National Analgesic Drug Knowledge Test – summary

Internet users say that they pay attention to the composition of painkillers, but most do not know how they work. Therefore, when fighting pain, they make a lot of mistakes – show the results of the National Test of Knowledge about Analgesic Drugs conducted by the Onet portal.

The survey conducted by the Onet portal shows that as much as 93 percent. Internet users take painkillers, 6% does it every day, 13 percent several times a week, most not more than a few times a month. More women use painkillers, which may be associated with menstrual pain. Most often we fight headaches with pills. For this reason, tablets are taken by as much as 78 percent. women and 71 percent. men. The second reason for taking these drugs is menstrual pain, followed by toothache, joint pain and back pain.

Knowledge does not hurt

Although almost 70 percent. of those taking part in the survey say that they pay attention to the composition of painkillers, only half of them know what substances they contain. Most often, these drugs include acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol or ibuprofen. The former is effective in dealing with fever, pain and inflammation. Paracetamol is only antipyretic and analgesic. Ibuprofen, on the other hand, fights both fever, pain and inflammation. Each of these substances has different contraindications to use. Unfortunately, the respondents were unable to assign substances to specific drugs. Only 42 percent. of Internet users correctly indicated which of them contain paracetamol, 52 percent. ibuprofen, and 34 percent. acetylsalicylic acid. Worse, only half knew what effect ibuprofen had, and 37 percent. what paracetamol. As much as 86 percent respondents did not know which of the painkillers has anti-inflammatory properties. 40 percent some of them thought paracetamol had them. The lack of knowledge about individual substances means that we make many mistakes when taking painkillers. For example, we do not use anti-inflammatory drugs for sore sinuses, and in this case the ailments are caused by inflammation; for a headache after a successful party, we take paracetamol, which carries a risk for the liver already burdened by alcohol.

He reads but knows better

76 percent people taking painkillers declares that they have read the leaflet provided with them before. Women and people with higher education do it more often. Unfortunately, as many as 40% do not dose them as recommended and do not pay attention to how many days the drug can be used, always taking it at their own discretion. Meanwhile, taking the drug in doses higher than recommended in the leaflet is pointless and dangerous due to the so-called ceiling effect – which means no stronger analgesic effect after exceeding the so-called the maximum dose taken once or throughout the day. On the other hand, the risk of side effects such as nausea, gastric ulcer, and skin lesions increases. Paradoxically, the use of painkillers several times a week may cause drug-induced headaches. In addition, over-the-counter pain relieving medication is an emergency measure, and if the pain is severe, sudden, persistent, or changes in nature, a doctor must be consulted.

Every third Internet user believes that you can combine painkillers. However, it should be remembered that not all of them can be used together, e.g. never use two drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), e.g. acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen together due to the increased risk of side effects in the gastrointestinal tract. However, you can combine an NSAID with a drug that does not belong to this group, e.g. paracetamol. However, it is better not to do it on your own, but to use ready-made products containing several ingredients in the right doses.

Help, not harm

Most Internet users do not know that pain and fever in children are most often associated with inflammation. The correct answers were given by 21 percent. respondents. Worse still, 33 percent. there is no awareness that children under the age of 12 cannot be given drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid. This substance carries the risk of developing Reye’s syndrome in children – a dangerous disease that causes pathological and often fatal changes, among others. in the brain and liver. The most popular and well-studied medications for toddlers are those containing paracetamol and ibuprofen. Paracetamol can be given from birth, and ibuprofen from 3 months of age. The latter starts to work faster and the effect lasts longer. It also removes the inflammation that is often the cause of pain and fever in a child. Paracetamol, on the other hand, is less irritating to the stomach, which is especially important if the baby suffers from any gastrointestinal diseases. Clinical trials have proven that ready-made two-component preparations that contain appropriate doses of each substance are more effective.

The pharmacist provides knowledge

The best-known substances in painkillers mentioned by boarders are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Almost 90% know them, and acetylsalicylic acid is known to 53%. Participants in the survey declare that they most often take drugs containing ibuprofen – almost 70 percent, paracetamol 53 percent. and acetylsalicylic acid 13 percent. Means with another substance are used by 11 percent. respondents.

Every tenth Internet user is guided by advertising when choosing a drug. Unfortunately, only 34 percent. of respondents when buying a drug uses the help of a pharmacist, and 29 percent. with the doctor. 19 percent he consults his loved ones.

Meanwhile, a pharmacist can help us choose a drug that is effective and safe. It must be remembered that although painkillers are a great boon of medicine, they must be used skillfully.

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