Narcissistic personality – types, tests, treatment. Narcissus in a relationship and family

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A narcissistic personality is a belief in one’s own uniqueness. Narcissus believes he has more opportunities than the rest of the people. Unfortunately, it is most often associated with arrogance and a lack of empathy for other people. A person with a narcissistic personality is one who is incredibly easy to offend. All this has a huge impact on his relationship with the environment. Narcissus feels offended by even a small criticism directed at him, which makes it difficult for him to persevere in relationships with people.

Narcissistic personality – causes

As for the causes of narcissism, they cannot be clearly indicated. One theory is that the development of narcissism is influenced by the simultaneous action of factors such as:

  1. problems related to the educational process,
  2. genetic burden,
  3. other environmental factors (these include, for example, being a victim of rape or other traumatic childhood experiences).

When it comes to the influence of genes on the development of narcissism, it is evidenced by the fact that many people with narcissism have someone in their family who has had this type of problem before, which in turn means that there is a greater chance of developing a narcissistic personality. In the case of upbringing and the possible occurrence of a narcissistic personality in a child, the parents’ behavior, the way they treat their child, increases the risk.

The occurrence of a narcissistic personality is favored by an attitude characterized by not paying enough attention to the child and being insensitive to the child’s needs. However, the opposite can also be negative when the parent tries to over-control the child and focuses too much attention on it. According to specialists, narcissism often appears in children whose parents are particularly delighted with some of their talents, such as the ability to play an instrument.

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Narcissistic personality – symptoms

Are you worried that you have a narcissistic personality yourself? Then find out what the symptoms are! Narcissism is one personality disorder that is undoubtedly difficult to diagnose. The development of a narcissistic personality is very often associated with genetic burdens and many environmental factors.

Not sure what the symptoms of a narcissistic personality are? The most characteristic symptom is that people with this disorder consider themselves to be much more important than other people. This situation worsens when they deal with less wealthy people or people with a lower social position. Such people take advantage of other people just to get their dream goal. They cannot accept criticism and do not have the ability to critically view themselves.

The narcissist is geared to getting other people to obey his orders. He feels the most important and wants to take the lead in every situation. Additionally, a narcissist is unable to maintain interpersonal relationships. It may happen that he will break a long friendship just because he felt offended by a word – often even taken out of context. Narcissists cannot be empathetic towards other people and never feel sorry for them.

Another symptom of a narcissistic personality is jealousy. Most often it is unjustified. Additionally, the narcissist expects worship from others. He constantly wants to hear how good he is and how perfect decisions he is making. Narcissus is arrogant with other people, which often makes them unwilling to be in his company. You do not need to be a specialist to conclude on the basis of these symptoms that they significantly affect the functioning of an individual in society.

The previously presented features of narcissistic people come from the characteristics of this problem that appear in the American DSM psychiatric classification.

It is worth emphasizing here that people with a narcissistic personality very often also have other problems in the field of psychiatry, e.g. depressive disorders. In addition, a narcissist is a person who has an eating disorder (this is due to their obsession with staying thin and meeting idealized standards of beauty), a tendency to overuse psychoactive substances, or bipolar disorder. Features of other personality disorders (e.g. histrionic, borderline, and dissocial) are also common.

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Narcissistic personality – types

While narcissistic personality disorder can be diagnosed, there is no clinical diagnosis for any subtypes of narcissism. Some types of narcissism have been identified and confirmed in peer-reviewed studies, while other types have been informally named and popularized by various mental health professionals. Therefore, there is no specific number of narcissistic subtypes, although the following four are frequently mentioned.

Types of narcissism – classic narcissus

Classic narcissists are typical narcissists that most people think of when they hear the term “narcissism.” They exhibit attention seeking behavior, tend to boast about their achievements, feel entitled to special treatment, and expect others to bow to them. They don’t really care about anyone but themselves, and they get bored easily when they are not being discussed. They tend to see themselves as superior to most people, but ironically they desperately want to feel important.

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Types of narcissism – sensitive narcissist

The second major type of narcissist is the sensitive narcissist, sometimes also called the gentle, compensatory, or hidden narcissist. Like classic narcissists, they feel superior to most people they meet in their lives; however, they are more introverted and despise being the center of attention. They prefer to be attached to exceptional people rather than seek special treatment themselves.

They are more likely to seek pity from others or flatter and cuddle others, sometimes through excessive generosity, only to get the attention and admiration they desire to increase their self-esteem.

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Types of narcissism – social narcissism

The third major type of narcissist is the social narcissist. This type is a little more difficult to notice at first glance as it focuses on promoting themselves through their commitment to others, shared goals, and their ability to listen and connect with others. They often make donations to charities (or boast about how little they spend on themselves) and spend their time “helping” others. They can talk about their “life mission” or get involved in a cause that will “change the world”.

While they seem disinterested on the surface, all we have to do is take a closer look at them and you may find that they are much more concerned about patting the back for their contribution than the common goal they purportedly pursue.

