Natalia Vodianova: “It’s better to speak directly with me”

Comparing the incredible plot twists of her life with the fairy tale about Cinderella is not even a banality: the analogy is obvious. But the story of Natalia Vodianova is to be continued. The one that everyone has always wanted to know. Because a poor girl who suddenly became a princess is, of course, wonderful. But then what? How is she with her prince in the palace? Happy? Like children? And isn’t it boring?

All is well: the children are charming and, fortunately, healthy, and the relationship with the prince, alas, has come to a civilized conclusion. But the main thing is that Vodianova is not bored. A person who has earned money since childhood and cared for a disabled sister can hardly be bored at all. There is no time left for this, you need to work. And the dizzying career of the model, and the covers of the most famous magazines – it’s just work. By the way, it is insanely difficult, but is Natalya getting used to difficulties? And since 2004, her work is also the Naked Heart Charitable Foundation.

For almost 10 years, Natalia Vodianova has been raising money to build playgrounds in Russia. Not because the rich and famous are supposed to do charity work. But because he knows for sure – by himself – how often children in Russia lack the opportunity to be happy. Yes, there may not be enough money, and medicines, and much more. But a great playground with slides and swings, which used to be seen only in the movies, is perhaps more important. After all, here for half an hour you can forget about money and medicines – just play and be happy. Isn’t that the most important thing any child needs? Except, of course, parental love. Therefore, in addition to playgrounds, Natalya is now also involved in the program “Every Child Deserves a Family”, the goal of which is to change the attitude towards children with special needs. Make sure that they are not left in orphanages as hopeless.

Natalia Vodianova again and again organizes charity evenings and balls. And again and again he explains to their guests that this should not be so – so that the children have nowhere to play. And then he goes to Russia and opens a new playground. Or the Family Support Center, as in your native Nizhny Novgorod. Now it is her job to help children be happy. And Natalia, as always, works without sparing herself. In another way, she does not know how, but in another way nothing would have happened at all. Because in order to become a princess, you first need to be a good Cinderella, and this is also not so easy.

We are talking in the morning empty bar of a large metropolitan hotel. I have 40 minutes at my disposal: the press agent has already explained that Natalia has only one day between two flights, many meetings, a press conference … But the girl sitting in front of me is absolutely in no hurry. She speaks through pauses, as if thinking aloud and helping herself in this with thin hands, meticulously choosing her words in order to answer as accurately and sincerely as possible. A cup of tea, a spoonful of cherry jam in a rosette, not a drop of makeup, not a hint of glamour. Actually, this time she is in Moscow on business far from secular and fashionable life.

Autism Forum

In 2011, the Natalia Vodianova Naked Heart Foundation, which had already built dozens of children’s playgrounds throughout Russia, began working in a new direction: helping families who raise children with special needs.

On October 14–17, Moscow will host the second international forum dedicated to autism, “Every Child Deserves a Family”. For details see the Foundation website

Psychologies: Why did you decide to talk about your sister’s illness today?

Natalya Vodyanova: I never hid it. But just a year ago, Oksana was diagnosed with a different diagnosis than at birth – autism. For my family, this was a great discovery, because autism and cerebral palsy are different conditions. Both are not completely curable, but there is a different approach to working with autism, and this gives us other hopes. Now Oksana is studying at the Support Center, which our Naked Heart Foundation opened in Nizhny Novgorod. And we are already seeing progress: intellectually, she definitely can do more than we could hope for.

My sister

You are 6 years older than Oksana. When did you realize she was different?

NV: It’s hard for me to remember a certain moment … Oksana was born when I just went to school. And my mother, who was persuaded by the doctors to leave her sister in the hospital, immediately told me that Oksana would never be the same girl as me. But I felt it all the more when she had grown up. Mom worked all the time, and I followed Oksana. We always walked with a stroller, and people said: “Well, such a big girl, but she still doesn’t walk …” The children teased, laughed at us. Of course it was embarrassing. In addition, the yard was small, and Oksana did not behave very adequately: she cried for no reason, disturbed her neighbors. Or she could scream, just because she liked it so much …

If you met one of those neighbors today, what would you say to them?

“It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives a person through trials”

NV: Nothing, well, or – how are you? (She laughs.) I don’t have any particular anger – after all, children teased me, and children in their spontaneity can be very cruel. Perhaps they themselves now understand that it was not easy for me. But people still need to be explained what such a diagnosis means, how to treat it. If a child is born with autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, this does not mean that his parents are some kind of alcoholics or drug addicts. This can happen in any family. And you need to know this. And think about how to give the child a chance to live an interesting life.

What helped you cope then?

