Nasturtium – properties, application. How to prepare a nasturtium tincture?

Nasturtium is not only a pretty ornamental flower that blooms all summer. It is also one of the edible flowers that can be added to salads, cheese and egg dishes, or to decorate a plate with nasturtium heads. You can also make medicinal decoctions, infusions, tonics and even tinctures from nasturtiums. What do you need to know about the health benefits of this plant?

The plant was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors of Peru in the XNUMXth century. At that time, it served both as a medicine and as an element of a meal – this is how the Incas used it. Initially, it was an addition to salads and medicinal potions.

Nasturtium, as we know it today, is the work of Dutch gardeners. It was they who modified the plant discovered by the aforementioned conquistadors and created a larger nasturtium out of it. The new species has orange flowers and longer shoots.

Europeans, unlike the Incas, initially treated nasturtiums only as an ornament. However, it was not a common ornament. It was only planted in luxurious gardens. Its long vines were overgrown with wooden posts of trellises, i.e. garden structures and structures supporting plants. However, over time, the health-promoting properties of nasturtium were also noticed.

Nasturtium looks impressive. Its shoots can be up to 4 m long. You can buy not only classic orange nasturtiums, but also those with orange, yellow and red flowers. Enthusiasts of these plants like them for the interesting shape of the leaves with slightly wavy petals. In Poland, we can find several types of nasturtiums, which include:

  1. greater nasturtium (the most popular in Poland),
  2. nasturtium less,
  3. Canary Island nasturtium,
  4. blue nasturtium,
  5. tricolor nasturtium,
  6. vagrant nasturtium.

Each of them is unique in its own way. Nasturtium flowers come in all shapes and colors. Among them, the Canarian nasturtium stands out the most, with its characteristic yellow “jagged” flowers. They may look like a plume. Canary Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum peregrinum) reach a height of 2 m and grow in moderately fertile soils.

Nasturtium – healing properties

Nasturtium has healing properties, as it contains many mineral salts, vitamins and essential oils. In nasturtium you can find, among others, benzyl isothiocyanate, which has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, so it will work well in preparations treating bacterial and fungal infections. Thanks to the content of myrosinase – an enzyme with fungicidal, bactericidal and virucidal properties, nasturtium juice can also cure herpes, lichen and other dermatoses.

Both the leaves and flowers of the plant can be used to prepare healing baths, soothing headaches and body aches. Baths are especially recommended for people suffering from skin infections, such as psoriasis or acne on the back. Nasturtium has anti-inflammatory properties, so it accelerates the healing of fresh wounds and wounds covered with scabs. In addition, it dries pus from wounds and prevents the spread of infection.

There is also mustard oil in nasturtium. Thanks to him, nasturtium juice has an antiseptic effect. This makes it no less effective in cleaning wounds than, for example, hydrogen peroxide. Perfect for washing minor cuts. Mustard oil also supports microcirculation and is recommended for skin care.

In addition to having a positive effect on acne nasturtium can also improve the condition of your hair. Just take a handful of leaves and pour boiling water over it. When the whole thing is brewed up and cooled down, strain it and pour it into spray bottles. Such a rinse can be treated as a natural hair spray. It should be used for the last rinse of hair after washing. Thanks to this, we will remove dandruff and give shine to the hair.

Nasturtium contains a large amount of vitamin C. Thanks to it, it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, which it strengthens and thus contributes to the increase in the immunity of the entire body. People suffering from respiratory infections are recommended to drink nasturtium juice, which also strengthens the urinary system. However, it is also given to people with scurvy and immunocompromised people.

Nasturtium extract – application

Nasturtium extract, thanks to the sulfur it contains, is a popular preparation for skin care. Lubricating the head with the liquid also strengthens the hair structure, prevents hair loss, inhibits seborrhea and has an antipruritic effect. This is due to, inter alia, from the presence of myrosinase, an enzyme with fungicidal properties. As a result, nasturtium extract is helpful in the treatment of various dermatoses.

Nasturtium leaves are also suitable for making an infusion. For the preparation of the drink, you need to prepare two small teaspoons of nasturtium leaves. It is enough to pour hot water over it and wait 15 minutes. When the infusion is brewed, it should be strained, for example, through a strainer. For flavor, you can add a teaspoon of natural honey. The infusion of nasturtium leaves is helpful in treating throat diseases and coughs. However, it should not be given to children and people with stomach ulcers.

See also what is skin care for the elderly

Nasturtium – recipes

Nasturtium was initially treated primarily as an edible plant. The ground parts are suitable for consumption. It can be added to sandwiches and salads for their spicy taste. Chopped nasturtium leaves, mixed with nuts, go well with pesto and tartar sauce. Recipes with the use of nasturtiums are very popular among vegetarians.

The first recipe worth checking out is nasturtium capers. To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. nasturtium fruit,
  2. cloves, black pepper, allspice,
  3. vinegar (1/2 cup),
  4. water (2 glasses),
  5. sugar (1/2 cup),
  6. 2 teaspoons of salt.

Put the nasturtiums in salted boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Then we take them out of the water and put them in any jar. They can be thrown into one large container as well as several smaller ones. The next step is to prepare the pickle. To do this, pour water, vinegar into the second pot, add salt, sugar and mix. Once the sugar has dissolved, you can remove the pot from the burner and pour the pickle into the container or containers with nasturtium.

