Nasal congestion in a child
Nasal congestion in a child is one of the most common symptoms. Most often, a child complains of nasal congestion during acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Sometimes congestion can occur without a runny nose. Regardless of the underlying cause, this symptom requires treatment.

The main function of the nasal mucosa is the production of mucus. Slime simultaneously performs several functions. It moisturizes the inhaled air, protects the mucous membrane from drying out and helps to remove particles of dust, plant pollen, etc. from the nose. Nasal congestion indicates swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane. It increases in size and blocks the lumen of the nasal passages, which is why the child cannot breathe normally. If you do not take action in time, nasal congestion can become chronic.

Causes of nasal congestion in children

The most common causes of nasal congestion include SARS, allergic reactions, adenoids, anomalies in the structure of the nose, etc. Factors that may predispose to frequent congestion include:

the presence of any type of allergy;artificial feeding;
air pollution, including passive smoking;frequent viral infections;
irrational antibiotic therapy;foreign bodies in the lumen of the nasal passages.

The main signs that a child has a stuffy nose are:

Difficulty nasal breathing;irritability;
the child often wakes up at night;headache and fatigue.
decreased appetite;

How to treat nasal congestion in a child

The most effective method for treating nasal congestion in a child is the use of nasal drops:

  • vasoconstrictor drops in the nose (tizin, otrivin, nazivin);
  • antihistamine nasal sprays (cromol, tizin allergy).

severe congestion

Severe nasal congestion is more common with allergic reactions. In such cases, the cause of congestion is not discharge from the nose, but swelling of the mucous membrane caused by the allergen. If such congestion occurs frequently, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will determine the cause, identify the allergen and prescribe treatment.

Congestion without snot

In some cases, nasal congestion does not accompany discharge. In this case, congestion is usually a symptom of the disease. The most frequent of them:

  • vasomotor rhinitis. This disease can be caused by both infection and allergies;
  • constant exposure to irritants on the nasal mucosa, for example, with air pollution, passive smoking, etc.

Nasal congestion without discharge is accompanied by itching in the nose, frequent sneezing, lacrimation, headache.

Is it possible to use drops for children under one year old

Most nasal drops are contraindicated for children under 1 year of age. Consider what drops can still be instilled in infants.

Quite often, parents have a negative attitude towards vasoconstrictor drops. However, their use is the only way to cope with this disease. But for children under 1 year old, such drops as Naphthyzin and Galazolin will not work. You can use mild drops with a low content of vasoconstrictor, for example:

  • Nazol Baby – contains phenylephrine (0,125%);
  • Nazivin Sensitive based on oxymetazoline (0,01%)

These drops should be instilled no more than 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 3-5 days, as they can be addictive and dryness of the nasal mucosa.

In infancy, preparations based on sea water are also harmless to use, such as:

  • Otrivin Baby;
  • Aqua Maris for children;
  • Aqualor Baby.

These drugs are of natural origin, so they can be used without any restrictions.

Antihistamines should only be used if the nasal congestion is allergic in nature. In such cases, drops that can be used in infants include:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Gistimet.

Prevention after illness

The best way to prevent nasal congestion in a child is to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the room. Room temperature should be maintained in the range of 18-23 ° C no higher.

To maintain humidity, you can use special humidifiers. The recommended indoor humidity is 50-70%.

If a child is concerned about nasal congestion associated with an allergy, it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate it. Most often, the symptoms are provoked by house dust, plant pollen. Therefore, it is important to do regular wet cleaning, to ventilate the room in which the child is located.

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