Nasal swab – indications, preparation, course and price of the examination

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A nasal swab is a diagnostic test that detects the bacteria that have infected our nostrils. This test is usually performed when we have long-term infections of the upper respiratory tract and antibiotics do not bring the expected results. How to prepare for a nasal smear and how is it done? How to correctly interpret the results of a nasal smear?

Nasal swab – brief characteristics of the test

A nasal swab is a type of test that diagnoses the type of pathogen responsible for an upper respiratory tract infection. A swab is a microbiological test in which a sample is taken from a specific place in the human body. Another popular test for chronic upper respiratory tract infections is a throat swab. When conducting a nasal swab, a sample of the secretion is taken from the nasal cavity. The human nose is home to many microbes and it should be remembered that not all of them are responsible for the human disease state. If the bacterial microflora is physiologically normal, then no disease symptoms occur. Upper respiratory tract infections are associated with the appearance of pathogens, i.e. pathological, pathogenic bacteria in the normal bacterial flora. Nasal swab is not a routine examination, which means that it is not performed prophylactically. This test is performed at the request of a doctor if he suspects that pathogenic microorganisms have settled in the nasal cavity.

Find out more about swabs. Read: Swabs – what are they and when to do them?

Nasal swab – indications for the examination

A nasal swab is a targeted test. This test is performed to determine the type of pathogen present in the nasal cavity. This pathogen infects the upper respiratory tract and is usually not susceptible to the antibiotics used. Therefore, the indication for nasal smear is long-term and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which in turn are manifested by persistent and lasting runny nose. Nasal swab is also performed to determine carrier status for Staphylococcus aureus, especially its Methicyl Resistant strain. A nasal swab is also ordered during the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, this applies to treatment monitoring and the selection of drugs appropriate for the patient.

Upper respiratory tract infections are often caused by this staphylococcus. The most common symptoms of infection that should lead to a nasal smear are:

  1. chronic fatigue;
  2. skin changes such as redness or abscess;
  3. chronic runny nose;
  4. pain in the nose and throat.

In the case of a staphylococcal infection, it should be remembered that appropriate and prompt diagnosis and implementation of treatment are extremely important. Seemingly harmless infection caused by this microorganism can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, sepsis or myocarditis.

Want to learn more about the symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus infection? Check: Golden Staphylococcus

Nasal swab – how to prepare for the test?

A nasal swab is a painless, although for some patients it is not very comfortable, examination. This diagnostic test can be performed at any time of the day. The material that works best in diagnostics is the one that comes from the earliest stage of the disease. It is important that the patient does not blow his nose or otherwise get rid of nasal secretions before the test is performed. Additionally, two hours before the examination, the patient must not use anti-inflammatory or antibacterial substances, as this will result in a false nasal smear result. The nose can not be lubricated with any ointments or gels, this activity relieving the symptoms of runny nose should be postponed until after the examination. If the date of a nasal smear is scheduled while the patient is taking antibiotics, the test should be postponed and performed before taking any medications or wait 5 days from the last dose taken.

Learn how to prepare for a throat swab test. Read: Throat swab – indications, preparations, course and price of the examination

Nasal swab – description of the examination

A nasal swab is a short, painless and uncomfortable test for some. During the examination, the patient sits on the chair and tilts his head back, and the doctor or nurse introduces a specially prepared stick into one of the nostrils and takes the material. He does the same in each of the nostrils. The sticks with the material collected from the nasal cavity are placed in a sterile package containing a suitable medium for the bacteria to grow. This is the basic version of a nasal smear. It is not uncommon for a doctor to perform a more detailed examination and then an endoscopic method is used for a nasal smear. This type of examination is performed by specialists, usually otolaryngologists. Local anesthesia is used with endoscopic nasal swab as this test may be painful for the patient. Together with anesthesia, nasal decongestants are administered. Endoscopic nasal swab is more reliable because the test material is taken from the paranasal sinuses. Its implementation is recommended especially in cases of acute sinusitis or in the case of resistance to antibiotics.

Read more about the endoscopic method: Endoscopy

Nasal swab – results and their interpretation

Nasal swab results are reported as either positive or negative. The desired result for the patient is a negative result because it indicates that no pathogens have settled in the nasal cavity. A negative result should include: S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis and N. meningitidis. The cytological examination of a human without disease symptoms includes mainly epithelial cells – cylindrical and goblet. Cylindrical epithelial cells predominate. If the culture is negative, your doctor will rule out a bacterial infection, although this may also indicate that the test has not been performed correctly. When your nasal swab test is negative and you still have symptoms, your doctor may say you have a viral infection. Viruses that can cause symptoms similar to bacterial infections include influenza and parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses, and adenoviruses. If the result of the test is positive and the patient cannot show any characteristic symptoms of infection, then the doctor can confirm the carrier. Being carried is not an indication for treatment. If, on the other hand, a nasal swab has been taken for eosinophilia and the result is positive, it may indicate an atopic reaction, which is characteristic of chronic rhinitis.

What is worth knowing about pathogens? Read: Pathogen – what is it?

Nasal swab positive

A positive nasal smear result with symptoms indicates that there are pathogens in the patient’s nasal cavity. In this case, an antibiogram is most often performed during the examination, which allows the doctor to select the appropriate antibiotics to treat upper respiratory tract infections. Antibiogram is a microbiological test that allows to determine to what specific compound pathogens present in the material collected from the patient are sensitive.

What is an antibiogram and how is it performed? Read: Antibiogram

How Much Does a Nasal Smear Cost?

Patients often wonder how much can a nasal swab cost? Under the National Health Fund (NFZ) insurance, a nasal swab is fully reimbursed if it is performed on the basis of a referral from a doctor. However, if the patient decides to have a nasal smear in a private facility, he must take into account additional costs. The price for a nasal swab with an antibiogram varies depending on the city where the test will be performed and the facility selected. The average cost of a nasal swab is 30 to 60 zlotys.

How much do basic blood tests cost in Poland? Check: How much does morphology cost? Basic blood test prices

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