Nasturtium can also be used to prepare a paste that can be added to pasta and groats. The paste is also great as a sauce for toasts, crackers and other salty snacks. To make the recipe you will need:

  1. 4 boiled eggs,
  2. mayonnaise (1-2 tablespoons),
  3. nasturtium seeds or leaves (1/4 cup)
  4. cheese.

After cooking, the eggs should be peeled and shredded. Then add them to nasturtium seeds or nasturtium leaves and pour mayonnaise. After mixing the paste, you can sprinkle it with yellow cheese, salt and pepper. An interesting decorative effect is decorating sandwiches, toasts or crackers with nasturtium flowers.

Nasturtium is also a great addition to a variety of salads. Its spicy, slightly peppery taste goes well with mild-tasting vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. We will prepare such a dish in 15 minutes, without the need to use advanced kitchen appliances. To prepare the recipe you will need:

  1. nasturtium (leaves or flowers),
  2. tomatoes (20 grams),
  3. melon (20 days),
  4. cucumber (20 grams),
  5. natural yogurt (1 glass),
  6. spices (salt and pepper, sugar).

A handful of flowers and leaves should be washed, dried and torn into smaller pieces. Mix the chopped tomatoes into eighths with the diced melon flesh and grated cucumber. Pour it all over with natural yoghurt with sugar, salt and pepper. The salad is healthy and low in calories. Instead of sugar, we can use e.g. xylitol.

Nasturtium tincture is a drink that many people like mainly because of its taste. Nevertheless, it also has health-promoting properties. It is recommended for women with symptoms related to premenstrual tension. Nasturtium tincture helps regulate the menstrual cycle.

The ingredients needed to prepare the infusion are:

  1. 400 ml of pure vodka,
  2. 100 g of green seeds or half a cup of nasturtium flowers.

Put the flowers or seeds into a jar and pour vodka over them. Later, let’s put the jar in a sunny place for about 2 weeks. After this time, the nasturtium tincture will be ready for consumption. However, before drinking it, let’s filter the drink and pour it into scalded containers. Women are advised to take it 7 days before their period. Dose – 30 drops, 3 times a day.

The plant likes warm, sheltered and sunny positions. It grows best in moderately fertile soils, because in too rich soils it is less productive, so it produces less flowers.

Nasturtium growers suggest sowing it in April, preferably in the second half. If we are going to grow several plants, remember to keep a sufficiently large distance between them – the optimal distance is from 15 to 20 cm.

The plant likes permeable soil and does not tolerate waterlogged soil. Nasturtiums grow best in nutrient-rich media. Then they have more leaves, although their flowers are small. On the other hand, on a poor substrate, nasturtium flowers grow larger, have more beautiful colors, but have fewer leaves. Nasturtiums do not tolerate transplanting well. Before we sow it, it is worth to precede the activity with a bit more thought.

Nasturtium can be planted both in a pot standing on the balcony and in flowerbeds. However, gardeners suggest that the plant should not be planted in the center of the flowerbed, as it would obscure the remaining flowers. Its great advantage is its intense color. Thanks to it, the plant stands out and composes interestingly with other flowers. This makes the garden look impressive.

There is a belief among novice nasturtium growers that the plant is a natural trap for aphids. However, this is not true. Quite the opposite – it creates good conditions for insects to reproduce. There is oil in its leaves that attracts them.

To prevent the development of aphids, the plant should be sown later, e.g. in the first half of June. At the beginning of spring, the black aphid feeds on plants such as viburnum and jasmine, and then it is transferred to e.g. for nasturtium.

Nasturtium – application in herbal medicine

For many years, the plant has been used by specialists in herbal medicine, especially Andean. It serves as an inflammation-alleviating, disinfecting and wound-healing agent. Nasturtium has unique leaves that are used to prepare an infusion that increases resistance to bacterial infections. What’s more, it removes residual nasal and bronchial secretions. Nasturtium has antibiotic properties.

Nasturtium extract is an effective anti-cancer medicine. The greater nasturtium, popular in Poland, is helpful in the treatment of urinary and genital diseases. In addition, it helps fight infections of the respiratory tract, gums and various inflammations. Both men and women can use it to inhibit baldness and skin blemishes.

Nasturtium is an effective agent used to fight infections such as yeasts. Interestingly, of all the plants that have antibacterial properties, nasturtium is the most effective. It can be used for external treatment. Nasturtium would be more popular were it not for the freshness factor, which is its weak point.

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Nasturtium – reviews

Nasturtium has good opinions about how it works. Nasturtium extract is a component of drugs for heart, lung and kidney diseases. It is also added to preparations for acne, seborrhea and itching, because it has the effect of destroying bacteria that feed in the pores of the skin and feed on sebum. It is one of the best home remedies for acne, especially youthful and common acne. It also fights streptococcus and salmonella bacteria.

Contraindications to eating nasturtium

Not everyone can enjoy the healing benefits of nasturtium. Gastritis is a contraindication to the use of nasturtium-based agents and stomach ulcers. An allergic reaction to this plant may also occur. Even if we do not qualify for the mentioned groups, it is worth consulting the decision to use nasturtium with an appropriate specialist.

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