Natalya Bochkareva diet of the actress

To achieve the desired result, diet alone is not enough. This requires an integrated approach, says Natalya and dictates her own rules.

Consult your doctor before any diet… Determine the composition of the blood, find out what foods your body perceives, what not, what is allergic. It is very important. Only under the supervision of a nutritionist can you try something new. So that losing weight does not become stress, listen to the body, if everything is normal.

The diet is selected individually… A friend of mine, an actress, lost a lot of weight with the help of the Ducan diet (its principle is protein nutrition. – Approx. “Antenna”). I also tried a lot of things on myself, even practicing a raw food diet at one time. But now I try not to eat meat. I only allow myself a little when I steam it for the kids.

Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy. It is imperative to have breakfast for the body to work. I prefer to eat a couple of boiled eggs or an omelet in the morning. I love porridge cooked in water. Lunch should depend on the degree of hunger, you do not need to overeat. Tip: eat soups. Only not in meat broth, but in vegetable broth. For example, minestrone. And dinner should be light: vegetables or steamed fish.

Eliminate sweetness in any form… It was difficult at first to give up cakes and sweets. But I quickly got used to it! Of course, an organism is not a machine. He sometimes wants something tasty. But it’s better to eat a slice of steak than cake.

Drink water… However, do not chase the generally accepted figures (2-3 liters per day). Adjust the amount of fluid you drink to suit your body. Everyone has different vessels, someone swells after drinking a lot of water. I usually buy two liter bottles in the morning.

Exercise regularly… Diet alone is not enough. Pilates is, of course, wonderful. But not everyone can stretch their muscles for hours. Personally, I prefer swimming and I don’t have to force myself to go to the pool. I also like to dance, I go to the disco and leave those extra pounds there.

Take a massage course… I prefer sports, medical. Hands, without any LPG and other things. It also does not hurt to go to the sauna, remove excess fluid from the body. I try to visit a Russian bath two or three times a month, with a broom, with nettles.

Creams and pills are a waste of money… I do not believe in their miraculous power. Yes, creams can moisturize the skin, and then only the top layer. And in order to fight cellulite … I have never used special pills and do not advise anyone, just like Thai magic teas. Better drink chamomile, a drink with ginger.

Turn your diet into a lifestyle… If, after two weeks of restrained nutrition, you eat everything again, the kilograms will return quickly and in greater quantities. It is bad for health.

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