NV: I loved Oksana very much, for me it was the closest person. Yes, it was difficult for us. But I think—strange to say—some of my girlfriends were, in a way, less fortunate than I was. For example, for someone the main problem was: “Buy me this or that …” I did not understand! Oksana taught me… the lifestyle. This is the ultimate honesty in relationships, this is pure love, which will be until the end. This is wealth. It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives through trials.

If you had the opportunity, what would you say to yourself, a little girl, from today?

N.W. Everything will be fine! (She smiles.) So easy.

My decision

How did you decide to create a fund to help children?

NV: In 2004, when the school in Beslan was seized, I was in Moscow. And all these days I spent watching TV. The brutality shocked me. I just couldn’t understand! And when I can’t understand, I need to do something. So, apparently, my mindset works to cope with what shocks me, with which I cannot live. I felt like a huge jolt. I thought: what can I and what do I want to give to the children who survived this tragedy? What can I do for them? For the first time since I left Russia, it made me go back to my childhood, to the little girl that I was. And try to understand how I would help her. Of course, I do not compare my childhood experiences with what happened in Beslan, but it gave me direction. The pain and helplessness that I then felt became a stimulus. Then I did not understand that I would create a fund, I did not know what it would do. I just knew that children should play: the world for a child begins to be built with play. And the opposite of the game is war.

Today Russia is not at war, but do you still think that the state should help take care of children with special needs?

NV: I’m not talking about politics. I just think that only interested people – those who have been affected by this problem and who understand how hard it is to live with it – have enough motivation to deal with this part of society – people with disabilities. Although such a child can be born in any family. At friends. At relatives. Our task is to convey this idea. Today, 70% of such children in our country are sent by their parents to orphanages. And this is unhealthy neither for the whole society, nor for any of us individually. Orphanages should not exist at all – in principle! But then these children need support – and parents, and the state, and charitable organizations.

My character

A girl from the Russian provinces, then a world-famous supermodel – did the changes make you look at yourself differently?

NV: Basically, I have always respected myself. (She smiles.)

Have you had any regrets?

NV: You know, sometimes you light up, spend a lot of time on some not very interesting things … And then you think: well, why did you need this? (Laughs.)

Like what?

NV: Well, let’s say, host the Eurovision Song Contest. No, probably for some reason it was necessary … After all, all our actions make us the person that we are.

What is the best thing to know about you in order to communicate with you?

NV: You have to speak to me directly and frankly. I, like all of us, can not read other people’s minds! If, for example, a person is offended by something, but does not speak, I can’t stand it, neither at work, nor in relationships. Yes, I am Natalia Vodianova, and, probably, this means something, but not for those who are close to me.

“Children should play, their world begins to be built from this. And the opposite of play is war.”

What surprises you in people?

NV: The ability to be generous. Willingness to invest in changing the world. Help someone, support someone. Personally, this is the most important thing. No, money is also very important, but if a person gives his time as well… It is very encouraging and inspiring to me. I meet many such people.

My resources

Today you are 31 years old – what life lesson do you consider the most valuable for yourself?

NV: You know, I am madly in love with life. And if today it ends, I want to know that I did everything possible. Although … There was such a period of time when I missed this feeling. When the meaning left – and it turned out to be the most terrible. As a child, I had an absolutely clear vision of the goal – to survive. Then I went to Paris, a completely different life began, and for several years I enjoyed it. And then the question arose – what’s next? Probably, only after the creation of the fund did I again have this clear vision of the goal, the answer to the most important question – why is this all.

And what is the answer today?

NV: I know how hard it is to work. But if earlier I did it in order to survive, now I have a way, an understanding of why you live every day. I try to use all resources – including my success – to help other girls, boys, their parents. Just to help understand… I feel responsible every day for what I have taken on. But it’s a very positive feeling. What I am doing now brings so much energy, so much inner return…

What motivates you to move forward in life?

NV: Probably my past. My knowledge. Sometimes people try to forget, hide, do not return to the past. But then in their life the connection is lost – the connection with themselves, their way, their essence. Nothing happens to us by accident. Any experience can become a tool to change the world around you. Knowing, you can make a choice consciously. With our experience we are stronger.

my future

How do you see your life in 20 years?

NV: Most likely associated with the fund. You see, my mother was absolutely alone when she faced Oksana’s illness. Now there is more information, many mothers of such children are already different. But I know that somewhere there are others like mine.

You have three children of your own. What would you most like for them?

NV: Health. And realize yourself. Find your own business, which will captivate them as much as mine captivates me.

What would you not want for them?

NV: I think the worst thing is indifference. Life is so rich, there are so many things in it that we do not see! And there is so much more to discover!

Would you like people to remember you in many years? And remember – for what?

NV: I don’t know… I have to think… Probably, I would like someone to say: Natalia Vodianova inspired me and showed me what I can do. It doesn’t matter who I am, but I can.

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