Nasal congestion without runny nose and snot

Nasal congestion without runny nose and snot

Dry nasal congestion is characterized by difficulty in breathing and swelling of the mucous membrane without the flow of nasal mucus. This condition is considered more dangerous than the classic runny nose with copious discharge, as it indicates serious inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Among the common causes of dry nasal congestion are an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane, its mechanical injury, as well as an allergic reaction.

Infectious rhinitis caused by the vital activity of bacteria and viruses is characterized by an inflammatory reaction and the formation of edema of the nasal passages. Inflammation is a sign of the struggle of immunity with pathogens, the activation of protective forces against infection. At this stage, nasal congestion appears, since the mucous membranes swollen due to edema interfere with breathing and create excess pressure.

Mucus secretion is the second stage in the development of the disease. The mucus contains dead bacterial cells and parts of virions. At this stage, a runny nose or rhinorrhea appears – a flow from the nose of a large amount of mucus. This process may be accompanied by congestion and swelling of the mucosa. See also: swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Causes of dry nasal congestion:

  • The disease is not infectious in nature, so there is no need to remove microbial particles along with mucus. The cause of dry congestion in this case may be a chronic disease, mechanical injury, a foreign body in the nasal cavity;

  • Violation of the process of secretion and outflow of mucus. Most often it develops with infectious rhinitis, when the patient breathes too dry air.

Dry nasal congestion without a runny nose develops against the background of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, endocrine dysfunction and hormonal imbalance. Nasal congestion caused by an infection usually lasts no more than three weeks, regardless of whether there is a runny nose.

Causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose

  • Deviated septumwhich may result from trauma or be congenital. The longitudinal ridges formed in this case come into contact with the internal mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, provoking its swelling.

  • Dry air in the room. By itself, this feature of the microclimate cannot provoke a disease, but if the local immunity of the mucosa is disturbed and symptoms of allergic, viral or bacterial rhinitis occur, then the air dries out the mucosa, leading to dry nasal congestion. Sinusitis and sinusitis when flowing in dry air also give symptoms of dry nasal congestion. Humidity indoors in winter with constantly on heaters can reach critically low values ​​of 15-30%. For comparison, the level of humidity in the Sahara during the day is about 25%.

  • In the absence of chronic diseases of the ENT organs, systemic pathologies and infectious lesions, nasal congestion without a runny nose and snot may be a sign of the presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity. The presence of foreign objects in the nose may go unnoticed in young children, who can put small parts of toys, beads, small objects there. However, adults are not always aware of the presence of foreign bodies in their nose – these may be particles of a cotton swab that is inserted into the nostrils to stop bleeding. An object in the nasal cavity irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to its swelling.

  • Vasomotor rhinitis – a consequence of hormonal imbalance or hormonal changes in the body. This phenomenon is common among pregnant women due to fluctuating levels of steroid hormones and is not a health hazard. The cause of vasomotor rhinitis is circulatory disorders of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which can cause constant nasal congestion without a runny nose and snot. Vasomotor rhinitis occurs not only in pregnant women, but also in women on the eve of menopause, as well as in adolescents.

  • Rhinitis medication – nasal congestion, the cause of which is the improper use of vasoconstrictors. It can be observed after prolonged and frequent use of vasoconstrictor drops or as a specific reaction of the body.

  • Posterior rhinitis – nasal congestion is a symptom of a common cold, in which distant parts of the nasal mucosa become inflamed, the resulting mucus flows down the back of the throat, which is why the patient does not have snot.

  • Nasal congestion and rhinitis can be among the side effects of various medications.

  • Polyps in the nose which can develop as a result of adenoiditis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, alcohol and cigarette abuse, diseases of the cardiovascular system, also provoke dry nasal congestion. Polyps often form after injuries to the nose and nasal septum.

  • Dry nasal congestion is one of the stages of acute respiratory infections – usually occurs a day before the transition of rhinitis into an acute form and can be observed for another two or three days until complete recovery.

Diagnosis of nasal congestion without a runny nose

Home diagnostics

Nasal congestion without runny nose and snot

One of the common situations in which dry nasal congestion appears without snot and runny nose is long-term treatment of a cold or SARS with the use of vasoconstrictor drops. In this case, medical rhinitis is diagnosed, associated with addiction to vasoconstrictors (tachyphylaxis) and the rebound effect. Decongestants, which are part of vasoconstrictors, with prolonged use produce the opposite effect, destroying the mucous membrane and causing nasal congestion. It is easy to check whether nasal congestion is really provoked by drug-induced rhinitis: after instillation of the nose with vasoconstrictors, breathing does not ease for 15 minutes, or the effect is mild (at the first stages of addiction). Nasal congestion and the general condition of the patient after the use of vasoconstrictor drops may even worsen – this is a clear sign of drug-induced rhinitis.

With nasal congestion caused by polyposis, the use of vasoconstrictor drops does not give even a short-term effect, difficulty breathing is often accompanied by headaches. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Another important symptom by which you can diagnose the cause of rhinitis at home is the congestion of only one of the nostrils. This clearly indicates a traumatic cause of the disease, the presence of foreign bodies in that nostril, through which breathing is difficult. You can determine this by lying down for 10-15 minutes on each side in turn. If, at the same time, the breathing of one of the nostrils (the one that is higher) is not facilitated, but strictly one-sided nasal congestion is observed, then the point is the presence of foreign bodies, a curvature of the septum, or injury.

Vasomotor rhinitis is more or less typical for most women during pregnancy, at least a third of them suffer from nasal congestion without symptoms of SARS and a runny nose. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own after a few weeks, but sometimes it can continue until the very birth.

