The singer gave some tips on how to get the body in shape.
January 18 2016
The first couple of classes at the gym will seem daunting. But then you get involved. The muscles themselves will begin to ask for the load. And the result in the mirror will be a great incentive.
Before any workout, I warm up on an ellipse for 20 minutes. There is a lot of stress on the joints on the treadmill.
1. Consult your doctor. I’ve tried a lot of diets. Ducan is an effective option, but often you cannot sit on it, there are a number of disadvantages. Another effective, but heavy and tasteless diet is salt-free. Water does not stay in the tissues, swelling quickly goes away. Several years ago, under the supervision of doctors in a sanatorium, she was starving, for ten days she sat on water alone. Then for another twenty days I gradually came out of starvation. Complete cleansing, minus 5 kilograms on the scales. But it became stressful for the body. I don’t plan to practice such radical methods anymore. Nutritionist Misha Gavrilov, based on my blood tests, created an optimal diet.
2. Play sports with a coach. It is difficult to achieve serious results without a “stick”. There I regretted myself, here I missed a couple of exercises and reps. Finding your coach is a great success. I’m lucky. Sergey is a great mentor. Firstly, he built his body on his own, knows various sports programs inside and out, and secondly, he has a teaching talent. Even our son Arkhip unobtrusively, in a playful way, drew him into sports.
The vibrating platform is a miracle of technology. On it, you can perform a complex for almost all muscle groups. Due to vibration, the load increases significantly
3. It is better not to break the regime. Now Sergey again gives me advice on proper nutrition. He has vast experience in this regard. For breakfast, you can use cottage cheese, kefir, porridge on the water (milk was excluded a few years ago). After the first meal, you need to forget about side dishes, we consume only proteins: meat, fish, poultry. Naturally not fried. True, I can’t rejoice for a long time on steamed food alone. Grilled dishes help out. I eat often (6-7 times a day), but little by little.
4. Pamper yourself, but in moderation. The most pleasant thing – sweet – is completely excluded from the diet. Miracles do not happen: gobbling up cakes, do not lose weight. I turn to dried fruits, honey. I can eat a piece of dark chocolate.
I work my chest muscles using the crossover exercise on the blocks. The main thing is the right technique
Want a flat stomach? Twisting in such a simulator perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles.
5. Drink vitamins. With age, the body increasingly lacks useful trace elements. Moreover, those who are actively involved in sports. Therefore, I carry jars of Omega, other vitamins and supplements with me. And I drink them strictly by the hour.
6. Find effective motivation. Having achieved the desired goal, it happens that I score on diets, gyms. But the husband guides you on the right path. Finds the right words and tells you where you grew up and what to do with it.
7. Drink more water. With this moment, I personally have problems. I would like, of course, to drink at least 2 liters a day, but it doesn’t work. However, in the morning on an empty stomach, I definitely drink a glass of warm water to start the digestive tract.
8. Go to the bathhouse and massage. It’s necessary. I prefer harsh types of massage, for example, anti-cellulite. If the body is in good shape, I go for a relaxing session with aromatic oils. Relieves stress at times. I arrange bath days from time to time. I think it is not in vain that the bathhouse has been so popular in Russia from time immemorial. This is also useful: pores open, slags and other nasty things come out of the body, it gets hardened.
French press – emphasis on the triceps. I don’t lift a lot of weight, it’s not necessary. Use dumbbells light enough to get dry