Nasopharyngitis – References
Scientific writing: Emmanuelle Bergeron Revision: Dr Jacques Allard FCMFC Card created: December 2012 |
ReferencesNote: the hypertext links leading to other sites are not continuously updated. It’s possible a link become not found. Please use the search tools to find the desired information. Bibliography Canadian Pediatric Society. Your Children’s Illnesses – Colds in Children, Caring for Our Children. [Accessed November 29, 2012]. InteliHealth (Ed). Health A-Z — Common Cold (Viral Rhinitis), Aetna Intelihealth. [Consulté le 29 novembre 2012]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Ed). Diseases & Conditions – Common cold, [Consulté le 29 novembre 2012]. National Library of Medicine (Ed). PubMed, NCBI. [Accessed November 29, 2012]. Pizzorno JE Jr, Murray Michael T (Ed). Textbook of Natural Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, United States, 1999. The Natural Pharmacist (Ed). Natural Products Encyclopedia, Conditions — Colds and Flus, [Consulté le 29 novembre 2012]. Natural Standard (Ed). Medical Conditions – Common cold, Nature Medicine Quality Standards. 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