Narcotic psychosis

Constant exposure to narcotic drugs adversely affects the nervous system, contributes to the occurrence of strokes and brain atrophy. This leads to neuropsychiatric diseases of various forms: epileptic seizures, convulsions, deep depressions, reaching the degree of psychosis.

Drug addiction, that is, the regular use of narcotic substances of various groups: opium, opium derivatives and alkaloids, morphine-like synthetic drugs, poppy heads and poppy straw, hemp, hallucinogens, stimulants of the central nervous system, hypnotics, cocaine and others, lead to psychological and physical dependence, pathological cravings and enthusiasm for the dosages of the drugs used. The results are severe mental disorders and degradation tendencies of the individual.

Phases of manifestation of narcotic psychosis

Narcotic psychosis

Addiction develops over three phases. At the first, adaptive, mental dependence appears and the reactivity of the organism changes. On the second, chronic, the process of physical addiction is completely completed. In the late, third phase, there is an exhaustion of all body systems, a decrease in overall reactivity, and severe withdrawal symptoms.

 With chronic absorption of narcotic drugs, interest in the outside world, social activity, work decreases, libido is leveled. All interests are reduced to receiving the next dose, the patient is not able to control his impulses, his actions become more and more asocial.

Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal) is gaining momentum since the interruption of the use of the drug, which has a depressing effect on the physical and mental well-being of the patient. He feels signs of a cold, indigestion, pain in muscles and joints, slight cramps.

Excitement grows, the patient is not able to fully eat or sleep. In this regard, his desire to obtain a new portion of the drug increases with even greater intensity, aggression is growing. The patient is able to deceive, steal or rob, up to murder or suicide.

Symptoms of drug psychosis

Narcotic psychoses have a different expression. During the effect of the drug on the body due to overexcitation, a good mood can be replaced by alertness, anxiety, excessive suspicion. Paranoid psychosis appears, against the background of which delusions and various types of hallucinations occur. There is a persecution mania, the patient sees everything as hostile, he feels the threat of death or other adverse consequences for himself, because of which he becomes extremely dangerous and aggressive.

Psychosis Magnana

It develops with prolonged use of certain types of narcotic drugs, is greatly complicated by hallucinations, in addition to general anxiety. These hallucinations are visual, tactile and auditory, accompanied by persecution mania, aggression and delusions.

Intoxication psychosis

Usually caused by hallucinogens, it belongs to a number of extremely dangerous conditions for life. Often it is accompanied by hallucinatory disorders that can affect the behavior of the patient in such a way that he brings himself to death without realizing it. Intoxication psychosis includes both an overdose and various types of mental intoxication.

The protranged type manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of a psychoorganic syndrome. Hallucinatory-delusional, catatonic and affective types are much less common. Psychoorganic phenomena sometimes reach manifestations of dementia, with pronounced memory disorders. Absurd behavior, unreasonably cheerful mood is observed. In all types, somatic disorders can be expressed, sometimes accompanied by epileptic seizures.

 Hallucinogens are extremely harmful to the brain: the psychosis that occurs after their use is rather artificially caused and has a detrimental effect even on a previously healthy psyche. There are cases when a single use of hallucinogens, such as LSD, irreversibly damages the brain, leaving indelible imprints on the psyche, indistinguishable from schizophrenia.

A drug addict, along with a long-term schizophrenic patient, is prone to chronic panic, uncontrolled aggressiveness, persecution mania and hallucinations. It becomes problematic for him to perform purposeful actions, cheerfulness is replaced by apathy. Narcotic drugs affect everyone individually and the consequences of their use can be unpredictable, sometimes even fatal.

Psychosis due to carbon monoxide poisoning

It is distinguished by the appearance of convulsions, dilated pupils, tachycardia, loss of consciousness, onset of coma and other external signs. Delirious syndrome often follows the recovery from a coma, usually lasting from one to twenty hours. There comes a clouding of consciousness, hallucinations, disorientation.

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