Nasonex for adenoids

Nasonex for adenoids

Adenoids are one of the frequent diagnoses that sound in the office of an otolaryngologist. The disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which leads to breathing difficulties, voice changes, prolonged runny nose, and nighttime snoring. Adenoids not only worsen the quality of life of the patient, but also increase the risk of developing otitis media, hearing loss, contribute to the formation of malocclusion, etc. Most often, children aged 3-7 years old are faced with the disease, although adults can also suffer from adenoiditis.

Treatment with conservative methods is possible only in the early stages of the development of the disease, if the adenoids grow to an impressive size, then they must be removed. Therefore, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

Nasonex is a drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is often prescribed for the treatment of adenoids, which are provoked by an allergic component.

General information about Nasonex

Nasonex is a metered nasal spray containing mometasone furoate as the main active ingredient. The preparation also contains auxiliary components (glycerol, cellulose, polysorbate 80, etc.), but they do not have any significant effect on the course of the disease. Mometasone is a hormonal substance from the group of glucocorticosteroids.

Inside the bottle, equipped with a dispenser, there is a suspension of white color and a homogeneous consistency. You can buy a drug designed for 60 doses and 120 doses.

Effects of Nasonex Treatment

Nasonex for adenoids

Nasonex quickly and effectively removes hyperemia and swelling from the nasopharyngeal tonsil. The drug helps to inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators that the body itself produces, thereby preventing the destruction of lymphoid tissue, as well as its further growth.

This allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Reduce swelling of tissues, facilitate nasal breathing of the patient.

  • Normalize a person’s sleep, relieve him of apnea.

  • Reduce the volume of mucus discharge from the nasal passages.

  • Get rid of otitis as a complication of the disease.

  • Get rid of the symptoms of allergies, itching in the nose and increased release of inflammatory exudate.

  • Release the vomer and choanae, improve aeration at the mouth of the auditory tube.

Sometimes Nasonex allows you to avoid surgery, even if it was prescribed to a patient with the third stage of adenoids.

The spray is applied topically, which makes it possible to create a high concentration of the drug in the sinuses and nasopharynx. Due to this, the therapeutic effect is achieved in the shortest possible time, and the person does not develop complications associated with the use of systemic glucocorticosteroid drugs.

How to use Nasonex for adenoids?

Nasonex for adenoids

Nasonex is a drug for irrigation of the nasal cavity. You do not need to dose the medicinal substance yourself, since the bottle is already equipped with a built-in dispenser.

Before irrigating the nose, it is imperative to clean its sinuses and passages. For this, it is best to use a saline solution. This procedure allows you to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and speed up recovery.

If the drug is used for the first time after opening the package, then it must be “set up”. To do this, perform 10 clicks on the dispenser. Thus, a stereotyped supply of the drug is established. For one irrigation, about 100 mg of the drug is administered, which contains 50 μg of mometasone. Further use of the spray does not require calibration, but it will need to be thoroughly shaken each time before the next dose.

If the drug has not run out, but it has not been used for two weeks, then the vial setting described above should be repeated.

For the treatment of adult patients and adolescents over 12 years of age, it is recommended to perform 2 injections in each nostril 1 time per day. When it is possible to take the symptoms of the disease under control, the dose can be reduced to 1 injection in each nostril 1 time per day.

If the initial dose of 2 injections does not achieve a therapeutic effect, then it is possible to increase it to 4 injections per day. However, the process of increasing the dosage should be monitored by a doctor.

For the treatment of children aged 2 to 11 years, 1 inhalation is administered into each nostril 1 time per day. This process must be carried out under the strict supervision of an adult.

The course of treatment can be quite long and last about a year. If possible, breaks should be taken, that is, the patient receives therapy for one or two months, followed by a rest period of 1-3 months.

Possible harm

Nasonex for adenoids

Most often, the drug is well tolerated by patients and they do not have complaints associated with its use. However, the risk of side effects should not be excluded.

Nosebleeds rank first in frequency of occurrence. Moreover, we are talking about both the obvious discharge of blood from the nose, and the appearance of nasal mucus, in which there are clots and streaks of blood.

Other side effects that may be triggered by the use of Nasonex:

  • Headache;

  • Burning sensation in the nose;

  • The appearance of ulcers on the nasal mucosa;

  • Shortness of breath and bronchospasm are extremely rare;

  • Even less common is a severe allergic reaction (angioneurotic edema and anaphylactic shock), perforation of the nasal septum and an increase in intracranial pressure.

In the course of clinical trials of the drug, it was found that nosebleeds stop on their own and do not differ in abundant secretions.

When not to use Nasonex

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in children under two years of age.

Nasonex should not be used to treat patients who have recently undergone surgery on the nasal passages or have had a nose injury. Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is a contraindication to the appointment of a spray.

Important information

Nasonex for adenoids

The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation when used locally. This allows you to successfully use it for the treatment of adenoids and minimize the risk of side effects. When using the drug in acceptable dosages, its substances in the blood are not determined.

An overdose of Nasonex with its topical application is almost impossible. However, if a dose has been administered that significantly exceeds the indicated values, then it is necessary to seek medical help and spend some time under the supervision of specialists. In general, a slight overdose of the drug is not associated with any complications.

It is not recommended to combine Nasonex with other glucocorticosteroids, as this increases the risk of side effects and may lead to suppression of adrenal function. No interaction with other drugs has been established.

When the treatment of adenoids with Nasonex is delayed for a long time, it is necessary that the patient’s nasal mucosa be monitored by an otolaryngologist. Although no cases of atrophy of the nasal tissues have been reported, nevertheless, the use of hormonal agents is associated with this complication.

During the course of therapy, local immunity is suppressed. This increases the risk of upper respiratory infections. Therefore, the patient should minimize contact with people suffering from viral or bacterial diseases. If the patient’s body temperature rises, there is pain on one side of the face or a toothache bothers, then you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. In this case, the doctor should be informed that the person is using a hormonal drug for treatment.

If during therapy with Nasonex the patient develops a mycotic infection of the nasopharynx, then the use of the drug should be abandoned.

After opening, the drug retains its qualities for two months. Then it must be disposed of. If the tightness of the plastic bottle has not been broken, then the shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

After use, the dispenser must be closed with a cap, which will prevent dust and other contaminants from entering the vial.

Pros and cons of Nasonex

Nasonex for adenoids

Advantages of Nasonex:

  • The drug is equipped with a built-in dispenser, which avoids the introduction of too large or too small a dose.

  • Nasonex has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which occurs already after 12 hours from the first application.

  • The drug acts locally, without having a systemic effect on the body, which is especially important in the treatment of hormonal agents.

  • Nasonex makes it possible not only to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also to treat it (if the pathology was provoked by the allergization of the body).

  • For some patients, Nasonex avoids surgery to remove overgrown tonsil tissue.

  • The therapeutic effect can be felt already 12 hours after the first injection of the drug.

Cons of Nasonex:

  • The drug cannot be purchased without a prescription.

  • The drug is capable of producing side effects, and it also has a number of contraindications.

  • Nasonex inhibits local human immunity, which increases the risk of developing an infection caused by pathogenic flora.

  • The drug is unable to destroy bacteria, fungi or viruses.

  • After opening, the drug can be stored for no more than 2 months.

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