Types of narcissism – Malignant narcissus

The fourth and final major type of narcissist is malicious or toxic narcissus. They are characterized by their tendency to manipulate and exploit others (usually for pleasure). This type of narcissist tends to exhibit paranoia and antisocial traits not found in classic, vulnerable, or social narcissists. Patients can be ruthless in pursuing their primary goal of controlling and dominating others. They are tricky and aggressive. Worse, they lack remorse for their actions.


It’s important to note that these different types are generalizations and not every narcissist will fit into one category.

Narcissistic personality – test

If we want to check whether a given individual suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, we must perform the test, because these disorders have symptoms similar to other diseases. Are you curious how much of a narcissist you have in you? On the Internet you can find a huge number of tests and quizzes that will answer this question. Only one answer may be chosen for each question. If you have a bit of free time, try doing it and find out what your personality is.

A person with a narcissistic personality is not a suitable partner for a relationship. Such a person will most certainly not pay attention to your needs. The greatest interest will always be in herself, and the best decisions will be those made by her. Narcissus dominates. It is he who always wants to lead the group. He feels he has a mission to fulfill. He has too much self-esteem and does not care about others. If he seems to have an interest in whoever, it is almost certain that he is going to use him for his own purposes.

Narcissists don’t do anything selflessly. His affairs and needs are the most important to him, and he tries to take care of them and satisfy them at all costs. Additionally, a narcissist doesn’t help anyone without expecting anything in return. They are always entitled to rewards and thanks for their help. Remorse is also not in the style of a person with a narcissistic personality. Narcissus does not apologize for his crimes at all – in fact, he thinks that there is nothing to talk about and he does not feel guilty in any way.

When it comes to narcissistic personality in men, it is a common occurrence. In addition, women are initially very fascinated by them, so the narcissist has no problem with the number of partners. Usually, he has a lot of them in his life.

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Narcissistic personality disorder – diagnosis

When it comes to diagnosing people with a narcissistic personality, specialists first try to identify the typical features of this personality in the patient. However, To diagnose narcissism, a series of psychological tests should be performed.

In the case of narcissism, the key is to differentiate the narcissistic personality from other types of personality disorders (e.g. histrionic, borderline, or antisocial personality disorders). Another important part of the diagnosis of narcissism is the exclusion of other mental disorders or behavioral changes related to the use of psychoactive substances.

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Narcissistic personality – treatment

Various types of psychotherapies play a very important role in the treatment of narcissism. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is most commonly used (during psychodynamic therapy sessions, patients with narcissistic personality explore their past experiences, assess the impact of problematic relationships on their lives, and explore unconscious assumptions about themselves and others that support narcissistic attitudes), but cognitive behavioral therapy also brings positive results (thanks to many CBT sessions, people suffering from narcissistic personality disorders can learn to replace pretentious and distorted beliefs with more positive and realistic thoughts), family therapy or group psychotherapy (narcissistic behavior affects both families and individuals, and the involvement of loved ones in the process treatment and recovery can help NPD sufferers understand the real consequences of their self-centered behavior.)

It should be added that pharmacology is also used to treat people with narcissistic personality disorders, but there are really no cures for narcissistic personality disorders. Patients are given preparations, but only when they have other mental disorders (e.g. in people with extremely low mood, they may be recommended to use antidepressants).

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Narcissistic personality – treatment effectiveness

As for the effectiveness of treatment of narcissism, it must be admitted that it is relatively difficult to achieve satisfactory effects of therapy, although the systematic use of treatment and cooperation with a therapist can certainly have positive effects, thus improving the daily functioning of patients.

In the case of narcissism, however, it should be emphasized that the problem does not lie in the method of treatment, but in the patient’s approach, because people with a narcissistic personality very often believe that they do not need treatment and therapy at all. Unfortunately, such an approach may result in later problems with curing such a patient. In such cases, it is extremely important to support the patient’s relatives and encourage them to start treatment and start therapy. Although it is not easy, it can eventually make the narcissist take treatment, which in turn has a positive effect on the life of himself and those around him.

Narcissistic personality – relationships

Relationships with people with narcissistic personalities are quite difficult. Most of the time, the narcissist is dissatisfied with the partner relationship and shows it often. This is due to the fact that the sick person is constantly convinced of his own greatness while devaluing his partner, which in turn makes it impossible for the narcissist to love anyone sincerely (except himself, of course). As a result, the narcissist very often feels the emptiness and nonsense of life. It is also said that people with a narcissistic personality have problems with aggression, not only verbal, but also physical.

Being in a relationship with someone who is always criticizing, demeaning, disrespectful, and not engaging in a relationship with the other person is emotionally draining. Therefore, experts recommend ending such a relationship as soon as possible for your own mental health. Keep in mind that a narcissist is a person who enjoys being around people with confidence issues, manipulating the situation so that others feel helpless and worthless without them.

The first step in overcoming this problem is reminding yourself that you deserve better. In addition, it is worth improving or strengthening your relationships with empathetic friends. Build a support network of some kind with friends and family. The help of a psychotherapist (not only for the partner, but also for us) may also be indispensable. It is important to remember that we cannot help a narcissistic partner change if he or she himself does not sincerely want this transformation.

