Names for boys cats
Of course, the name for a boy’s cat should be beautiful and rare, so that everyone immediately understands how special a creature lives in your apartment.

Looking at a baby that still fits in the palm of its owner, it is difficult to understand what the character of an adult cat will be like, so it is best to choose a name for a mustachioed pet by the color of the kitten’s coat or by the distinctive features of its breed. And, of course, the name for a boy cat should be beautiful and rare, so that everyone immediately understands how special a creature lives in your apartment.

How to come up with a name for a cat boy

The most common name ten years ago for a cat boy Vasily today has become almost exotic. You can still meet Vaska, perhaps, in rural areas, where cats are treated quite utilitarianly as rodent exterminators and do not think much when choosing a name. City cat owners, especially owners of pedigree male cats, are another matter. Here the fantasy of cat lovers knows no bounds – the mustachioed get not only rare and beautiful names, but also patronymics with surnames. 

According to the results of research by felinologists, cats remember the first sounds of words best, so the name for a boy’s cat should ideally be no longer than three syllables so that the animal can distinguish it well among the stream of the master’s speech. According to the same scientists, cats actively respond to hissing sounds, as well as the sounds “r” and “m”, therefore it is desirable that such sounds be in the name of the cats. But the intonation of human speech is more important for cats, therefore, when accustoming a kitten to his name, pronounce it affectionately with love, and then your baby will quickly orient himself and begin to respond with joy to any nickname, even the longest and not hissing. 

So what to focus on in order to come up with not only a rare and beautiful, but also a suitable name for a boy’s cat? While your pet is still a baby, it is not always possible to understand what character and disposition he will have in his mature cat years, it is likely that a clumsy Dumpling will grow out of a nimble Lace. Therefore, the surest way to pay attention to the color of the boy’s cat and the characteristics of his breed. As a rule, thoroughbred cats purchased in catteries already have the names indicated in the documents. Most often they are quite cumbersome and difficult to pronounce. But on paper, your cat can be called anything, but for everyday communication, you can come up with a more appropriate name for him.

We select the color of wool

Coat color is a great guide for choosing a beautiful and rare name for a boy cat. Firstly, it will definitely not change with age, and a red or black kitten will definitely become an adult cat of the same color. In addition, there are many options to reflect the color of the boy’s cat in his name: from a direct indication of the color, moreover, in tongue wounds, to the selection of natural phenomena or well-known objects that are associated with a particular color.

We select by type of breed

An excellent guide for choosing a name for a cat boy can be his origin. Each cat breed has unique external features: the structure of the muzzle and body, the quality of wool or its absence, the shape of the ears, tail, and so on. These features can be embodied in the name of the boy’s cat. In addition to external signs, representatives of different breeds have certain character traits and demeanor, which can also become the basis for choosing a name for a cat boy. In addition, each breed of cats has a homeland – the country from which the breed spread throughout the world. Concepts, people, historical events that serve as symbols of the ancestral country of the breed can become one of the names for male cats.

scottish fold 

When choosing a name for a boy’s Scottish Fold cat, you can focus on his unusual appearance: soft short fur, large eyes, short ears pressed to his head, large plump body and come up with a suitable nickname.

Or pay attention to Scotland – the birthplace of these handsome mustachios – and choose a name for the cat, remembering the symbols of this harsh island country.


British cats are famous for their equanimity, complaisant character, velvet coat, usually blue-gray, and very solid size. All these features can become the basis for the name of a boy cat.

And, if you remember that the country of origin is Great Britain, then there is a huge field for fantasy, because this country has a centuries-old history and culture, and the choice for the name of a cat boy is huge.

Maine Coon

This breed of cats was born in the US state of Maine, which is recorded in its name, so the realities of American life, as well as its historical events and famous residents, can become the basis for choosing a name for a cat boy.

But do not ignore the fact that Maine Coons are the giants of the cat world, the largest breed of domestic whiskers. Solid size and a pronounced sense of dignity can be reflected in the name of the boy’s cat.


The appearance of the most unusual breed of domestic cats with a completely absent coat requires the same unusual name, which would reflect all the features of these “leather” pets. 

You can play with the name of the boy’s cat and the name of the breed, which sends us back to Ancient Egypt, although the bald cats themselves were first bred in Canada. And in ancient Egyptian mythology, there are plenty of beautiful and rare names for cats. 

Siamese cat

The birthplace of Siamese cats is exotic and picturesque Thailand, where the jungle, islands and snow-white beaches create a paradise on earth, there is no reason to choose a suitable name for a cat boy. 

But do not forget about the outstanding appearance of Siamese cats: magnificent color-point color, blue eyes and incredible grace. All these qualities can be reflected by choosing the appropriate name for the boy’s cat. 

bengal cat

The Bengal cat breed is a hybrid of a domestic and wild Bengal cat that lives in the forests of South and East Asia. And in the character of the Bengals, the features of their wild ancestors are still strong, which can be reflected in the name for the boy’s cat.

From forest cats, domestic Bengals got a magnificent camouflage coloration and slightly slanting eyes with a penetrating gaze, which gives them representatives of the Asian continent. These features can be useful when choosing a name for a cat boy.

By appearance:

Sapphire, Assam, Cashmere, Ganges, Hindi

By origin:

Hunter, Hurricane, Osman, Raja, Tamerlane

Popular questions and answers

We talked to experts about how cats react to their name: cat behavior correction specialist Nadezhda Samokhina и animal behavior and training specialist Anastasia Kalinina.

What should be the name for the cat to respond to it?

– It is desirable that the home nickname consists of 2 – 3 syllables, – advises Anastasia Kalinina. – It is recommended to avoid hissing sounds, but cats like whistling sounds. And the traditional combination of the letters “m” and “r”, reminiscent of a purr.

Will a cat respond if given a new name?

– Yes, the cat will respond, but after some time. Each interaction with an animal must be accompanied by the use of a new nickname, advises Nadezhda Samokhina. – From time to time it is worth trying to call the cat with the help of a nickname and reward him for coming up with a treat. Naturally, it will take time and patience. But cats learn pretty quickly.

At what age does a kitten respond to its name?

“In principle, if a kitten was given a name at an early age and they constantly encouraged a reaction to this name, then by 3-4 months it should respond, but these are approximate dates,” says Nadezhda Samokhina. All cats are different.

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