Narcissus as a hope in the fight against cancer. What other common plants have an anti-cancer effect

Natura is a great pharmacy with an offer that is still not fully researched. Recently, scientists discovered another “product” in it that can help in the fight against cancer. It is an extract of common plants, incl. in our country: narcissists. These flowers contain an alkaloid that limits the growth of cancerous tissue. However, these are not the only plants that contain compounds with strong anti-cancer properties. What other decorations of our fields and meadows can protect us against cancer?

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1/ 6 The hemantamine in narcissus protects against cancer

Hemantamine – this is the name of the compound that is responsible for the anti-cancer effect of narcissists. According to a study published in the journal Structure, it binds the ribosomes of cancer cells, stopping their growth. Ribosomes are protein-nucleic complexes responsible for the production of proteins. When their activity is blocked, the synthesis of cell building material is also inhibited. In this case – cancer cells. Hemanthamine also stops the cancer cells from producing the ribosomes themselves. Scientists at the cancer research center at the Université Libre de Bruxelles have shown for the first time that the action of this compound leads to the activation of a signaling pathway that accelerates the elimination of cancer cells from the body. Narcissists, also known as daffodils, have been used in folk medicine for centuries. They were used, among others for the treatment of whooping cough, asthma, colds, and – externally – joint pain. However, their therapeutic application requires appropriate treatment. Under no circumstances can they be eaten raw.

2/ 6 Arktigenin is responsible for the anti-cancer properties of burdock

Burdock root is one of the most common ingredients in many herbal mixtures touted as anti-cancer agents. However, this is not the result of quackery collusion. Burdock, like many other plants in the Asteraceae family, contains a compound called arktigenin. A 2006 study in the journal Cancer Research found that the substance was cytotoxic to nutrient-poor cells such as cancer cells. Scientists treated several cultures of pancreatic cancer with arktigenin. It turned out that it significantly slowed their growth. The administration of arktigenin to cancerous mice gave similar results. It is also known from other studies that burdock root extract has a beneficial effect on healthy cells, protecting them against the effects of toxic substances. Burdock is a plant used in folk medicine, in which it is considered to cleanse the blood and improve the work of the digestive system. In Japan, burdock is grown as a culinary vegetable. Apparently, its root tastes great in the form of… fries.

3/ 6 Evening primrose polyphenols inhibit the development of prostate and breast cancer

Evening primrose is a plant that we have started to remember in recent years – on the wave of growing interest in herbal medicine. It has been known to folk medicine for a long time, today it is associated mainly with the oil pressed from its seeds, which is used both in preventive medicine and in cooking. Evening primrose arouses interest also in the context of fighting cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, there is currently no convincing evidence of an anti-cancer effect of evening primrose, but there are studies that show such properties. The author of one of them are scientists from the Medical University of Lodz. They showed that the polyphenol extract of evening primrose seeds has anti-migration, anti-invasive and anti-metastatic effects on prostate and breast cancer cell cultures. To put it simply, the polyphenolic compounds contained in evening primrose can inhibit tumor growth and the formation of metastases.

4/ 6 Wormwood owes its anti-cancer potential to artemisinin

For some, the very name of this plant makes you feel like a “twist of intestines”. Wormwood is one of the most bitter herbs known to folk medicine. In Poland, it is a popular remedy for digestive ailments, served as an infusion. It is quite popular in tropical Asia, where it is used as an anti-malaria agent. It also has antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and anticancer effects. A 2004 study showed that artemisinin contained in wormwood had the ability to selectively eliminate neoplastic cells. This compound leads to their apoptosis, or “cellular suicide,” without damaging healthy tissues. In the conclusion of the study, its authors concluded that artemisinin and its analogues could become cheap and easy-to-manufacture cancer drugs. According to later reports, artemisinin has shown surprising effectiveness in dealing with lung cancer. In laboratory tests, this compound, in combination with iron, led to the death of 98 percent. cells of this type of tumor within 16 hours.

5/ 6 The sodium formate present in nettle can help fight prostate and ovarian cancers

Common nettle can also help fight cancer. In natural medicine, it has been considered a “miracle herb” for centuries, helpful in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Used as an infusion, it stimulates the urinary system, relieves kidney stones, soothes the intestines, and protects against anemia, as it is a rich source of iron. It also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, as well as hair and skin. A study by scientists from the University of Warwick indicates that nettle can also be used in anti-cancer therapies. All because of sodium formate – a compound found in the hairs of stinging nettles and … ant venom. It turns out to interfere with the metabolic process that cancer cells use to divide rapidly. Sodium formate converts pyruvic acid to an unnatural form of lactic acid, which leads to the death of the diseased cell. According to the authors of the study, the discovery may have applications in the treatment of prostate and ovarian cancers.

6/ 6 Dehydrocorydalin found in coccoriasis inhibits the development of breast cancer

It is a common plant found throughout Europe and a large part of Asia. Infusions of this herb have a calming effect, relieve stress and symptoms of neurosis. The coconut root has a stronger, analgesic effect. This weed is widely used in Chinese medicine as a means of cleansing the blood of harmful substances and bringing relief from pain during menstruation. He is also interested in science. According to a study published in the journal “Oncology Reports”, the extract of Kokorych inhibits the division of breast cancer cells. All because of an alkaloid with a complicated name: dehydrocordalin. It causes apoptosis in cancer cells, which stops them from spreading throughout the body. However, it is worth warning against careless use of Kokorycz on your own – if taken in excessive amounts, it can paralyze nerve endings and cause vomiting. It should not be given to children or pregnant or lactating women.

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