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Narcissistic personality in the family

One person’s narcissistic tendencies in a family can affect the entire family. It’s common for narcissistic children to be abused or neglected. Some researchers argue that family members take on predictable, stereotypical roles.

For example, a person who is married to a person with narcissism very often justifies the behavior of the narcissist. Such people may think that the narcissist has a good reason to behave the way they are. Sometimes family members (usually children) take on the role of a scapegoat, being blamed for whatever the narcissist does and whatever is “bad” in the family.

Narcissists can strongly influence their own children, and it happens that they choose one to pamper and give praise, which, in turn, is not received by other children and family members. This can cause conflict between family members and be used by the narcissist to manipulate the family and make them feel guilty. When a favorite child deviates from the idealized role assigned to him by a narcissistic parent, then he himself may become the target of the narcissist’s attacks, that is, the scapegoat. Roles can change over time and circumstances. People often enter certain roles to deal with a difficult situation for them without being aware of their decisions.

It should also not be forgotten that children brought up in narcissistic families can grow up to be narcissists on their own. Sometimes it also happens that children of narcissistic parents become extremely sensitive to the needs of others. This allows the child to show the narcissistic parent the admiration and attention they crave, but at the cost of their own development. These children can grow up to be adults who unconsciously look for other people’s parents as parents from whom they could receive the love and acceptance they desire. This makes them vulnerable to further abuse by people with narcissistic personalities.

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Narcissistic personality at work

At work, narcissists seek admiration and recognition at the expense of others. They can:

  1. take the credit of others;
  2. gain the respect and trust of respected people at work, such as managers or directors;
  3. influence your coworkers negatively by trying to gain admiration or attention.

Narcissus can have a disastrous effect on the workplace. Some employees may see the narcissist as a friendly and hard-working colleague, while others may fear the same person as the source of their problems.

Some people with a narcissistic personality are able to take advantage of work by tickling their narcissistic ego, which enables them to achieve excellent results at work. Others, on the other hand, may be unwilling to work or have a grudge against their job – especially if it does not strengthen their self-esteem.

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Narcissistic personality disorder – other disorders

People with a narcissistic personality disorder very rarely exhibit the features of only one particular disorder, and in most cases mixed symptoms can be observed. For this reason, in the diagnosis of narcissistic personality, attention should be paid to other types of personality disorders. We can sometimes deal with the following types.

Narcissistic personality combined with historical features,

A narcissistic personality combined with historical features, where the patient is often seductive and charming. This is due to physical attractiveness and the ability to fit into any situation. For such a narcissistic person, their outfit and outward appearance will be very important. The patient without any major problems will establish contacts with the opposite sex and seek to satisfy his sexual needs, although he will not be interested in any close relationship with another person. It is others who should adore the narcissist, convincing him of his attractiveness all the time.

It should be added that this type of narcissist usually gets into affairs, even with several people at the same time. Another important point is that at some point you may feel void and become depressed.

When it comes to depression in the case of a narcissistic personality, it should be added that usually the patient develops slightly more depressive mood than episodes of major depression. However, depression in the case of narcissists is so important that it can serve to control the environment, forcing others to support, pay attention or comply. It should be added that with age, the patient may slowly begin to realize what his life was like, which may in turn lead to a life crisis. The narcissist will believe that his life was only an illusion, and this in turn may lead to a situation in which the sick person will attempt suicide.

Narcissistic personality combined with avoidant personality

A narcissistic personality combined with an avoidant personality, in which the patient is extremely sensitive to the reactions of society (including criticism). This type of narcissist can take offense if he hears any negative statements about himself, and because he is quite unforgiving, it is difficult to forgive him. A sick person can escape to his dream world, where he imagines himself as someone wonderful, unique and special.

Narcissistic personality disorder with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Narcissistic personality with obsessive-compulsive disorderwhich is related to the feeling of having to strive for the ideal and perfection.

Narcissistic and paranoid personality

A narcissistic personality combined with a paranoid personality, where the patient is characterized by arrogance in relation to the environment, as well as a sense of greatness and entitlement.

Narcissistic personality – addictions

According to specialists, people with narcissistic traits very often abuse alcohol and psychoactive substances. In this way, they relieve tensions, negative emotions and experience feelings of inferiority. In addition, stimulants provide a strengthening effect, enabling the reconstruction of illusions and restoring positive feelings, especially alcohol and cocaine, which give energy and self-confidence.

Narcissistic personality disorder – history of the disorder

In the 1967s and 1968s, the psychoanalysts Otto Kernberg and Heinz Kohut helped spark more interest in narcissism. In XNUMX, Kernberg described the “narcissistic personality structure”. He developed a theory of narcissism that suggests three main types: normal narcissism in adults, normal narcissism in children, and pathological narcissism, which can be of different types. In XNUMX, Kohut developed a different understanding of “narcissistic personality disorder” and took over and developed some of Freud’s earlier ideas about narcissism.

In 1980, narcissistic personality disorder was officially recognized in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder and the criteria for its diagnosis were established. In the last edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (DSM-5) classification of mental disorders there was a debate on how to deal with personality disorders, but narcissistic and other personality disorders remain relatively unchanged in their diagnostic criteria from the previous edition.

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