Another set of symptoms – nasal congestion, swelling of the nasopharynx, weakness and fever without a runny nose – indicate the development of an infection, the absence of mucous secretions is associated with dry air. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, ensure sufficient fluid intake and an optimal microclimate in the room, and use air humidifiers. With infectious rhinitis, the secretion of mucus is necessary, with it the dead parts of the infectious agents are removed.

If attacks of rhinitis occur naturally under certain circumstances – when a person enters the same room, comes into contact with certain substances – then the cause is most likely an allergic reaction. Allergens can be very diverse: for example, chronic nasal congestion is observed in people sleeping on feather pillows, since bed mites excrement is contained there. Down and feathers themselves can be allergens. A negative reaction is manifested on chalk, asbestos, materials from which furniture and stationery in the office are made, varnishes and paints, detergents. In a dry and warm room, the mucus dries up, and allergic rhinitis manifests itself as nasal congestion, sneezing, pain in the eyes.

If nasal congestion is accompanied by a sore throat and dry cough, then pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or posterior rhinitis may be the cause.

Posterior rhinitis or rhinopharyngitis – inflammation of distant parts of the mucosa, in the first stages passes with nasal congestion and a runny nose, and as you recover, the mucus ceases to be secreted, but nasal congestion and difficulty breathing persist.

Nasal congestion without a runny nose and snot can be observed after taking certain medications (drug rhinitis). A reaction in the form of mucosal edema without the formation of mucus is provoked by steroid-based drugs, antihistamines, antibiotics and antiviral tablets. Also, caution should be taken with medicinal preparations made on the basis of vegetable raw materials, especially with a tendency to allergic reactions.

A rather rare cause of dry nasal congestion is a violation of the cardiovascular system, usually accompanied by headaches. Accurate diagnosis in a hospital setting is essential, as this condition can be life threatening.

Nasal congestion in newborns is not a dangerous sign and is often observed in children in the first months of life. Their respiratory system adapts to new conditions, the nasal mucosa adapts to the environment, during which there may be difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal congestion, accumulation of mucus and its secretion – a physiological runny nose. Babies often breathe through their mouths, not their noses, and sniff loudly. This condition does not require treatment, but just in case, you need to show the child to the doctor. In most cases, all symptoms stop within two months on their own.

Other diagnostic methods require a series of tests, so they are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Even if the cause of dry nasal congestion has been established at home, it is better to confirm the guess with a specialist, since errors in diagnosis and treatment can lead to serious complications from the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Diagnosis in the hospital

The initial examination of the patient in the diagnosis of nasal congestion is carried out using an endoscope, which allows you to determine the presence of foreign bodies in the nasal passages.

A blood test for the presence of antibodies and a study of mucus for the content of immune cells and pus suggest infectious or allergic rhinitis, even if the disease occurs without a runny nose and other accompanying symptoms.

As a result of the diagnosis, the following diseases are detected:

  • Vasomotor rhinitis caused by hormonal imbalance;

  • Adenoiditis and polyposis, which are accompanied by dry nasal congestion;

  • Circulatory disorders in the head area, which provokes mucosal edema and nasal congestion;

  • Sinusitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa;

  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx.

Sometimes nasal congestion occurs not for one, but for a number of reasons. For high-quality treatment, it is necessary to identify all the factors that provoke the disease and eliminate them. A complete diagnosis, which allows you to accurately determine the cause of the disease, is possible only with an ENT specialist.

What is the danger of dry nasal congestion without a runny nose?

In the absence of treatment, nasal congestion can lead to serious complications in the form of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane and impaired respiratory processes. Against the background of dry nasal congestion, secondary chronic diseases of the nasopharynx develop, and irreversible changes in nearby tissues appear.

So, chronic swelling of the nasal mucosa leads to a deterioration in smell, a violation of taste sensations. If the inflammation spreads to the middle ear, otitis and hearing loss are distinguished as complications of dry nasal congestion.

Allergic rhinitis during the transition to the chronic stage can become a risk factor for the occurrence of bronchial asthma. See also: asthma attack.

Nasal congestion, in addition to the pathological consequences for the ENT organs, can become a problem for all human organs and systems, primarily because the process of nasal breathing and sleep is disturbed. Insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression, apathy, exhaustion of the nervous system develop.

Inflammatory diseases of the ears, nose and throat, provoked by chronic dry nasal congestion: pharyngitis, otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the Eustachian tubes.

Nasal congestion in children leads to serious complications in the form of impaired hearing and smell, mental retardation. So, due to hearing impairment, the child cannot fully perceive educational material, lagging behind in development from peers. And this can happen due to a foreign body in the nasal passages not detected in time.

One of the most dangerous complications that chronic nasal congestion can provoke is cerebrovascular accident, which poses a serious threat to life. So, vascular diseases, cardiac disorders, atherosclerosis can manifest themselves as a number of symptoms, including nasal congestion without a runny nose, which is accompanied by a headache. If they are not detected in time, the risk of deadly complications increases.

Nasal congestion treatment without runny nose

Treatment of nasal congestion involves a set of therapeutic measures that can temporarily improve the patient’s well-being and ease his breathing. For this, vasoconstrictors are used – Galazolin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin and others. There is no universal method of treatment – in each individual case of dry nasal congestion, it is necessary to find its cause and draw up a set of therapeutic measures that will permanently eliminate the disease. Otherwise, there will be a short-term improvement, but the swelling of the mucous membrane will resume as soon as the drugs stop working.

In each individual case, whether it is vasomotor, infectious, allergic rhinitis or other pathologies of the ENT organs, a certain type of treatment is required.

[Video] Dr. Berg – Best Natural Remedies for Nasal Congestion:

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