that cause deaths of 41 million people annually worldwide (71% of all deaths). You can fight them effectively by changing your lifestyle to a healthier one – incl. resigning from stimulants completely or at least limiting them, reaching for a balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits, or taking care of the daily dose of physical activity.

Unfortunately, there is no extensive epidemiological research in Poland, especially in type 2 diabetes. There are also no registries of patients with diabetes, so we only rely on prevalence estimates. According to them, this number of diabetics has been relatively stable in recent years and includes, as estimated by the IDF, 7%. population. In addition, there are several hundred thousand people with undiagnosed diabetes, so the number of patients in Poland fluctuates around 3 million – prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Małecki, Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University Medical College, Past-President of the Polish Diabetes Society

Cardiovascular diseases, especially ischemic heart disease, heart failure and strokes, constitute the most important threat to the health of Poles. This is mainly due to the unhealthy lifestyle of many Poles (lack of regular physical activity, unhealthy food choices, exposure to tobacco smoke), but also insufficiently frequent assessment of the risk of these diseases, as exemplified by the high percentage of respondents who have not had their cholesterol or glucose levels assessed – prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jankowski, Institute of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College

10. Access to healthcare in Poland

Looking at the results obtained in the National Health Test of Poles, a lot can be improved on each of these issues. Most Poles, as shown by the results of the National Health Test of Poles, have good access to primary health care (POZ). Unfortunately, financial issues for many Poles are a limitation in caring for their health – every fifth Pole resigned from visiting a doctor at least once in his life for financial reasons, and every fourth person did not visit a dentist for this reason, 15% Poles gave up purchasing a prescription drug, and 9 percent. from the purchase of medical equipment for financial reasons.

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