Natasha Davydova Your success diary: advice on nutrition and weight loss

At the presentation of the new book Your Success Diary, the country’s main fitness motivator told everything about a healthy lifestyle.

Natasha Davydova became known on Instagram under the nickname Aunt Motya thanks to her stylish looks. Then the fashion diva became interested in a healthy lifestyle and at some point turned into a real fitness guru. Today, Aunt Moti’s workouts and marathons are incredibly popular among both women and men. Natasha’s first book “Press the Body” became the best-selling one, and now she has released another edition – “Your Success Diary”, where there is more practice, that is, exercises, and useful recipes for proper nutrition. This “tutorial” on beautiful body even has QR codes that allow you to jump to exercise videos.

At the presentation of the book, a healthy lifestyle activist told everything about hormones, massage and dairy products. And we are happy to share the most interesting moments.

About overmotivation

Over-motivation for a modern woman is the beach season, and also Instagram – you open the pages of fitness models and the appetite immediately goes away. But this is not always enough.

When a person eats sweets, he knows everything about the risks: about type XNUMX diabetes mellitus, about Alzheimer’s disease …

My son has attention deficit disorder, and when he eats a bun, his tongue immediately begins to twist. I can see how this affects our health. So, this is the motivation to eat less sweets or give it up altogether.

To keep yourself motivated, constantly read books and articles on nutrition.

About hormones

After Thierry Ertog, President of the World Organization of Endocrinology, wrote the book How to Prolong Youth, in every interview he is asked: “What to do to keep your hormones under control?” And he answers – nutrition and sports, thanks to them, the body will self-rejuvenate and produce more hormones.

When asked why there is now a decrease in hormones in women and men, he replies that the main reason is extreme nutrition systems that worsen hormonal levels. These include both veganism and vegetarianism. To function properly, the human body needs high-quality animal fats.

About visceral massage

Austrian naturopath and researcher Dr. Mayer rejuvenates women with a low-calorie diet and visceral abdominal massage, during which internal organs and tissues are massaged, hormone production is stimulated. I think this is an effective procedure, which, however, is not all that new. For example, in the Caucasus there is such a practice, when a woman cannot get pregnant, goes for a visceral massage. The hormonal background rises, blood circulation improves and the woman becomes pregnant easily.

About dairy products

From childhood, we were told that dairy products should be present in the diet. But the problem is that today’s cows have mutated, their milk is difficult for the human body to digest, some may even have nausea and an eating disorder. This is why there is no cow’s milk in my diet. But there is goat, it is better absorbed and is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. It is from goat’s milk that I make yoghurts, cottage cheese, because I understand that the milk on the shelf in the supermarket is solid pesticides.

About soy and almonds

Soy and almond milk is very popular now and many people drink it non-stop. The problem is that no one tells people that almond milk can do more harm than good, in particular, provoke gastrointestinal problems, which is why I do not recommend drinking it every day. But if you cannot deny yourself this pleasure, the only option is to do it yourself: we soak the nuts for at least a day, drain the water (phytic acid remains in it, which washes away useful minerals from the body), then we grind the nuts to make milk and filter through strainer or gauze.

As for soybeans, all of it is genetically modified, so I would completely remove this product from the diet altogether.

By the way, in the near future we will have a drawing of Natalia’s new book, follow the news on Instagram @wday_ru.

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